Quick Update

To anyone reading, greetings.

I want to let people know that I haven’t been able to access my e-mail for a while, so don’t bother trying to get a hold of me that way, and I’m sorry if I missed an e-mail you sent.

If you’d like to get a hold of me the best way is to simply comment on my site. Trolls not welcome.

Here are some interesting links:

Comment on curse words / supposed “hate” words.

Comments I made over at ZCF’s website on overall strategy, the kind of stuff I plan to continue writing about in the future. I apologize that not all the comments are intact because Mr. Fuerza became upset when a needless argument he started wasn’t going his way, but no worries, all will come to light in due time.

And here is the full text of a comment I made in response to a reader’s input regarding my new perspective:

I’ve realized this isn’t really about gentiles and Jews. Lesser ‘Jews’ are as much slaves to Jewish leadership as ‘Gentiles’ are. They’ve just been brought up under a much more effective morality than what ‘Gentiles’ have been brought up under. Jewish intelligence may naturally be higher than your average Gentile but probably not much higher than your average white, and when it comes to Jews vs. Germans the innate intelligence is probably about equal or even favoring the Germans, which is why Germans are the Jews’ primary targets: we are a serious threat with our many geniuses esp. with our ability to see through Jewish facades due to our natural penchant for philosophy and fact. I suspect a lot of what the “Jewish” elite possess in brainpower today is due to intermingling with Germans (and other “elite” “Gentile” families, powerful Jews tend to intermix with powerful Gentiles with similar traits, which clearly is a very successful mating strategy).

Really overall although there are significant differences in the races, the key here is culture. And of course, since the Ashkenazi have been following Judaism for at least a thousand years, it has seeped into their DNA. And since whites have been following Christianity, a severely flawed religion developed by Jews to make “Gentiles” weak, I’m sure some of that stupidity has seeped into our DNA as well.

Even despite the genetic differences that have seeped in over the years DUE to the culture, the real key here is the CURRENT culture, the moral philosophy, which defines the Jewish worldview. Here is an example of how very small words can have a large impact on a people’s behavior, from Samuel Roth’s Jews Must Live:

“I have the same objection to Yom Kippur (Day of Forgiveness) that I have to the Catholic
institution of Confession. It breeds instability of mind and character. If a man knows that
no matter how badly he behaves a whole year, no matter what crimes or iniquities he
commits, a day is sure to come when all his transgressions, civil and criminal alike, will
be forgiven him, it is only human that he should be tempted to do rash, violent things to
promote his worldly fortunes.

In the three prisons in which I have sojourned as the result of my forced association with
Jewish lawyers and Jew-controlled courts, I found the overwhelming number of habitual
criminals to be Catholics and Jews. The Catholic knows that he can clear himself of
anything by the simple act of going to Confession. But the Jew goes the Catholic one
better. He denies, by his recital of Kol Nidre, even before he undertakes it, any possible
responsibility in crime. Can it be doubted what a fearful influence for evil this must exert
on his character as a citizen and as a human being?”

My worldview is drastically different than the worldview of your typical peon, and so our actions and reactions are wildly different. The worldview, the culture, the morality, those are the real keys. And when one worldview is sane and the other is insane, the ones who are sane are going to be much better off, and their children who grew up in a sane morality from birth will be even better off, with fewer delusions. What is sane? Sane is what is successful, long term.

Continuing on, the hierarchy is Ashkenazi leadership (with some similarly evil smart whites in the mix) who rule over the lesser “Jews” who are their slaves, and these lesser Jews rule over the “Gentiles”, who are slaves of slaves. The Jews are basically the overseers, but they are slaves themselves. Lesser Jews actually think they’re superior innately because this is what they’ve been taught, but in reality they just were born into a more sensible religion and morality, Judaism, which makes it easy to manipulate dumb Gentiles full of delusions. To them, it seems like Gentiles for the most part must be complete morons, because they are full of so many delusions. In reality, these lesser Jews would behave, for the most part, just the same as Gentiles if raised the same way. And lesser Gentiles, like the idiot masses, would behave for the most part just the same way as “Jews” if they were raised in Jewish culture/morality.

So when I said this was about Jews and Gentiles, I was wrong. This is about sane and insane moralities. This is about truth, about what works for a people and what does not.

Rest assured, the ones who will truly benefit from this in the long run are the “elite” Jews and Gentiles who manipulate the dumb masses, be they Jew or Gentile. Really even the terms Jew and Gentile themselves are misnomers, further delusions.

Anyhoo, there are some people out there who are blessed to be able to see through these lies upon lies, but don’t feel they want to be part of the current “elite”, and probably never could. One choice for us would be to do as the Jews do, and join up with them. But that would be difficult because as I said, the Jewish masses aren’t really any less retarded than the Gentile masses, and they wouldn’t hear what we have to say. Only Jewish leadership could understand us, and they don’t want more competition to deal with, so they wouldn’t let us into the trusted “elite” ranks. We’d be stuck in the ranks of lesser Jews until we or our children demonstrated our value by making lots of money and ripping people off, and being loyal to the Jews, which really means being loyal to the Jewish elite at the top. So again, we’re slaves who are begging to sit at the master’s table, and I see no reason I’d want to serve like that.

The only option I see left is to do what the German philosophers like Nietzsche did, and spread what truth we find across the land. That way, if enough truth gets out, perhaps we’ll reap our vengeance on those who have done us wrong, when a hundred or a thousand years from now a piece of truth we told is utilized by someone of similar intelligence to tear down the “elite” and build something better. If more people valued truth and had the capacity to see it fully, we could really make a rather beautiful world.

They will try to stop us, as if any significant portion of the population really understand these truths, they’d be a real threat to the Jewish leadership, who can only survive on the backs of ignorant lesser Jews below them, who in turn can only survive on the backs of ignorant lesser Gentiles below them.

So my plan is simple. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. However, I won’t be doing it here, as this website represents my introduction into the Jewish problem and my journey finding the truth of Xtianity etc. I needed some time to work through things and get past the Jew/Gentile facade, and I’ve done that.

How does one tell the truth, when everything is so relative? Simple. Some things work for ‘a people’, others do not. Some strategies, some moralities, will kill a people off, and some will make them conquer the world. Liberalism and Christianity are examples of the former, while Judaism and Roman (prior to Xtianity) cultures are examples of the latter.

Rome had weaknesses which were exploited; it was vulnerable to lies. The “New World Order” also has weaknesses; it is quite vulnerable to truth. However those in charge of the NWO are aware of this weakness and take great efforts to prevent truth from getting out there (the first step) and (most importantly) to prevent truth from being absorbed by a significant number of the people.

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81 Responses to Quick Update

  1. Anonymous says:

    I came across your site by accident, searching for any comments by Anglin on William Pierce and I noticed you had Anglin in the bad books but also Yeager and Kevin MacDonald…
    You make a good impression intellectually and I’m a youngish white male who has had a somewhat similar experience in terms of the ”awakening” progression and so I’m interested in your take on these people. It’s extremely hard to find white ”patriots” to trust, the confusion is just absurd, with opinions swinging wildly on figures. David Duke is apparently both ”great” and a gambling, hooker- loving, money-grubbing opportunist … even Pierce who I have a lot of respect for was badmouthed by someone close to him and who can say where the truth lies there …. and so on.
    As for these characters, Anglin does come across as rather intelligent but I have noticed some red flags. Not sure what to make of him.
    And what exactly were your problems with Yeager and MacDonald? Yeager can be a little annoying but her work with the White Network is very helpful … I did hear her say she would give up a lot of the ”women’s rights” to get back the society we had, so I don’t really consider her a feminist. Did you have problems with her? MacDonald came across as one of the most genuine figures going around … I’m surprised to hear you had problems there as well apparently.

    Last of all I just wanted to say something about Christianity. I’m not a Christian and I do have misgivings about its origins but I don’t believe the traditional European Christianity to be Jewish or destructive to Europeans in the sense it is now. What I’ve noticed reading old texts, medieval fiction/mythology etc. is that the old/original form of European Christianity was nothing like we see now. It was hierarchical, strong, even brutal. Equality was nowhere to be seen. Merit/right of rule was considered God given. The poor/weak were expected to be treated decently but not artificially evened out. These Christians ferociously protected their own territories, their own people. They didn’t blindly ”love thy neighbour” and drag wretched third-worlders into their walls in suicidal fashion. They didn’t pander to muslims, they drove them from Europe. They didn’t pander to Jews, they kept them in ghettos, taught whites to be wary and drove Jews out from time to time also.
    My point is that I think up until fairly recently in our history Christianity was actually a strengthening feature for us and I don’t think it served Jewish interests at all. Christians seemed to be outright hostile towards Jews.
    I think the Jewish pressure and liberalism etc. ended up corrupting this religion into the modern form and making it a compliant liability. Certainly now it’s more or less destructive in its mainstream form. But I don’t believe this was always so.

    • j3133 says:

      I appreciate your comment. It’s hard these days, when you’re trying to save humanity and nobody seems to support you. Sometimes I think they probably deserve all they are getting, since they shit on their real prophets and philosophers. Slave away at a J O B and stop focusing on all this “unimportant” stuff. It’s such a struggle to stay sane in a world where the truly good are shit on non-stop. But that’s life, and life is worth living. We have to try to stay positive, and find our way, enjoy life, and not delve into nihilism and hedonism. Only on the internet have I found even, maybe, one or two people who I can get along with. It’s hard doing the right thing when you have zero support. And I know that even if I can complete my life’s work, so few will likely ever see it or care. But you never know… words have great power.

      I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

      I don’t really know much about David Duke but I’ve heard some things. I don’t really trust any of the popular fellows like him because to make a living doing this shit, you have to sacrifice truth for popularity and marketing. It becomes a game, a sideshow.

      Regarding Pierce, yes he was nothing but another “academic” sitting on his ass calling people of action “not serious”, the same kind of stuff ZCF does. He was controlled by the USGov just like the Prothink boys. False fronts to keep us impotent. If you listen to Pierce’s audio clips, you can hear the hatred in his voice. It never suited me. And that’s why we need to trust our instincts, like I say in the article I have in the sidebar. You can tell a great deal about a person by your natural impression of them, especially once you have the knowledge base to allow yourself to purge delusional thinking and see people for what they really are. I’ll just copy-paste the notes I have on Pierce at the end of this comment. I’d actually like to update my sidebar to reflect the fact that Pierce was a fraud, but I don’t really plan on staying here at j3133.wordpress.com much longer, or at least I don’t plan on keeping the site up to date, so it isn’t a priority for me. Martin Lindstedt, who I quote below, is a DSCI (Dual-Seedline Christian Identity) preacher, and though I considered the possibility for a while that Christianity could be true, because I had to consider every possibility, even those I don’t care to, to find the truth, now I know for certain it’s a lie. Whatever gods we may have, they aren’t spoken of in the Bible. Anyway I think Martin is touched, and he has a similar ability to mine to see through to the hearts of people. But he speaks in riddles, which is due partly to being a genius in a world against all that is good, against all he does, and also I’m sure his forced imprisonment and torture in a “mental institution” pushed him over the edge. However, they weren’t able to take his will from him, and that is why his genius still shines through. Some “serious” fools would rather just call him a “CI nutter” and dismiss him outright without cause, because they are just afraid to be associated with anyone who might make them look bad, for they care more about social fucking acceptance than about fixing this scummy world and saving the future. They think they can play the marketing game and not touch on the full truth because they’re afraid to offend the brainwashed many. Most of them are cowards. Certainly there is a place for those sort of folks, but not if they’re going to attack those who tell the full truth. You’ll note that Jews work together, taking on ALL various roles, to push an agenda. They know that every movement needs the “extremists” to push the envelope and the “moderates” to cover the other bases, heck they even control the opposition. But every one of them has the same end goal in mind, so they don’t needlessly attack each other. Anyway, Martin is insightful.

      Just looking at Andrew Anglin you know he’s not to be trusted. Cold, dead eyes. I also find it hard to believe he’s really the one writing on his website. Either he has ghostwriters (probably government) or he has a keen knack for marketing bullshit platitudes, which his facial appearance does not indicate whatsoever. He looks like a brutish thug. But you never know. What I do know about him is he censored me outright simply for disagreeing with his bullshit about how anyone who doesn’t share their full real name isn’t “really” here for truth, and should be shunned. All because he wanted to defend Mike Delaney when he stole ZCF’s website. NEVER trust an individual who censors honest disagreement rather than solely censoring those who are against truth, like shills who support Jews. Those who silence allies are not really allies at all. The truth can defend itself. If someone is so afraid to hear dissent that they much censor you, that generally just tells you they care more about appearing to win a silly argument than about the truth. That’s what ZCF did, and I still plan to put the full discussion out there, since after I pointed out his logical fallacies as I requested, he wouldn’t approve anymore of my posts on some pretext. And that was a fight he started in the first place. So I guess you have to watch out for people who throw out accusations that others are “juvenile” and “not serious”, then resort to constant name calling and censorship themselves.

      Yeager is a feminist cunt. So are the fools at Stormfront, they even have a women’s forum run by a cunt who bans men who post there. Read my article on achieving victory for details about my stance on men and women, which is based in fact. I started my journey for truth seriously after I learned two great lies and realized there must be more. The two great lies were feminism and modern “medicine” (pharmaceuticals). So I got started in the “men’s rights” arena, and learned a great deal, changing my views drastically to reflect reality. I’m lucky to have the right mind to be able to let go of my delusions, and I was able to learn from even those I disagreed with, because my goal was always truth, truth, truth. Even so, it was a 5 year journey to actually get to a place where I feel like I’ve come into my own, and to have the courage to look into “conspiracy” and the Jewish question, which I avoided for a long time. Now it all makes sense.

      I’ll add some notes regarding Yeager and pals at the end.

      MacDonald has the same problem ZCF does: a great ability to research a specialized topic fully, but he’s an academic, not a philosopher, so he won’t ever grasp the bigger picture, and he doesn’t want us to either. He thinks being “serious” means sitting on your ass playing the political game at university, and he holds far too many stupid liberal views. Most people do today.

      In general I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone without majority German ethnicity that can get the big picture like Germans. Generally I get along with Irish folk but they don’t really seem to have the same talent for philosophy, which is really what this is all about. I suggest you read the comments I made at ZCF’s site which I linked in my original post for more info. I never got into this arena because I cared about being white or about being German, but what IS true is that because I’m German, I care. And I am learning more and more that the less German in someone, the less they tend to agree with what I believe, through my research, to be true. They just don’t have that ability. Even most Germans don’t. But there are enough that the Jews decided to kill off as many as possible, because they knew as well as I do that Germans, with their penchant for philosophy, their genius, and their great hearts, made them the gravest threat.

      I dug up the link that revealed some things to me about MacDonald, and I also noticed some about Greg Johnson:

      As for MacDonald, I mainly think he’s a pussy. Here’s an example:

      MacDonald: The resulting anger leads them at times to go beyond the evidence and to make accusations that are not true or are at least overly general. Mr. O’Connell also has a very blunt, street-fighter style that doubtless makes his statements offensive and unappealing to educated people. For example, in the video, he repeatedly calls his accuser “a racist, homicidal maniac.” Nevertheless, a careful perusal of Mr. O’Connell’s work shows that he is well-informed on the issues. Many of the links he uses are, in my view, entirely appropriate and show someone who has thought long and hard about these issues. And he is aware that whatever his sufferings, they pale in comparison to the suffering inflicted on the Middle East where, as he notes, “1500 Gazans are dead; 1 million plus Iraqis.”

      So you see here he argues like a bitch, and he’s pompous, which is why he mentions how blunt, honestly, manly, TRUTHFUL speech is “offensive” to prissy little liberal “educated” folks. I say truthful because, as I argued in the ZCF link with my comments, just because something is a generalization doesn’t make it less than fully true. And “racist, homicidal maniac” is indeed an accurate description of the types of people who are against us. Fellows like Brendon O’Connell, like me, know how to read people, we know how to see into the motivations, and that is vital in achieving success.

      Here’s more from MacDonald in that same article: “His statement that Jews have “total domination of the planet” is the type of exaggeration typical of someone who is aware that Jews are indeed quite influential and powerful but goes beyond the available evidence.” What kind of asinine statement is this? Of course that statement is accurate. And of course the evidence fucking supports it. These academic clowns like MacDonald spend their whole life living in a fantasy world where you can NEVER say anything unless you have documented evidence. You are not allowed to use inductive reasoning to point out what must be true based on the evidence. Apparently their minds were so warped by modern education that they gave up on being able to reason effectively without all the information, which means they’ll never grasp the big picture. Here’s the Wikipedia link on inductive reasoning, though I’m sure it is biased against the use of it because it’s a danger to Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductive_reasoning

      Here’s more: his allegedly saying he wanted Jews “wiped out” are the sorts of thing that, if true (and, of course, he denies it) are completely unacceptable.

      Oh really Mr. MacDonald? You see, these prissy feminized liberal “academics” still think that it’s even possible for Jews to live amongst us and NOT harm us. It’s either us or them in the long run. And with foolishness like this, and the non-violence crap (see http://www.jack-donovan.com/axis/2011/03/violence-is-golden/ for why this is stupid), we’ve already lost.

      To me MacDonald comes across as a prissy, pompous aloof fellow, and another reason I think this is that when I e-mailed him personally to discuss things, he (apparently) ignored it outright, not even deeming it with a reply. That’s because he’s a little too “educated” to listen to someone who doesn’t talk like he’s a robot, who actually has passion in his words. You can’t even talk real psychology with the motherfucker because he’s the sort that expects you to have memorized every “academic” term rather than talking in normal everyday language.

      Then there’s this: “Further, Mr. O’Connell’s use of the term “Holohoax” is needlessly offensive and is an example of the tendency to overattribute malevolence, resulting in misstatements of fact.” More of the same.

      Now it is possible that MacDonald is saying what he says here because he think it will be an effective way to convince your average idiot that the guy he’s defending is worth defending, but I highly doubt that’s the whole reason. To at least a certain degree, MacDonald is another prissy academic with angst toward real men who speak blunt truths, a wimp, a bitch. That’s at least how it appears to me.

      You see, fellows like MacDonald just don’t get it. He still thinks he can abide by Jewish morality and law, and accomplish something. But as I said in the ZCF comments, if you abide by this modern backwards morality, it is IMPOSSIBLE to fight it. The morality leads, all the rest follows.

      But MacDonald and the like, just like ZCF, just like so many others, care more about impressions than about full blunt 100% truth. They play the game, they abide by the rules, they live within the system, they’ll never change it.

      More from Micky D: Mr. O’Connell often refers to Jews as a “kult” and as “racist.” Regarding “kult” he writes, “ALL of these doctrines revolve around this basic “promise” given to them by their god…“you (jews) shall rule from Jerusalem over the Goy (non jew) as masters and they as slaves.” Now I understand that such statements are correctly seen as not accurately characterizing Judaism as a whole.

      Again, more pussyfooting. And that’s what this is about. See Laura Grace Robins’ article on the decline of rhetoric. Since women were brought into the educational arena, rhetoric has changed from blunt truths and sharp language, to talking like a bitch so as not to offend women. https://unmaskingfeminism.wordpress.com/2013/01/04/the-feminization-of-rhetoric/

      So anyway, there’s a huge difference between being educated and being learned. Between rote memorization of hard facts and the ability to put it all together.

      From Mein Kampf:
      “I know people who endlessly ‘read’ a lot, book after
      book, letter for letter, yet I would not call them ‘well
      read.’ Of course, they possess a wide ‘knowledge,’ but
      their intellect does not know how to distribute and register
      the material gathered. They lack the ability to distinguish
      in a book that which is of value and that which is of no
      value to them; to keep the one in mind forever, and to
      overlook, if possible, the other, instead of carrying it with
      them as so much unnecessary ballast. Reading, furthermore,
      is not a purpose in itself, but a means to an end.
      It should serve, first of all, to fill in the frame which Is
      formed by the talents and abilities of the individual;
      thus reading has to furnish the tools and the building
      material which the individual needs for his profession, no
      matter whether it serves only the primitive purpose of
      making a living or whether it presents a higher vocation;
      secondly, reading has to give a general picture of the world.
      In both cases it is necessary that the content of what
      has been read is registered in the mind, not according
      to the sequence in the book, or according to the sequence
      in which the books are read, but that, like the small pieces
      of a mosaic, it is put into the place where it belongs, thus
      helping to complete the general picture of the world in
      the mind of the reader. Otherwise, the result will be a
      terrible muddle of things learned, and this is not only
      of little value, but it also makes its unfortunate possessor
      presumptuous and vain. For now he thinks in all sincerity
      that he is ‘educated’; he thinks he knows life and has
      knowledge; whereas in reality, with each new contribution
      to this ‘education,’ he is more and more estranged
      from the world, till frequently he ends in a sanatorium,
      or as a ‘politician* in parliament.

      When studying a book, a magazine, or a pamphlet, those
      who master this art of reading will immediately pick out
      that which in their opinion is suitable for them because
      it serves their purposes or is generally worth knowing
      and therefore to be remembered forever. As soon as the
      knowledge so gained finds its due place in the one or the
      other existing picture of this or that thing which imagination
      has created, it will act as a corrective or as a supplement,
      thus enhancing its truth or its clarity. When life
      suddenly presents some question to be examined or answered,
      then this manner of reading will immediately take
      the already existing picture as a standard, and from it it
      will take all the single contributions to this question which
      have been collected during past decades, and submit them
      to the intellect for examination and reconsideration till the
      question is clarified or answered.
      It is only in this fashion that reading is of use and has

      This is how I read, and always have. I remember everything I need to, everything that’s actually important to me in my opinion, and the rest just falls by the wayside as unimportant. This is probably tied to my German origins, it is probably something the Germans excel at. Then again, I do not believe Hitler to have been full German. Probably 25% Jewish. Yet I know now, after all these years of learning, not to discount anything just because of who says it. Of course you must put a weighting on everything you learn, because this really is all about the percentage chance of things being true, and I tend not to put very much weight on the words of fools, but you can’t outright discount them. Of course, in a world where 99.9999% of people will stop reading the moment I quote Mein Kampf, you can see why this is important, and why as long as we are stuck with these delusions we’ll achive nothing, because we won’t listen to the right people.

      For a time I entertained the notion that National Socialism might have answers, but again that was found not to be the case, as with Christianity. Similar, white nationalism has no answers either. There is no such thing as a white race, and we’ll never get along with 90% of “white” people today. Now, those with Nordic blood, Germans, etc., the champions of the white race, the best of them, it could be possible to form a movement with those sorts of folks based on that shared heritage, but we simply don’t get along well enough with ALL whites for white power, white nationalism, Nazism, fascism, any of that shit to be anything but a ploy to waste more people’s time. So that’s another reason you won’t find very many people worth SHIT at places like prothink or Stormfront or Total Fascism because they’re not actually on our side, they’re either intentionally or unintentionally wasting our time.

      Now guys like ZCF who hate white people envy the fact that there is something in CERTAIN white people, especially Germans, that Nordic blood, whatever it is, I do not know, but there are those people who have it, and that certain something is essential to resisting Jews. ZCF is envious of that innate ability he can never have, to be able to read into things and philosophize and really tackle the dominant morality of modern times, and that is why he hates whites and especially hates it when I say that when whites, especially Germans, are all dead and gone, murdered or aborted or starved or imprisoned so that they cannot have kids, the Jews will have won. Maybe they already did. Jealousy breeds hate, and that explains ZCF’s attacks on white people. But ZCF is right that the white power folks have no answers for us, no path forward, nothing but time wasting. I entertained the white nationalism stuff for a while too, and I still hold that whites are essential, especially certain ones, but white nationalism is not a morality, and it can never work. First of all whites are not a race, they are not the same enough to accomplish anything. Second it is difficult to even find Germans like me who have the ability I do to get past delusion, even they are rare among Germans, and it seems most would rather argue endlessly than get together and achieve something.

      Now let me say that I admit I”m not blameless here either, I’m not perfect, and I’ve probably committed a few of the very sins I’ve been complaining of here, in this very comment. But again, I expect my readers to properly interpret what I’m saying, to read between the lines instead of expecting me to feed them every little morsel. Everything is interpretation. When you look at some of the things Jesus was to have said, all his talk of love and God and shit, all that was, all any prophet ever is, even if he deludes himself into thinking he’s doing God’s work, all it is is a way of getting what HE wants. As Nietzsche said, priests are the greatest haters. And Jesus did hate, so very much. He knew his ass wasn’t getting resurrected, but he fooled himself into believing it so that he could fool his followers as well. Anyway, a bit of a tangent there.

      An idiot over in the ZCF thread who goes by Ace Militia actually tried to quote Nietzsche at me, and though I’m no expert on Nietzsche’s writings, this demonstrates what I mean. He said that Nietzsche said there are no facts, only interpretation. And this is of course true, for we can never know if any of this is real or if we’re plugged into the Matrix sleeping in an incubator, y’know? :) And that’s what Nietzsche meant. He also meant that you can never be sure, it is always a probability you must assign based on what you know, as to whether something is true. You might consider something to be factual, but you can never really know for sure. Even our understanding of gravity is merely interpretation of what we see. Yet this idiot Ace Militia tried to use the statement as some sort of “gotcha” that there are NO facts, that we can’t even talk about anything, basically, because nothing is true, nothing is known. It’s ridonculous. And that’s what I mean when I say some of these people talk and argue like bitches. If you take a statement merely as it is, “there are no facts, only interpretations” without thinking about the deeper meaning, without reading between the lines, you don’t understand anything. Everything we write must be interpreted properly, and since almost everyone these days is stuck in wrong thinking, they can’t interpret statements like “The Holocaust never happened” properly anymore than they can interpret the cryptic phrases Jesus spoke in the Bible.

      Even the “in the beginning was the word and the word was one and God” mumbo jumbo at the beginning of the Bible makes a lot more sense when you have the understanding I do and can interpret it properly. What it really means is there is no God, only WORDS commanding you what to do (or else), and there is only this word, no other. Another thing you can understand by seeing deeper into the meaning of the Bible is that worshipping YHVH is basically equal to worshipping the Jews as a whole. These Jewish prophets who wrote the bible are really just philosophers who know how to say one thing and yet mean another – it’s marketing, it’s euphemisms, it’s code words like “Anti-Defamation League” or “Southern Poverty Law Center” or “eminent domain” or “Operation Enduring Freedom”, it’s the same sort of LIES.

      There’s a reason Jesus speaks in riddles and doublespeak. Jesus was yet another philosopher prophet and a charlatan, pretending to perform miracles and speaking in vague phrasing that sounds clever and powerful but really is empty. He was a pussy, a coward hiding behind words. He was a dickhead who due to his ego condemned anyone who didn’t want to worship him as God to damnation. Kind of like a few people I’ve already mentioned.

      I spent some time trying to find the damn part of the Bible where Jesus responds to criticisms about whether he’s really the son of God, and where Jews ask him other questions claiming that his teachings conflict with Judaism, where he basically just responds with riddles instead of giving them a direct answer, but I couldn’t find ’em. I’ve never read the whole Bible, after all. (Don’t need to, I know enough to know it’s bad for us and nothing but lies.)

      Which brings us to your statement:
      “Last of all I just wanted to say something about Christianity. I’m not a Christian and I do have misgivings about its origins but I don’t believe the traditional European Christianity to be Jewish or destructive to Europeans in the sense it is now. What I’ve noticed reading old texts, medieval fiction/mythology etc. is that the old/original form of European Christianity was nothing like we see now. It was hierarchical, strong, even brutal. Equality was nowhere to be seen. Merit/right of rule was considered God given. The poor/weak were expected to be treated decently but not artificially evened out. These Christians ferociously protected their own territories, their own people. They didn’t blindly ”love thy neighbour” and drag wretched third-worlders into their walls in suicidal fashion. They didn’t pander to muslims, they drove them from Europe. They didn’t pander to Jews, they kept them in ghettos, taught whites to be wary and drove Jews out from time to time also.”

      I was raised Christian but never cared for church very much, it’s very boring. Later in life I become quite atheistic because the Bible is full of contradictions and conflicted with science. Now I do have some respect for traditional Christians who actually follow what the Bible says, because in spite of all the terribly bad advice the Bible is full of, it was written in a time when people still had sensible traditional values, they weren’t so full of delusion as they are today. So they knew women must submit to men, and there are still some Christians that understand this, and churches that follow it instead of just being vehicles for feminism and tearing families apart by excusing women of all wrong-doing and supporting divorce because a husband looks at fuckin’ porn. But anyway the effectiveness of traditional Christianity is not BECAUSE of scripture but IN SPITE of it. Perhaps monogamy and monotheism were key in making Christianity somewhat effective for whites for a time, but we have the luxury of seeing where Christianity really leads – to liberalism, to “equality”, to miscegenation. Judaism is at least sensible in that it keeps the bloodlines rather pure. Christianity does not. Christianity is all about everyone being equal even though we’re not, it’s about mingling the races because all human beings are Yahveh’s chattel, be they black or white or yellow, it’s about hating those who are successful and powerful, and embracing slave morality. Read this: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Dalton-Nietzsche.html

      As I said, whites succeeded not because of Xtianity but in spite of it. They would’ve done all you said regardless, they had an effective moral code. Except instead of killing the Jews which would have actually SOLVED the problem, they just kicked them out and let them live because “they’re God’s chosen”, and this only made Jews stronger. Jews are strong BECAUSE they feel persecuted, which motivates them to find ways to survive. Human beings only accomplish when they are forced to by trying situations. If life is easy and carefree, we don’t go seeking out change. If the world weren’t so fucked up now and I could actually have a family without having to be a mangina who lets his wife and kids walk all over him and let his kids be brainwashed, but since I’m not, I’m motivated to do something to change it. So this persecution isn’t really persecution at all since for the most part Jews got off scot-free because they were not killed.

      Jews are strong because they don’t have so many of the delusions that Christians do. Whereas Christians weren’t supposed to be usurious, they allowed Jews to be, which only helped the Jews and harmed us. Whereas Christians are full of guilt for every little supposed “sin”, and they’re not supposed to kill people even when they deserve it, Jews have zero guilt when they harm and use non-Jews. There are a lot of things people get away with today that they would have been killed for, quite justly, in the past. Christians and libtards become passive-aggressive BECAUSE they aren’t allowed to act on their natural, normal, evolved, HEALTHY impulses, the very impulses that assured their survival for the ages — until now, when our morality is compromised, and we do all the wrong things. Realize that BECAUSE people KNOW they won’t be harmed or killed when they do really shitty evil things or even illegal things, they are more likely to do them. And shitty people CAN be passive-aggressive because they know there is little danger of getting punched in the face or shot because of idiotic laws that protect people who don’t deserve protecting. Because we’re all equal, remember? However in a world where when you act like a dick you’re going to suffer for it, guess what – most people don’t act like dicks, and if they do they get killed off. All Xtianity gave us was to help the worst people reproduce more and live safely, while persecuting the real men of action who dealt with assholes in the only effective way there is. And it certainly isn’t forcing them out of your land just so they can come back years later and murder everyone you love. Christianity protects Jews and general vile filth, it does nothing good for those of us who are already good. Liberalism does the same thing. Food stamps, WIC, “child” support (which is really just evil woman support, rewarding them for divorce), “domestic violence” law (which really just means men are no longer allowed to discipline their children or their wives, which is sometimes the ONLY effective way of dealing with a situation, you cannot argue with a woman anymore than you can with a child, BEGGING her to do what you want, force is required, and wanted, by most women – it’s the only way they can respect you, because as evolutionary psychology shows they need a man who they know is capable of standing up to them, because this indicates he is capable of standing up to others who might do her and her children harm) — all of this allows the worst of the worst to breed like bunnies while good people only have a kid or two, etc. etc. liberalism is the same shit all over again, Christianity for a Godless world. And again, this is why the morality is the key. As long as we are full of such delusions, as long as “academics” will shit on people like me and other real men who tell the truth, we won’t get anywhere. They’ll say disingenuous shit like “omg he hates women” or “abuser” because THEY are the real haters.

      Here are some articles that do a far better job explaining this than I have here:

      Here’s an article by a Christian woman about women submitting to their husbands, but it’s only defended by scripture, still it’s sensible: http://fullofgraceseasonedwithsalt.blogspot.com/2010/02/submit-to-your-husband-as-you-do-to.html

      Anyway if it weren’t for Christianity we would never have had this idiocy about disciplining your wife and kids being considered “abuse”. There is a difference between abuse and properly used violence.

      Read the comments by Liverotto here for more info: http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/kodx4/good_video_explaining_why_it_is_sometimes/c2lvqe3

      There’s a really good article called “The Necessity of Domestic Violence” which is no longer online and not in archive.org, and the author disappeared so I’ve reposted it here: https://j3133.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/the-necessity-of-domestic-violence/

      Take care.


      william pierce fbi pawn, by j bruce campbell, also talks about timothy mcveigh and oklahomo city bombing
      Pierce was a punk, a professor
      comments there showing will williams and hadding, of http://www.williamlutherpierce.blogspot.com & national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com
      Bruce Campbell tells about his long career as an anti-government “freedom fighter,” beginning with fighting for White Rhodesians in the early 1970’s. He wrote and published a book in the 1980’s, The New American Man: A Call to Arms (advertisement for the book pictured at right ), now out of print, which started the “militia movement.” He also met Louis Beam at this time, with whom he has remained close friends. Campbell believes the White freedom “movement” has been heavily infiltrated and is basically government-run. Bruce, at age 66 works for a living and says he always will. Some highlights of his beliefs as expressed on this fascinating program:
      The Klan, Aryan Nations, Christian Identity and the entire “Right” is all basically a CIA operation;
      Oklahoma City bombing and later “terrorism events” up to the Boston Marathon bombing were Mossad-CIA directed;
      Feds don’t want to draw attention to Campbell – who is the only person saying what he says – is why they leave him alone;
      The only legitimate function of government is to provide a debt-free currency;
      Free men and their guns make police forces unnecessary – it’s all about tough men who are capable of fighting back;
      The word to describe the present fight against government tyranny is “resistance,” not militia;

      During the show, Campbell called critters like TraitorGlenn Miller who ratted out others, “Fin[c]ks.” Campbell claims to have invented the late 1980s-1995 militias until they were destroyed by ZOG’s OKC bombing false-flag action. In any case, during the two-hour program, Campbell claimed that all organized activity is created by ZOG/Babylon. Campbell pointed out that everyone knows that William Pierce took stolen Order loot and was a “punk” who didn’t actually do anything. Also, WhiggerSwill Welass Williams was one stupid
      asshole http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/18/interview-with-j-bruce-campbell-american-revolutionary/#comment-26565 with no self-discipline able to do nothing other than to cause trouble. Campbell better worry that WhiggerSwill will get MoDees to sue him for libel and
      slander for stating the obvious.

      In fact, in the comments section http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/18/interview-with-j-bruce-campbell-american-revolutionary/ there is an argument between WhiggerSwill Welass and Bruce Campbell in which Campbell comes to the conclusion that a number of us all, especially Harold Covington, have come to: That William Pierce was a ZOGbot trapped by taking Order money and blackmailed by the FiBbIes into setting up a sort of Elohim City for CreaTard skinhead mamzer punks and that WhiggerSwill Welass Williams was merely ‘membership
      co-ordinator http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/05/18/interview-with-j-bruce-campbell-american-revolutionary/#comment-26968 in order to keep Pierce’s false-front organization limited in numbers so as to keep from going through the Order loot. Pierce couldn’t “get rid” of his
      FBI anglo-mestizo CreaTard zookeeper even if Pierce wanted to, which Pierce didn’t.

      Mike Delaney’s co-conspirators:
      John Friend, Carolyn Yeager, Andrew Anglin, Bill Finck, and Scott Roberts
      Bill Finck: http://www.whitenationalist.org/forum/showthread.php?t=871

      Carolyn Yeager is a feminist. Watch how quickly she devolves into acting like a teenage brat when I call her on it: http://www.totalfascism.com/andrew-anglin-on-the-heretics-hour-with-carolyn-yeager/#comment-3841

      • Anonymous says:

        that’s quite a reply…

        my point about christianity isn’t that i think it ever had any legitimacy, just that the system and culture built around it was really just a form of cultural design that served the europeans quite well. i think you’re right they could have done fine without it. but it wasn’t actually harmful until liberalism infected and exploited it, that’s how i see it. after all whites colonised and racially segregated etc during the that whole christian period and were pretty hard core people basically. and then … well then christianity got softened and it’s still happening. now the pope cherishes muslims and the anglicans have gay priests i assume.
        anyway, what i like about christianity today is what i see in russian orthodox for example. and in some strong western forms that still remain. you see the traditional values. you see women dressing with modesty, behaving with class. you see lifestyles you can respect. you see elegance and beauty. non-materialist values. i watch a video of some christian girl singing in a church and it’s a staggering contrast to the standard liberalist trash culture we have…and so on, the religious software has maintained high levels of behaviour in the most disgusting mainstream culture we’ve ever had in european society. but i’m not a christian like i said.

        as for the white race. well i have to disagree. the europeans do seem to be distinctive genetically and though there is some blending round the edges in central asia, middleeast etc, really there does seem to be a core group of peoples we can class european. it’s true there are differences within that. but certainly they are small compared to differences between euros and africans, asians, aboringines etc.
        i think it’s best to package the europeans into smaller national groups though, because the ethnic differences do matter. but it is true that most can assimilate into a host white population almost seamlessly in a few generations.
        i personally would recommend the basic model we had in the ”anglosphere”, which was essentially just a celtic/germanic mix with a little room for italians,greeks,slavs.
        the old north south model seems inaccurate with modern genetic studies as far as i can see. it appears it’s more of a west/east split with some other stuff going on. r1b/r1a split with some older I, or whatnot. but essentially the whole western area, into germany, looks very similar genetically, just a mixture of celtic and germanic people and the celts and germans seemed to come from the same people anyway. so basically the spanish,french,britons,germanics and upper italians all seem very close, then you have the slavic people mixing in to form the edge of the eastern bloc and going full slav in russia etc.
        well my point is that if you mix british with french,true spanish,northern italians and germanics you’re really just mixing the same folk with small cultural differences. and it can definitely work and did work in the anglosphere.
        my mix would be mostly celtic with some german since i’m basically half ”celt” and half ”english” which is some mix of celt and german, who knows exactly. for a time the english were considered german replacements of the british stock there but it may be that the english are mainly the british stock with only some german. in any case the celts and germans shared the same central european territory and probably came from the same indo-european stock. it seems much of a muchness.

        as for pierce, i’m not turned off by his hatred because i consider it justified and also the fact he spent his life consumed with horrific non-white on white crime reports etc, basically researching the destruction of our society etc … i think for people of his generation the fury must have been even greater than now because they lived in the period before the meltdown.
        i have a hard time writing him off i must say. the fact he was a physicist and gave that up gives him a lot of credibility in my mind. it’s almost unheard of. unlike other figures, pierce could have made great money doing what he was doing at boeing or whereever he was, or he could have gone into finance etc, where i believe physicists have options due to their math/intellectual status.rationally it made no sense going into the ‘white movement’ as an opportunist because he could have done better for himself otherwise, lived a very comfortable yuppie life. we can’t say the same for many of these other people.
        also, i think pierce’s plan of action was spot on. he understood that running around in a typical ”physical” rebellion was pointless at this point and that the key was propaganda and data transmission to build the base, just like the left did. they never took our society by force, but by infiltration of their ideology. pierce’s plan to build powerful media was i think the right one. i think he died too early and missed out on the internet video phenom we see now which could have been exploited by his organisation pretty well… i can see how some impatient nationalists would hate him for his hermit propaganda based approach and consider it ‘all talk no action’ etc but i believe culture wars aren’t won with marches,attacks. they’re won intellectually (though not necessarily rationally). also because pierce was an elitist which you basically have to be with that kind of intelligence this would have turned off many also. i think he would have made many enemies in the white movement so it’s tough to believe any critics.
        so like i said i’m not ready to write him off. in any case his audio has had a beneficial effect on me and i consider it an important body of work for any pro-european movement/defense.
        these movements are loaded with cranks and charlatans and pierce comes off as extremely rational in his analysis. i just don’t think it’s possible to fake what he did. but who knows.

        as for this ”coward if you don’t show you face” … yeah that pisses me off. i come from a country with hate speech laws. changes everything. but even in the states, it only serves the opposition to allow yourself to lose your career etc out of bravado when you can achieve the same data transmission under cover.

        macdonald… yeah okay he’s taking his foot off the pedal a bit, but it’s still useful what he’s doing i’d say. i mean anybody with ”respectable” credentials who comes out with his positions is helpful even if he pulls punches wouldn’t you say? i think it still took courage to do what he did considering the backlash he got.

        females… my rough model is that they are encouraged, not discouraged, to be mothers, not brainwashed to prioritise any career. if they have intelligence/talent they can compete with man with no special privileges but still encouraged to reproduce. but they are banned from defense forces(except non-combat assisting HQ roles as in WW2) banned from police/fire and other physically dependent roles.
        and all feminist and other post ww2 pseudo-academic bullshit catering largely to the female ”student” is removed from universities.

  2. j3133 says:

    There is truth in what you say regarding christianity, but at the same time it’s a religion that had weaknesses built in that were bound sooner or later to be exploited. Check out the Dalton Nietzsche article and see what you think about that. I don’t hate Christians myself, like a few folks seem to around here. Many of them are good people, but most of those probably would’ve been pretty decent people with a non-Christian religion. The traditional values pre-date Christianity. Some of the fatal flaws of Xtianity are things like “turn the other cheek” (passive-aggressive weakness) and of course the Jew worship. A lot of the negative effects are just subtle and were exploited over centuries to transform the culture and therefore the people who live under it.

    I can respect the traditional Christians, in fact I’ve learned much from them, and I agree with you there that such folks are decent people. But do we really expect Christians to ever fight the Jews? I don’t see how that’s likely when they literally worship them.

    Yes, white people tend to get along well enough with each other, but they tend to disagree about the important things in life, about what the value system should look like. So I don’t see any likelihood of a movement based on merely being white having success, because even though you might end up getting white people to follow along, you’ll always have disagreement at the top, and by the top I mean the “elite” of the white race who want to talk about these topics and do something about them. That’s one reason there is so much conflict in this arena, because no one can agree on what is true because they have each have their own idea of what the world should look like and what works, and not everyone has the ability to get past their upbringing, decades of indoctrination, all the delusions of the modern world. Almost everyone I’ve ever met on the interwebs stops at some point. They are “for men’s rights” but they don’t want to look at the role of leftism and feminism. Or they acknowledge that leftism is a problem but they claim it’s a natural occurrence and refuse to see the role of the Jews. Or they don’t want to delve into conspiracies, especially not the ones regarding the Jews. I myself have been there. It’s been quite a journey. But I’ve left my old compatriots behind time and again as I’ve learned more and they’ve refused to. They met their limit.

    I could summarize this with: pluralism doesn’t work.

    I don’t see Islam itself as a real threat, but race. Inviting black muslims into white communities will end only one way. I don’t really understand when whites start calling every Afghan “camel fuckers”. And aren’t there white Iranians? I really do not know a lot about the details of racial characteristics spread throughout Europe and the world like you seem to. I see the ongoing war against Muslims as nothing but a way of making Israel safe from their neighbors who see them for what they really are.

    How I tend to think of this all is: what do we want the human race to be? What traits should we have, that we will survive and thrive as a people long-term? Do all races really have a valuable contribution to that future? Do we NEED the Jews or are they harmful to us? Do we NEED Africans or do they slow down our progress as humanity? There’s six times the genetic distance between the two species of gorilla than between sub-Saharan Africans (Bantu) and Eurasians (English). But our modern value system says all human beings are equally worthy. And this again stems from Christianity’s embracing all races as one human race. Now would it be wiser to focus on creating a humanity with the best of traits, or with worse traits because, for no real good reason, most people seem to think it’s “evil” to not include all races in the human race. A lot of people, and in the “new right” most of these people are actually Jewish shills, talk about giving white countries to white people, giving Africa to blacks, giving Jews their own little place, etc. Why? Because they know as long as these non-whites are around they can use them against the whites to kill us off and take over. At which point they will exterminate every non-white who isn’t useful to them. They will keep their slaves, but many will die, and the ENTIRE world will be Jewish. That’s the only result as long as the Jews are around and we think that all races deserve a place on earth.

    My take is that we ought to focus on the best of humanity and seek to head toward that. Must be the German in me huh? That desire for the ubermensch? So people are going to say I’m “just like the Jews”. I want the world “for myself”. That isn’t so. I want a brighter future, a beautiful world full of great people. Shitty people do us no good, only harm. Why should we keep them around? Because “equality”? Because “Christianity”? It’s not a reason. It’s not sensible. In this way, Judaism IS sensible: they realize that ethnic conflict is unavoidable. However, the Jews do not deserve to rule. They will create an evil ugly slave world. I want our rulers to love us, not hate us. I want people to embrace traditional values. To value doing work instead of just leeching off others. I don’t want a Jewish World Order, I want a world where those who are good and just and fit to rule… rule. Whether they are white or not doesn’t really bother me, but it’s clear that the stock most suitable to making a world full of beauty tends to be white. Majority white communities are merely a microcosm of what could be across the majority of the globe. I don’t see a problem with working with non-whites in that world, but the idea that we should keep everyone around for the sake of their existence doesn’t jive with reality or mother nature. We live in a competitive world where it is kill or be killed, whether the killing is done implicitly through Jewish lies that cause people to have fewer children or explicitly through Jewish murder. People that WOULD HAVE BEEN BORN are not born, so the end result is the same as if they were killed outright. Jews do their killing in ways that can be hidden or blamed on their victims. Now if I said we should sterilize habitual murderers, violent, brutish, low IQ thugs – what would be wrong with that? The only thing that’s wrong with it is that I said it openly and honestly, like the Nazis did. And due to the value system, that’s considered wrong because it’s out in the open. In reality, there’s nothing wrong about it. If we want to survive, we better be ready to eliminate threats to our existence, threats to the beautiful world we wish to create. Not keep them around because of some childish sense of “fairness”.

    The difference between what I’m saying here and what the Jews do is that I have a different vision for the future of humanity and I’m honest about it. Jews want a slave world they rule over, a Borg world, but they lie about it. The difference between what I’m saying here and what ZCF says, is that he, like the Jews, lies about his reasons, but wants the same damn thing for himself: a world of people like him. Not because they are good people, but because they are like him. Same for Jews. I, being a German, don’t want a world full of whites – but I want a world full of people with good values, and it follows that many of them would be white. Defining “good” however is relative. The first thing, the most important, to define what is “good” is whether it helps us survive and thrive long term. Will a Jewish world dream achieve that? Will the world I’m dreaming of achieve that? Is the future of the human race collectivist or will there be room for individual freedom?

    Certainly Pierce did a lot of very excellent work, as did his fellows.

    Probably what this all comes down to is: lies beat truth when the masses decide the victor. Which would tend to imply that our future MUST be quite hierarchical, because a few must rule over the many for any sort of sanity to exist. The only question is whether those rulers will be benevolent. Maybe it’s not even possible.

    Sometimes you have to admire what the Jewish leadership (not the Jewish masses) have done. Victory at any cost. Rule at any cost.

    I agree with a lot of the other stuff you said but I feel like I’m rambling a bit, and you see here a bit that I still have some questions. I feel like it’s a dream of mine for human beings to actually have a benevolent leadership, but maybe this just isn’t really possible. Maybe what we consider “good” just isn’t effective in the long run. Maybe the “elite” know what they’re doing.

    Still, personally I value truth above all else, even though the masses do not, nor do the “elite”. That’s my nature. So it’s what I will do. And if that means I’ll die off too, and truth will die with me and those like me, then I suppose it just isn’t a successful strategy in the long scheme of things. Plus, the Jews have done a great deal of harm to me and mine. It’s personal. They hate the truth, I love it. And so it’s the only thing I can do.

    As for women in education, you have to be careful about letting any in. The Feminization of Rhetoric shows why. And what we have to understand is that women are built to use and manipulate men. They don’t really want to work like men. I don’t see why we need female nurses. They are awful compared to male nurses. Why? Because it’s not what they care about. The female sex is the sex that wants to be taken care of, they don’t want to earn their own bread with work. They’ll never try as hard as men because they know they don’t have to, and men won’t make them. The only sensible role for women is as mothers and submissive wives, and those who do not meet these roles must be shamed as they were in the past. Men also who do not meet the expectations of a man’s role must also be shamed. But right now, they’re being shamed even though they do everything they could, and it isn’t really their failure but a failure forced on them by Jews. The alternative is the world we have today, and it’s worse for both men AND women. See also Angry Harry’s Women and Chimps and you’ll get some insights into this area I think.

    Hope that wasn’t too rambling. There may be some holes.

    • Anonymous says:

      the jewish leadership…problem is i think they will eventually be destroyed. if not by us then by the asians. i was thinking that one of the major factors here is the fact jews look similar to us and can blend well. add the name changing and really it allows them to infiltrate extremely effectively to the point where most whites grow up not even understanding the difference. i know i didn’t.
      but let’s say hypothetically whites wither to a tiny minority which i don’t think will happen but let’s say we completely capitulate. the east asians won’t. they will now have huge numbers and there is absolutely no way jews can infiltrate their systems without standing out like big hairy caucasoid jews. the asians are not programmed with any guilt and i’m not sure it’s even possible to do so. i can’t see the triad of chinese/korean/japanese allowing jews to achieve the power they’ve achieved in our society and i don’t think it’s possible without the racial camoflage and guilt exploitation they used against us. the asians will understand the jewish effect on white society too and never allow it to happen to them.
      if the white host is effectively destroyed, how can jews truly be powerful? they won’t have anywhere near the power ”ruling” 2nd/3rd world brazil type cesspits. they need advanced hosts like us to give them the economic and military power. if they’re left ruling multiracial dystopias, the asians will be at a massive advantage. and they won’t be holding out helping hands.
      if the jews start throwing their weight around at that point, the asians, emboldened without white power halting them, might well get quite aggressive and put jews in their place.
      in any case the jews will be in trouble at that point and who knows, maybe even the muslims take advantage of it. i’m pretty convinced jewish power would vanish in any case.

      i think whites might have one more massive backlash in them though…

      i think the best thing for the jews would have been to behave in our countries like the chinese say. they could have thrived and lived in harmony. but of course they aren’t capable of that obviously. but i honestly believe they may have lost control here because they didn’t count on the internet replacing the tv/radio media which it is quickly doing. and it is going to get harder and harder to control the narrative. i know myself that i would never know half the things i do now without the internet and i’d say most people living in white countries from post ww2 to 2000s would have had no way of being informed about a great deal of issues relating to these causes. but the game has changed now.

      that’s an optimistic take anyway. i think it is true that ”uncontrolled” data is spreading much more effectively in recent years and it is accelerating. another decade like this and who knows what could happen in white society. the arab spring came out of nowhere and they really didn’t have much to complain about in comparison to what’s happening to europeans right now.
      the arabs wanted more ”freedom” but nobody was making them minorities in their own cities, and hordes weren’t flooding in to trash their neighbourhoods and rape their women (more than they like to).

      as for muslims in our countries… as far as i’m concerned they are an aggressive ethnic group effectively colonising us, throwing their weight around and causing huge problems, assaulting, raping etc. they also outbreed us like crazy.
      i think the fact they also fight jewish power can have an ”an enemy of our enemy is our friend” effect, but they really are a huge threat to us too, just in a different way. the crime stats for muslims in europe is disgusting.
      of course this is mostly racial. ”muslims” being arabs and pakistanis etc. in my early ”racial” days where i’d written off africans and savages etc, i used to think these caucasians might manage a society like ours with a different cultural setup but i don’t believe they have our potential these days. i’ve written them off, islam or no.
      unfortunately our society has become so disgusting that when muslims point out how disgusting our women and lifestyles are they have a point. of course it doesn’t mean they aren’t worse. our people might be hedonists now, but they don’t go around raping the sluts for sport. they don’t tend to torch neighbourhoods after being given asylum either…
      i also think there’s plenty of evidence that even without the israel support militant muslims would be trying to take power in our societies because they do it all through the muslim world.
      muslims hate us and want our territories, no question about that. it’s just they probably hate jews more. which i guess is a compliment.
      i’m fine keeping out of the middleeast unless they start trying to expand. but i just want them out of our territories.
      as for the racial stuff with that region, yeah it gets a bit complex. not quite sure myself. the iranians are different from the arabs and i’d say better, but they aren’t quite like us either. i think they may once have been quite close but like in india, a melting pot happened…

      i’ll pick up on some of that other stuff later maybe, like who should ”inherit” the earth.
      i think the common sense shortlist is europeans and east asians, but there’s an ethical difference bewteen us which i think is significant, and didn’t really recognise until recently. a while ago i considered us almost interchangeable, but have moved significantly from that position for various reason. the way they treat animals, their own people… the threat to us because of their numbers and opportunism in our civilisation.
      and though there’s a supposed slight edge to them in cognitive power which i find dubious, the truth is the european intellectual and creative resume is breathtaking and demonstrates utter dominance over asians for whatever reason (except dumb luck which is apparently the academic consensus post liberalism). i mean, it really isn’t even close which is pretty surprising, which needs to be explained if we’re to believe these people are intellectually interchangeable let alone edging us. the asian/euro rivalry is quite a conundrum. it’s also hard to trust historians now who are propping up everything non-european in history to artificially even out the record for the ”brotherhood of man”. certainly the asians have been successful and deserve respect. but as far as i can see whites have had at least one state of the art society in play since at least the bronze age despite these myths that europeans were lagging behind arabs/asians etc in copious periods, they do tricks like compare the islamic golden age to broken medieval euro societies post roman, but ignore the eastern roman empire in constantinople which was high civilisation in that period.
      anyway it is hard to go past the good old white man for the worthiest group in terms of carrying us forward if you combine advancement with altruism/benevolence, but we need to fight off the hordes from our territories first of course.

      • j3133 says:

        (It’s long!!)

        By the way, what is your heritage/ethnicity?

        “i was thinking that one of the major factors here is the fact jews look similar to us and can blend well. add the name changing and really it allows them to infiltrate extremely effectively to the point where most whites grow up not even understanding the difference. i know i didn’t.”

        Very true. Nor did I. Now it’s so obvious. And now I realize why certain people annoyed me so God damn much – because they were shitty people, one, and because they were Jews, two. If you trust your instincts these awful people are so obvious – the feminists, the fakes, the perverts, the Jews. But I, too, thought they were just shitty white people. And they actively work to put Jews in white roles to make us used to them, so we see people like them and think “well that’s one of us”. It even affects the women we are attracted to. Now that I know what I know, even moreso than I before I instantly find Jewish and feminist and general “cunty” traits repulsive. That’s what they fear: the people re-learning what we have forgotten. That’s why they say “don’t judge a book by its cover”.

        “but let’s say hypothetically whites wither to a tiny minority which i don’t think will happen but let’s say we completely capitulate.” Haven’t we already? Hasn’t the dwindling down of white numbers begun? Not to mention how many of the best whites were murdered in WW2 – the worst stayed home. I was lucky because my family was in the USA fighting on the winning side against their own people. If they’d been in Germany they would’ve been starved to death like all the rest of the best. So even if there are still whites remaining, there won’t be very many who will put up any meaningful resistance. Look at Germany today. So that means multiculturalism wins and they will eventually dilute so much that there aren’t any whites, as we speak of them today, left. If things continue on as they are.

        “the east asians won’t. they will now have huge numbers and there is absolutely no way jews can infiltrate their systems without standing out like big hairy caucasoid jews. the asians are not programmed with any guilt and i’m not sure it’s even possible to do so. i can’t see the triad of chinese/korean/japanese allowing jews to achieve the power they’ve achieved in our society and i don’t think it’s possible without the racial camoflage and guilt exploitation they used against us. the asians will understand the jewish effect on white society too and never allow it to happen to them.”

        Did Mao resist the Jews? Wasn’t he their pawn anyway? Have you seen what has become of Japan? They are “westernized” / Judaized just like South Korea, just like Germany. They spend their time watching anime and jerking off, and their women go and mix with whites and Jews and probably blacks too, because they don’t want small dicks and passivity in their men (a passivity created by losing the war and in general by “western” “values”). When Japan resisted Israel, Fukushima resulted. It was a warning. They were nuked AGAIN with that false flag. At least that’s what I hear.

        China – Asians – aren’t they pretty much what the Jews are looking for? A very collectivist sort of folk. Most are quiet and sheepish, yet they push and shove each other just to get on a train. They have numbers, sure, but I would think it would be easy enough to take over their leadership, it probably has already happened? I guess I don’t know much about the details, to know if China could really be a threat, but somehow I doubt it. Do they really have the will to push out past where they are already, like whites did? It wasn’t the Chinese who colonized America, was it? I think they are content to stay where they are until they are enslaved or killed. Or they’ll fight against whites, they’ll fight the US, but will they fight Israel? The Jews again will just pit us against one another.

        Who knows though, maybe. I don’t know enough about world politics to say.

        “if the white host is effectively destroyed, how can jews truly be powerful? they won’t have anywhere near the power ”ruling” 2nd/3rd world brazil type cesspits. they need advanced hosts like us to give them the economic and military power. if they’re left ruling multiracial dystopias, the asians will be at a massive advantage. ”

        Well that’s why they don’t destroy us until they’ve taken care of other threats. There’s also a reason Jewish Monsanto wants control of the global food supply. The United States can effectively be starved off at any time, at which point we won’t be fighting the Jews but non-whites and even each other. We won’t have the time.

        Perhaps that’s the plan for China as well? They’ll talk about “overpopulation” and such, because OMG so many people died when Monsanto cut off the food supply.

        I don’t think the Jewish leadership is dumb enough to kill off whitey too early. After all, whatever few whites are actually resisting, most still don’t care, and they’ll only START caring when they’re forced to by Jewish economic “depressions” and withdrawal of the food supply that’s blamed on mother nature but is quite intentional. And then we won’t be resisting Jews, like I said.

        So they’ll keep whitey (at least the smart, passive, sheepish types) around to continue building their weapons of mass destruction and to continue fighting their wars for them, and they’ll censor the internet so that this continued resistance of the word cannot go on. We already saw marital law in Boston. The process has already begun. This govt shutdown crapola in the US is just a ploy to get us to want more govt. They’ll keep doing what they’ve been doing, and it will keep on working.

        And Whites will beat Asians because we are better engineers. And both sides will be weakened afterward, and there won’t be no resistance. One by one they are taking over more, and all they need to do is bide their time. The Jews have no problem doing that. Look at all they’ve already orchestrated. They have great foresight into how to manipulate.

        If China or Russia were really going to resist the Jews, wouldn’t they be spreading the truth to America by now? Wouldn’t they be actively doing something about it? They don’t know how. It’s not in their skillset.

        “i think whites might have one more massive backlash in them though… ”

        Maybe. They should. But I think by the time they realize it will be too late, or their backlash will be against the wrong targets, yet again, or they’ll be too busy trying to survive. It’ll be Bolshevik Russia all over again. At least potato vodka might become our new staple drink. :)

        Look even at this “truth movement”. Not only do most refuse to work together, but what are we really accomplishing? Are we going to the places we should be to find people who might be able to understand and convince them? Is it even effective to do so? I certainly haven’t had much luck trying to convince the conspiracy folks or the men’s rights folks or the libertarian folks. Too much delusion to break through, not enough men with the right minds, but also: Jews actively make it difficult for us to accomplish this. Let me give an example. Reddit. Censorship there is common. If you talk about the Jews, you are now banned, silently, quietly, and no one can read what you have to say. They also have paid shills who come there and make sure to down-vote posts that are threatening to them, and to mock them and badger them, and it’s even pretty easy since people are so full of delusions these days, and it works. Only truly strong minds or lucky folks have the time and the interest in truth to really give a fuck about digging deeper, and like I said we lost many of the best when Germany lost WW1/2. Asians don’t really care either, from my experience, even if they listen, even if they kinda get it, they don’t seem to have the will to care very much or do anything about it.

        Guys like Stop Chasing Ghosts tried to go to Alex Jones and such and spread the truth, but the same thing that happens on Reddit happens there. And with Google accounts and YouTube and Facebook and all this social networking, they are trying to force people to reveal their true identities if they want to tell the truth, they want you to have to REGISTER to post, and they want censorship and RULES that prevent the truth from being heard. That’s why they ban “racism” or “hate speech” or “sexism” and all that jazz, while pretending to be the good guys.

        And the Jews take over as much resistance as they can. False fronts, like the ones we’ve already spoken of, there are many in the white nationalist spaces, there are many in the truth movement, there are many in the men’s rights arena, in conspiracy arena, etc. etc. etc., because they work together and they control the dialogue. They get the funding because they don’t do real work and fellow Jews help them, or they just know how to swindle money off the masses, and they pretend to be on your side and then once you’re a threat they cut you off. That’s what happened to me in the men’s rights arena.

        At Reddit, where the Jew ignatiusloyola constantly harassed and censored me for stating harsh truths about men and women, and at the time I didn’t even know he was a Jew. Well, he acted like one at least, and Ignatius De Loyola was a crypto-Jew during the crusades, so I find it quite likely. Then there’s the Jew Paul Elam who runs avoiceformen.com. Spends some time pretending to be on men’s side, but once anyone starts to make the connection between leftism and men’s rights he has a problem, oh and once you start wanting to talk about action or about the big picture, he has a problem and you’re a “conspiracy nut” “sowing discord” and such. I’ve heard it all. And these days all he does is get donations from people who allow him to not even hold a real job, and he barely writes any articles either – he gets whites to do that for him. Especially Canadians, who apparently are the most pathetic white people in the world.

        So that’s how it happens. And another thing is unlike Jews we don’t LIKE to create stupid fucking social butterfly pages, we like to talk about the facts, and we like to talk like men. Now it isn’t just Jews but there’s guys like Bill Price over at the Spearhead who do the same thing, he’s Scandinavian by ethnicity and boy is he a bitch. And there are plenty more like him. And all the people who have potential, the people like me, in all these places, they are harassed, treated like shit, made to think they’re part of the problem, that they’re just insane, and they’re pushed out, all the men of action are pushed out, and all that’s left is the people who will fill the cunt’s pockets with money.

        Again and again, that’s how it happens. And most just give up. Or they start coping with drugs. Or sex. Or they kill themselves. When your worldview is turned upside down, when everything you hold dear is shown to be a lie, it’s a tough thing to deal with. You have to get down to that dark place and hope you come out better for it. But only the strong will really survive it and continue on.

        I was thinking about what you said last night quite a bit, and it may just be the case that we lost this war 100 years ago when Germany lost WW1/2. When the best of the Germans died, the truth died with them. Nordic too? I don’t know, most Scandinavians I talked to are leftist pussies or like Bill Price, cowards. Look at Sweden – the males aren’t even men anymore. This egalitarianism shit.

        So where are these non-Germans that are supposed to have similar blood? Why is it that every time I ask someone who really seems to get it, to the core, what their ethnicity is, they’re German? I don’t know much about the ethnicity of Europe like you do, so maybe you can answer this for me. Is it Nordic blood? How do you explain Scandinavian pussification? Germany can partly be explained by losing tens of millions of their best men. Then again, the thing about Germans or Nords or I really don’t know what to call them is: they care so much about truth, rather than about their own race, that they’re susceptible to thinking lies are truth and betraying their own race. And with all the propaganda built up, all the layers upon layers of lies an delusions we’ve been fed, it may just be natural for such folk to go along with it, thinking it’s the truth. I know I did for a time, somewhat. I still never supported special privileges for women or blacks, but that may have been because I was taught to care about “fairness”, and “equality”, and I naturally took that to mean equal treatment. But I didn’t know how to defend it very well until I started reading the “manosphere” and learning from others.

        You also have to account for the fact that most won’t even have the opportunity to pursue these truths. I was lucky. I didn’t get any cunts pregnant. I didn’t go to jail. I didn’t work a job that caused me to slave away my whole life. I got tired of videogames and needed something more interesting to entertain me. I liked talking about truth and learning how things really work, I’ve always liked trying to understand things. I like being smart and I like being smarter than other people, and wiser. I was willing to spend 80+ hours a week for 5 years re-educating myself, and I had a mind capable of taking that vast amount of information, weighting it properly, and slowly, over time, coming to the full truth, letting go of delusions. I was lucky enough to have two things in my life be revealed to me as BIG LIES, because I had always loathed feminism so I started reading the manosphere, and I also had an experience where a pharmaceutical drug harmed me physically, so I started to learn about that, too. But I still started out very ignorant and very immature, but even so, I listened, and I had an eye for what made sense. Because I know logic, I have the mind for it. I know how to do inductive reasoning. It’s built in. I know how to take a bunch of p -> q’s which also means not q -> not p, and in doing so I know which statements are true based on the knowledge I have and which are not, and so I learned over time what was true and what was not – and though I’m still learning the probability that a significant view I have is very, very wrong is quite low. I excel at math and science and computer programming, I’ve always been at the top of my class. I graduated summa cum laude at a top 10 engineering school and I didn’t have to study excessively. I aced my 400 level AI class even though I slept through most of it, waking up periodically to take notes. Same with my 400 level stats class, slept through that one too, but still took my notes. My last semester in undergrad I partied every weekend and attended only half my classes and I 4.0’d it, but then again they were fairly easy classes like computer graphics and databases (I could just read the notes and the book later for that one). I was used to getting the top (literally #1) scores on exams even when competing against people who were going for their degrees in those fields, after studying only a few hours for each (400 economics, 200 mechanical engineering, both of which were classes of 100 or more, though I suppose a portion of the students were not in those fields either). I was better than I thought I’d be at doing proofs and computation theory, which were very challenging; especially that motherfucking computation theory, which was a grad level course taught by an asshole who didn’t know how to teach it – the average score for the class on exams was something like 15-30% but I did significantly better than that, and with the curve I 4.0’d it (lots of people dropped that fucking class haha). So when it comes to logic, reason, math, science, it’s cake for me.

        Does this make me some sort of “megalomaniac”? Don’t really care what you call it, it’s true, based on the definition of genius, I am one. Blessed are the meek is a Christian delusion I don’t care for.

        But I am leaving one other thing out. I have a particular gift, normally reserved for women and Jews these days, to understand how people tick, to see through them, to see the subtle social cues, to understand how to manipulate people. I’m sure it’s because I’m German. I grew up an introvert but I quickly learned how to become as social as I want – I can charm the pants off just about anyone, if I really want to. I just don’t usually care to. The reason I mention it is this gift made it SO much easier for me to read between the lines and understand what people really meant when they said something. I can understand their motivations, even on the internet. And like I said in my e-mail to Kevin MacDonald, it has something to do with the fact that on my mother’s side of the family there is a lot of homosexuality in the males. I got a little piece of that sort of mind. And a (certain type of) homosexual’s mind is similar to a woman’s in a lot of ways – they understand how to manipulate, they understand the social cues, they know how to be conniving and tricky and get what they want. That’s the gift my mother gave me, and I’m grateful for it because without it, if I only had what my dad had, the manly desire to pursue truth, I never could really get the big picture because I just wouldn’t have the capacity to understand. I know how women think, I know how men think, I know how Jews think, without that I couldn’t aspire to any of what I want to accomplish.

        So why did I babble on about all that? What I’m telling you is there are so few people with the abilities and the opportunity and the will to seek out these truths AND FIND THEM, and see why they’re important, that it’s probably limited to 1 out of 100,000 or 1 million people, to really put this shit together and draw conclusions that are fairly accurate – when it comes to the full picture regarding our modern value system being the foundational problem. Sure you’ll have a lot of people who will see the truth about 9/11 and the Jews and such, but will they grasp the bigger picture? Or will they have a hissyfit when I use the word cunt or say women shouldn’t vote or that democracy is a scam? Or if they’re Christian, how can they get past this false morality? There almost always seems to be something that people don’t want to hear. And maybe it doesn’t matter as much right now as I think it does. Maybe the 1 out of 10,000 people who might know “Jews” have done some evil things is enough, but I have my doubts.

        But I do have my flaws. Self-delusion is not one of them. :P But I am not a great communicator, I’m too in my head. And I’m not a great researcher of facts firsthand, it would be a struggle for me to put something together like ZCF did for 9/11, not only because I’m not interested in every little detail (many of which are not necessary to draw appropriate conclusions about general, key truths) but also because I don’t know how to organize it. Well, I do, but it takes a lot of time for me to do something like that. It doesn’t come naturally. I don’t even like it. I am not a leader or an organizer but a helper, a catalyst. I don’t have it all.

        And we need people who DO have those traits, and we need to work with them. So where are they? Are they also 1 in 100,000 or a million?

        Anyway my point is not only are the type of people we need exceedingly rare these days, just because they don’t have what it takes from birth, by their DNA, but also because of all the other circumstances in life that could keep them back, like having a kid, or slaving away at a manual labor job.

        I forgot another few things that made me who I am today, things that give me an edge, that many others these days might not have – and that’s because Jews want it that way. 1- I was breast fed, not formula-poisoned. 2- I grew up my young life on superb well water, not fluoridated swill. 3-Though I did eat a lot of macaroni and cheese and Chef Boyardee as a kid, my parents cooked home made meals most every day. 4- My parents actually stuck together, at least until I was older. 5- I grew up in the boonies, and my childhood was great. Not only that, I wasn’t forced to be around trashy people all day long, learning bad habits from my daycare bedfellows. 6- My mom worked, my dad did not. His job was as a father, and he did a damn good job, despite his shortcomings, despite his abusive childhood. 7- Didn’t drink or smoke or anything of the sort till later in college, so I didn’t harm my mind like I might’ve. 8- Though I had one experience with pharmaceuticals several years back, they weren’t the mind-altering type. I was never put on ritalin or any of that other shit like anti-depressants that make you into a zombie. I didn’t take accutane for my acne, so I didn’t go crazy from that. I did have some social anxiety, but I didn’t take drugs for it.

        I’m just listing more and more advantages I had, which if any ONE of these things were not true, I may not have been the same person today. And that tells you why Jews want us pumped up on chemicals and drugs and fluorine and chlorine and vaccines (I was vaccinated for the basics but perhaps I avoided the worst of the worst). Because it makes it almost impossible for people to resist effectively when their minds are warped.

        You may have noticed another of my possibly annoying traits – I write a lot, maybe more than is necessary. But for me it’s like the more details and information I provide, maybe other people will understand it better that way. That’s probably because that’s how my mind works – the more information the better, and whatever isn’t necessary for me to learn personally can easily be skimmed or skipped over. So- sorry, but I want you to understand what I mean when I say I’m lucky and to understand the myriad reasons other people might not be so lucky.

        “but i honestly believe they may have lost control here because they didn’t count on the internet replacing the tv/radio media which it is quickly doing”

        And people thought the German U Boat would change the outcome of the war too. They are already attacking the internet, and unless we organize campaigns to stop it, it’s going to happen. Unless we spend time convincing people effectively why the internet needs to remain open, even if we give them reasons that just “sound nice” depending on the audience, it’s going to happen. Unless we reach the masses and get them to stop listening to the Jews and the nonsense on the “news”, it’s going to happen. As long as we let them continue to push “social networking” to make it impossible for us to spread the message freely because we are tied to our accounts and all who tell the truth are banned, it’s going to happen. Unless we build new websites to replace the Jewish ones, it’s going to happen. I can see it coming.

        That’s kind of why my take is – might as well just tell the truth while I still can, and hope that someday it will matter. I don’t really think it will help any time soon. But I am being quite negative here, maybe even playing a little devil’s advocate. It’s best to remain positive but it’s hard.

        But the “academics” would prefer to stay in their little bubbles, specializing, tackling only one issue, and tackling it fully, but ATTACKING other people like me who are trying to focus on the big picture, saying we’re not serious – so all they’re really doing is entertaining themselves, because if they really wanted to “fight the future” they would embrace it all and get rid of all their delusions. Who gives a fuck if Kevin MacDonald writes 3 or 300 books detailing Jewish psychology? [Edit: I realized I’m being unfair to Mr. MacDonald here. I guess I have a grudge against him because of how he treats non-academics, how he refers to people who speak their minds bluntly as somehow less than he. But I ought not let that get in the way of the truth. He does a lot of great work evaluating how Jews have warped our culture that I shouldn’t discount just because I think he’s a doucheturd who writes like a Jew. :)] At a certain point you need to move on from endlessly looking at all the details when you’ve already got enough to draw your conclusions and think about taking ACTION. But too many people are cowards who prefer to stay in their safe zones, who don’t want to have to learn MORE and MORE and MORE and push themselves, letting go of more delusions. That’s because it’s fucking scary. It shatters your world when you realize everything you thought was true is a lie. Christians won’t let go of their Jewish God. Academics won’t let go of their bitchy, feminine way of speaking these days. The list goes on. They won’t let go, because they aren’t serious – though they say I’m not for childish reasons like “he use bad word!” It’s a hobby, a job, an interest, it’s fun, it’s SPORT for them. (Maybe it’s a bit of sport for me too.) What the fuck does it matter if in the long run we’re still enslaved? It’s like for me, what is the point of slaving my life away further working a job to make a bunch of money that isn’t going to save me or my children or my children’s children or any of my family or you or any other person who stands a chance to resist? It’s not going to matter.

        “the arab spring came out of nowhere and they really didn’t have much to complain about in comparison to what’s happening to europeans right now.
        the arabs wanted more ”freedom” but nobody was making them minorities in their own cities, and hordes weren’t flooding in to trash their neighbourhoods and rape their women (more than they like to).”

        The “arab spring” is a bunch of Jewish / CIA / Mossad / whatever operatives creating violence and protests out of thin air, just like they did when they pushed Communism. “Freedom” my ass. That’s why it doesn’t make sense, because Jews are doing it to destabilize these governments and give them excuses to invade. It’s more of the same old shit. And there is NOTHING good about being “progressive”. The French Revolution was the same fucking shit, orchestrated by Zionist Jews once they took over the Freemasons. Tomato Bubble has some good info on that as well as the true story of WW1/2. The French Revolution, like Communism, like Leftism, was not a grass roots movement, was not a natural occurrence that “just happens” because people want “freedom”. It was orchestrated by Jews to harm us, just like Christianity.

        “as for muslims in our countries… as far as i’m concerned they are an aggressive ethnic group effectively colonising us, throwing their weight around and causing huge problems, assaulting, raping etc. they also outbreed us like crazy.”

        Yeah, I totally agree with you on that front. They shouldn’t be in our countries, but they should be left alone in theirs.

        “unfortunately our society has become so disgusting that when muslims point out how disgusting our women and lifestyles are they have a point. of course it doesn’t mean they aren’t worse. our people might be hedonists now, but they don’t go around raping the sluts for sport. they don’t tend to torch neighbourhoods after being given asylum either…”

        Indeed. Thought let’s be honest, if more sluts were raped for sport, there wouldn’t be so many sluts. :P

        And we have to realize that the crap about “some poor Muslim getting her nose cut off” is juts a feminist ploy to give us an excuse to go kill Muslims. Same shit with the honor killings – which I’m actually a bit of a fan of. If every father had the balls to kill his daughter when she started acting like a whore and embracing western “values”, guess what – daughters wouldn’t do that, and the society would be healthier after all.

        But most people would rather just get emotional and start spouting Christian/egalitarian nonsense about how it’s “evil”. Well, if a father doesn’t get to decide how his children are brought up, if he doesn’t even have the right to decide how he is educated and who he interacts with, then that’s the ultimate tearing apart of the family. I really don’t care what Muslims do with their own kind.

        The really important thing to glean from it is that they want Muslims dead / westernized so they don’t threaten Israel. So a smart group of people would see that, and find ways to convince people it isn’t our problem. We probably wouldn’t be saying things like “I’m a fan of honor killings” in public, but we wouldn’t really get upset if they were said in private. You think the Jews don’t say shit like that amongst each other, when they’re being brutally honest? But they’d never say it in public to us. Well maybe Benny Netanyahu might slip up haha. But that’s the point – we aren’t going to win this if we refuse to be smart about it and learn from what the Jews do.

        The “elite” have their private discussions where no holds are barred. Then they have the false front they put up for lesser Jews, the Jewish masses. And the one they put up for idiots like Obama or Clinton. And the one they put up for the idiot “Gentile” masses. But they have to start from full truth ABOUT HOW PEOPLE TICK or they can’t lie to the rest very effectively, now can they?

        So how do we defeat Jews when they are already doing this and have mastered it over thousands of years, and we are working within their system, their internet, their control of the world, with their morality? We don’t. We lose.

        But… if the full truth is at least out there somewhere, available, maybe some other group can take them over or destroy them… eventually. Because at least the knowledge will be out there.


        “i also think there’s plenty of evidence that even without the israel support militant muslims would be trying to take power in our societies because they do it all through the muslim world.”

        What kind of evidence? How would they get here? How would they accomplish this? I highly doubt they could beat united whitey, even without evil Jewboy at his side.

        Osama didn’t attack on 9/11. The Jews did. I think there’s plenty of evidence arabs just want to be left alone as much as we do. For now. Sure, eventually, we might have to deal with them, but I don’t really consider them much of a threat. What’re they gonna do, nuke us? Only Jews would do that sort of evil shit.

        Really sometimes it’s hard to talk about these things because there’s “the way things should be” and how we would act if that were the case and “the way things are” and how we must act in that case. If the Jews didn’t exist and Muslims were a threat, it would be right to deal with them. Since the Muslims are only a threat to Israel now, we shouldn’t give a flying fuck what they do to them or to each other. It’s all about achieving the end goal – and being smart about it.

        But let’s be honest, to really DO anything about it we need to be in positions of power. But how? You’re right that the only real option we have, since the system is built up around us, is the internet. Words are power. But we still need to market the truth, or at least as much truth as people can handle. We need powerful websites like Zion Crime Factory was before Mike Delaney stole it, that are very effective at showing people the truth about what Jews have done, but we need to either build them ourselves or find people we can trust, and even then guys like Mike Delaney who are controlled opposition will betray us, or the Zion-Occupied Government (ZOG) will kill us off either literally or effectively (through jail or the court of public opinion) if we do a good job. So I don’t know. It seems like a big trap.

        It may be best to let go of the delusion that the ignorant masses will ever be helpful to us. They really only make it harder for us. They are the ones who betrayed the righteous elite in favor of Jewish lies in the first place. They betray all that is good still today.

        And that is why we do not need things like “freedom” for everyone. Most don’t seem capable of handling it.

        Again it seems to me we need a strategy similar to the “elite”, except with our goal being a beautiful world rather than an ugly sick one. Or we need to join up with them. Or maybe we have to get to that ugly sick world before a lasting beauty can be created. Maybe the “elite” think just the way I do, but realize that certain things need to be done to fully gain control so the human race goes forward with a goal. I do hope if that’s the case they plan on getting off this rock, because it would be sad for us to breathe our last breaths of air without having conquered the stars.

        And maybe this is the only way we will. Perhaps if the world were full of Nietzsches, we could do it the German way. But it isn’t. There are a lot of people who just don’t get it, and aren’t even close, don’t even really want to know. The masses. They don’t think long term. The “elite” do. Maybe they deserve to rule. Maybe the rest of us deserve what we’re getting. After all, with all this information out there, shouldn’t we be doing better than we are?

        But if we just let it alone then we’re giving up. We’re letting chance decide the future of the human race. Why do I say chance? Because it was LUCK that the “elite” “Jews” were the first to come up with the idea to build a world full of lies in order to take it over for themselves. They aren’t the only ones capable of it. They just happened to be under the right circumstances to want to tear down the current elite. And they were LUCKY to have whites around to create all this technology for them to make their plans possible. They were LUCKY to possess in combination the intelligence and the cruelty to accomplish this all. Maybe. I suppose, eventually, someone would’ve done it. Maybe it’s the way it has to be.

        “i’ll pick up on some of that other stuff later maybe, like who should ”inherit” the earth.
        i think the common sense shortlist is europeans and east asians, but there’s an ethical difference bewteen us which i think is significant, and didn’t really recognise until recently. a while ago i considered us almost interchangeable, but have moved significantly from that position for various reason. the way they treat animals, their own people… the threat to us because of their numbers and opportunism in our civilisation.”

        Yep, the difference is significant. My Asian friend tells me how they push and shove to get on the trains. And it’s just weird how every Asian I see walking around, they don’t say a word to you, or look at you. I think they are probably more easily controllable than Germans ever were. I don’t think they understand people as well either. Pretty much, this is how Jews see Asians as being useful to them:

        Basically they’ll use them as robots.

        Not to mention their usefulness in diluting white genes because of all the propaganda telling us we should like Asian women and Asian culture. [On the flip side Asian women are being discouraged from mating with Asian men which is why you have the Herbivore men phenomenon in Japan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbivore_men. From the link: “This phenomenon is viewed by the Japanese government as a leading cause in the nation’s declining birth rate, prompting the government to provide incentives for couples that have children, including payouts and free health care.” And THAT is how Jews kill people off with “freedom” and “democracy” when they’re not just outright murdering them.] There’s a reason so many white kids these days are into anime, and it isn’t JUST coincidence. I actually like some anime myself, but to worship it like some of these kids… it’s because it’s being SOLD to them, pushed on them, and they’re told it’s “cool”. And I don’t really blame whites who settle down with Asian women who may be more passive, and of course it’s always fun to fuck a tiny tight girl you can pick up easily and moans with a really feminine voice, haha.

        Yeah I think Asians tend to be good at rote memorization, basically their best can act like computers, y’know what I mean? But they lack the real creativity that we have.

        Like you said: “it is hard to go past the good old white man for the worthiest group in terms of carrying us forward if you combine advancement with altruism/benevolence”

        I’ve heard talk that whites ruled Ancient Egypt and that they may have actually been responsible for some metalworking accomplishments in Asia. And their creativity and drive pushes them toward these sorts of things, we want to understand the world and conquer it, mostly because we find it “fun”. In You Gentiles, Maurice Samuels says we are obsessed with “sport”. There may be something to it. Whites love the world and the beauty of it, we are beautiful, we make beautiful things, but that isn’t enough to mean we’ll end up with the world in our hands so that we CAN express our altruism/benevolence worldwide. We are warriors who value individualism, courage, strength, you might want to look into Jack Donovan’s “The Way of Men” sometime, it can be enlightening.

        It’s also worth noting that those who call themselves “Jews” have some of that Asian in them and also some (warped) white:

        “90-95% of modern Jews, the Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi, are the descendants of Mongolian-Turk Khazars who invaded Europe as part of Attila’s horde and their Eastern Gothic rape victims. They converted from their ancestral phallus cult to Judaism 200 years after settling in the region of today’s Southern Russia and Ukraine, a commercially motivated move that allowed them to trade with both their Muslim and Christian neighbours.[1] The second biggest group, 5-7% of modern Jews, are Ladino speaking Sephardi, the descendants of Moroccan Berber tribes which entered Spain and Portugal as part of the Moorish invaders and their Andalusian rape victims. Those Berber tribes had converted to Judaism in the 5th century and formed a Jewish kingdom under a Jewish queen in the area of today’s Morocco and Algeria.”

        And the “best” of the Ashkenazi are the “elite” I speak of.

        I do apologize for how long my replies have been. And if you think I missed something you said or you’d like a response to something in particular, so you know I’m not just skipping over what you said, let me know. I tend to just respond to the portions I think I have something worth saying about, or disagreeing with, and the stuff I agree with sometimes isn’t spotlighted as much as it should be. And of course, I tend to go on tangents that I think are relevant.

        I appreciate your response, yet again. Many things to think about. I would definitely benefit by researching more about current global politics and about racial characteristics of various ethnic groups, white and non-white alike. Such information might fill in some of the blanks I still have, giving me a more complete knowledge base that would allow me to make better predictions.


        • Anonymous says:

          the exploitation of christianity … yes i agree it had vulnerable elements, but it makes me think that really practically all systems do, all can be manipulated by liberalism…
          let’s say we stayed pagan ”roman” in europe. now the liberals decide roman means anybody who takes ”roman values” and doesn’t reject the gods. so while originally i’m certain it only meant italians and european cousins who were ”romanised” (and probably had lower status), now the liberals would pretend blacks and chinese and everybody was roman
          now we take roman ideas of ”justice” and just create ”social justice” for non-whites and faggots and etc. and we’re in the same position suddenly.

          of course the identity ”re branding” happened in america, australia and in a more ridiculous sense in europe.
          the word ”american” meant white american. the word ”australian” mean white australian. indo-european terms of course, for european people. but then they just decided to change it to mean anybody living on the territory with the papers. and they did. in europe there are blacks pretending to be ”english”, their ancestors were the angles and saxons it seems. or turk ”germans” and so on.
          it’s absurd, and you’d think if you had an identity based on descent from european tribes it would be safe. but it doesn’t matter. they just say, no, irish doesn’t mean celtic people anymore, it means any third worlder who crosses the border … because we say so.
          there was no weakness i can see in the identity system of biological heritage but it didn’t matter!

          even judaism could be exploited. already you can convert in some cases i suppose. so let’s say we took over israel and decided because the jews are ”god’s people” and we all came from africa it means everybody is god’s people and now we can be interchangeable and flood israel with the third world!

          i think you get my drift anyway. i just think liberalism was the cancer and could have done a number on anything pretty much. that’s simplifying it, but after all it’s a manipulative dishonest system based on verbal games and lies and so on.

          ”Did Mao resist the Jews? Wasn’t he their pawn anyway? Have you seen what has become of Japan? They are “westernized” / Judaized just like South Korea, just like Germany. They spend their time watching anime and jerking off, and their women go and mix with whites and Jews and probably blacks too, because they don’t want small dicks and passivity in their men (a passivity created by losing the war and in general by “western” “values”). When Japan resisted Israel, Fukushima resulted. It was a warning. They were nuked AGAIN with that false flag. At least that’s what I hear.”

          i agree about the ”westernisation” to a degree. but this is where i see the difference.
          1. they have resisted multi-racialism/multiculturalism despite their birth rate problem. at the moment anyway. they have strong racial identity still and no qualms about it.
          2. they are still very nationalistic people even if that is weakening somewhat. [consider the japanese don’t like foreigners speaking their language (healthy). they don’t teach their children about the japanese atrocities in ww2 in fact they basically cover them up.]i cannot see jews controlling at least from within their borders and institutions which is significant.
          3. they are in my opinion more ruthless in business than whites and maybe only second to jews which means they are less likely to be over run in their commercial sectors globally.
          basically they aren’t ”nice” like us.
          4. their societies are still patriarchal and though women are working, not reproducing etc., still aggressive male elements dominate.

          ”China – Asians – aren’t they pretty much what the Jews are looking for? A very collectivist sort of folk. Most are quiet and sheepish, yet they push and shove each other just to get on a train. They have numbers, sure, but I would think it would be easy enough to take over their leadership, it probably has already happened? I guess I don’t know much about the details, to know if China could really be a threat, but somehow I doubt it. Do they really have the will to push out past where they are already, like whites did? It wasn’t the Chinese who colonized America, was it? I think they are content to stay where they are until they are enslaved or killed. Or they’ll fight against whites, they’ll fight the US, but will they fight Israel? The Jews again will just pit us against one another.”

          i agree to an extent about the passivity,conformity, but it can be effective with a strong leadership because then you get hordes of robots.
          now there’s another side to asians too, which the japanese show. they have a history of colonising and conquering. they kicked the shit out of the russians (though weakened by revolution).their empire in ww2 was possibly the most brutal of the war. as i understand it they used real chinese prisoners in their soldier training courses for the japanese to practice bayoneting. i mean the japs were famous for their brutality. and their leadership was hyper aggressive/proud/racial etc. and even the grunts were famous for their fanatical fight to the death attitude which i think was basically conditioning, but it worked. it’s like how the islamists are the best fighters in the syrian opposition. they’re conformists, but maniacs and extremely effective if you channel it right.
          so japan has been tamed somewhat but actually you still see these aggressive elements there. they don’t take shit from china/korea. the squabbles over territory up there are accelerating.

          i honestly can’t see the asians taking orders from caucasians of any kind when they have the power to resist. already you can see them throwing their weight around against the west in various ways. having said that if their politics go full liberal, who knows.

          my heritage, i mentioned it but probably wasn’t clear with my language
          ”my mix would be mostly celtic with some german since i’m basically half ”celt” and half ”english” which is some mix of celt and german, who knows exactly. for a time the english were considered german replacements of the british stock there but it may be that the english are mainly the british stock with only some german. in any case the celts and germans shared the same central european territory and probably came from the same indo-european stock. it seems much of a muchness.”

          my families on both sides were in the african colonies, south africa and rhodesia (zimbabwe), then came to australia. would have preferred to go back to europe but better than staying in africa where the liberals betrayed their people and gave up their cities to the hordes.
          interestingly my father seemed to have been pretty ”jew wise” living in south africa. plenty of jews there for the diamonds etc. it’s almost cartoonish, but it’s true. i remember seeing this doco on the dutch diamond trade and the main trade street which i guess is like diamond wall street was just flooded with jews in full costume. of course more than diamonds too. probably helped mandela get his communist supplies etc.

          ”I’ve heard talk that whites ruled Ancient Egypt and that they ”

          the afrocentrists are still trying to claim egypt, it’s pretty embarassing. they were certainly caucasian, just a question of whether ”middleeastern” or european i suppose.
          some have a theory that gradual melting pot-ism led to the destruction of egypt. i think it might be valid. the modern egyptians may have nothing to do with the ancient ones too, and this is where all this stuff gets political/nationalistic. a funny example of this is the tarim mummies i think they’re called. they are europeans who went to mongolia in the bronze age and made these tombs. the current asian population there believes the tombs to be their ancestors. but the mummies are clearly white. it’s absurd. point is, the modern egyptians want the prestige of egypt as does everyone of course. but just as the hittites were replaced by the turks and so on, who knows the true population of egypt. i mean europeans even ruled north africa quite recently with the vandals i believe, the german tribe who crossed from spain and ruled carthage i believe. which seems strange on paper. it’s clearly possible europeans came into the near east and ruled at least as an aristocracy millenia ago, because they’ve done so since.
          there was an interesting and controversial situation with a dna analysis of king tut, might be up you alley. basically a gene lab in europe took a tv still from a doco where the egyptians allowed king tut to be dna tested to see whether he was related to other mummies. the thing is, from this still, where a computer screen seemingly showing the dna markers of tut could be seen, the lab did their own test and concluded he was actually western european. the egyptians deny it, but the suspicious thing is they won’t provide the real dna chart to prove their case. it reeks of nationalism but i can’t be sure either way. the lab does make a convincing case because i don’t see what those dna results could have been for otherwise. like anything is this bloody world though, who the fuck knows. if it was true it’s of epic political proportions. for example it would mean that western europeans have rights on the egyptian ”heritage” at least in part. it means all the stuff the british took back to their museums is actually kind of theirs in the first place. quite funny.

          this is the raw footage they took it from, but there’s an actual story if you were interested. it even made the mainstream media news.


          Mummies and mummy hair from ancient Egypt.

          what i can say is that the majority of skulls i see could easily be european. i’m not sure how to tell difference between north african and euro skull, but i’m sure it can be done and it’s just not being done. the hair is certainly caucasian too, and if it is light like it seems to be in some of these cases, i have a hard time believing this is semitic. though they can have lighter hair too. so who knows.

          i’m no expert on the gene stuff/human origins stuff, but i’ve tried to do a fair bit of research into it. the problem is the field has been COMPLETELY corrupted by egalitarianism. the scientists just can’t be trusted. the out of africa theory is taught as fact but actually there are other theories. and the out of africa theory, while it may be true, is clearly ideologically ”perfect” for liberals who want to pretend africans, our struggling retarded cousins, are actually just like us, because as they keep saying now, ”we’re all africans!” which means they can all come flooding here! etc.
          no, but the out of africa theory is almost too perfectly suited to the ”brotherhood of man” bullshit to be believable. even though it may be possible that 40-60 thousand years apart from africans was enough for eurasians to make the current changes, i don’t know.
          i know that it only took 10000 years (So they say) for northern europeans to develop larger eyes and visual brain centres than even other caucasian groups, so they’re basically giving the game away with these types of studies. they say on one hand there wasn’t enough time for white brains to change significantly from africans in their out of africa model, but then they show brain differences just in the european population emerging in far less time.

          but this is a key area for ”our struggle” i’d say, determining the racial differences and evolutionary truth. they are now actively confusing the issue to insane degrees, but i plan on really trying to get to the bottom of this as much as i can.
          actually the chinese might help here because they tend to support the ”multi region” model i believe, at least more so, which suggests sapiens didn’t evolve in one place and take everything, but evolved in different places from the older hominids there. now they seem to have evidence of archaic humans that falsify at least hte timeline of the african theory. and they have evidence that there are specifically asian features in the sort of ”homo erectus” model in their region suggesting continuity of some kind. but who knows, it’s all one big mess without the politics and then the politics make it impossible to make sense of it. but i have a feeling the chinese don’t want to be linked to modern africans either haha. i know the feeling!
          i mean it may be that we did all come from african recently, but there are many problems i see with this.

          the ashkenazi theories are also confusing. i’ve heard the khazar thing too, but i may be to do with the fact these khazars converted to judaism confusing the issue. from what i understand the jews can be linked genetically to the middleeast, to semite populations. i tend to accept this as their physical features certainly line up with this.

          good site. jews down page a bit.


          ”The “arab spring” is a bunch of Jewish / CIA / Mossad / whatever operatives creating violence and protests out of thin air, just like they did when they pushed Communism. ”

          okay i accept this may be the case. but still it’s a combination. the feelings of those arabs are genuine even if they’re being riled up. the truth is islamic societies are garbage compared to our traditional societies and there are still things about our vile modern communities now which are superior. women truly are fucked over there. i reject feminist hysteria over the treatment of european women in history. but it is true that muslim women have a lot to complain about at least in the lower classes. not that i support them becoming like our women. but it is absurd in that region. not that i cry myself to sleep over it or really even care these days. but these people can be married off at 13/14 to their 30 year old cousins, it’s sick, and happening in my country actually. a huge percentage of girls have their clitoris’ carved off. and i’m sure plenty of gripes from males are valid too. i don’t know, some of it would just be typical student rebellion bullshit too, and it’s hard to know exactly what goes on there, but it doesn’t look too pleasant over all.
          so the point is let’s say the mischief was cause by jewish elements, cia or whatever, still the people rose up and did the work, the social networking, the organising, the marching etc.
          and they did have plenty of concerns even if i don’t rate them as serious as ours.
          still it didn’t take much to get them going. and my thinking is if we had a legit ”spark” in our population you could see the same revolutionary type activity. and i think even if the arab spring was ”badly” seeded, it still showed how powerful our communication systems are now in rapidly escalating these situations. it could be to our benefit at some stage.

          ”“i also think there’s plenty of evidence that even without the israel support militant muslims would be trying to take power in our societies because they do it all through the muslim world.”

          What kind of evidence? How would they get here? How would they accomplish this? I highly doubt they could beat united whitey, even without evil Jewboy at his side.”

          in every muslim country there seems to be a militant wing trying to set up a sharia society, going back to algeria and whatnot. they seem to be everywhere and have been kept in check by military dictatorships, strong men etc.
          as muslims grow in our societies i think the same thing will happen. i’m not talking about an invasion by muslims in a traditional sense, i agree we would crush them. but they’re already in the gates so to speak, might not be as obvious in the states because you have bigger problems with blacks and mesizos, but europe is having massive islamic immigration and they are becoming more and more emboldened. the radical elements in their communities are imperialist. even in egypt recently we saw ”democracy” electing basically islamic militants. you don’t necessarily even need a coup, these people can get popular support from muslim hordes.

          Osama didn’t attack on 9/11. The Jews did. I think there’s plenty of evidence arabs just want to be left alone as much as we do. For now. ”

          i think the arabs want to be left alone in their lands, but i think once they get into our lands and realise how soft our governments and people are, they want to take control. their rhetoric is very aggressive and their behaviour on the streets backs up their mindset.
          i think it goes back to what i said about the ”enemy of our enemy” thing. the arab treatment of christians in their communities really speaks volumes about their attitudes towards us.
          i know people talk of the jews inciting hatred for islam disproportionately etc, but i think they’re doing that because the muslims really ARE a threat. jews wanted open borders and now there’s a bit of HOLY FUCK, how about we do this open borders thing without islam, eh? at least that’s what it seems like. there’s probably a split amongst the jews as to how threatening islam is to them in the west.

          i think i answered most of the stuff, but probably missed some…


          • j3133 says:

            Regarding the identity rebranding:


            “The 1965 Immigration Act, the culmination of a forty-year, largely Jewish-led campaign, was not simply a piece of “liberal” legislation (i.e., an act aimed at formal equality) which later turned out to have unforeseen, radical consequences. As early as 1952, the liberal idea of equality before the law was already linked in the minds of Jewish immigrationists with the radical project of dispossessing America’s white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian majority.”

            Yeah, I do get your drift. I think my previous comment is also relevant. In a way it really is all about business, which would tend to back up the theory that all of this was merely meant to help make the “elite” richer. For example, feminism got women into the workplace (more slave labor), in addition to breaking up families, making them more dependent on the state, and reducing birth rates of possible resistors.

            It may be that the only system that is immune to such subversion is the system that exists today, basically an extension of Judaism, because you can’t really subvert a system that is entirely based on subversion. I mean, one day when they have the world locked down, there will be infighting at the top because the survival of the fittest will continue, but would any of those “elite” be so foolish as to tear down the entire system they’d built just to do it all over again? No, I think they’ll take the path of least resistance at that point. I think that’s basically even what goes on today – disagreement, though not to the point of “gang wars” among the “elite”. I think they will all continue to agree that the “elite” means whoever is most successful at manipulation and business, and they would tend to support this natural order, the survival of the fittest, because all systems would flow that way naturally. But in the future when they have it locked down I would expect assassinations to be common, and weapons of mass destruction against competitors would also be used. For this reason it would be wise to get off this planet and colonize elsewhere, but then it may be that the ruler of one planet may nuke the ruler of another. Heh. To mitigate these situations somewhat, I would expect the wisest among the “elite” to plan to eliminate a great many of their supposed allies, to tie up loose ends and secure the future for themselves and their closest confidants / family – and with marriage and children to solidify the blood lines. At that point it will be about blood and family again, because that’s the only thing that grants lasting trust, or at least as much as is possible. So in the end little will have changed from the feudal system, the old monarchy, it will just be a more sophisticated version. The difference will be that the masses will be more controlled and locked down in the hands of the “elite” so they’ll need to find new ways to get them to turn on their elite. It’ll be more of the same, the endless fight for domination. The methods of control and the potential methods of subversion will be different, but it will be the same game.

            Interesting stuff about Asians – I guess the proper term is “east Asian”?

            Jews have that Asiatic blood in them too, like you mentioned before they have that business sense. So I guess in the end it won’t really matter so much who wins because either victor will be just as cruel to the rest of us. I would tend to favor the Jews since they have some white genius in them which provides them with an edge, and they have demonstrated the ability to conquer the globe in the modern world while China has not. I expect the Jewish/European “elite” to mingle their DNA with the “elite” of east Asia if they think it’s useful to them in the long run, and to use the Chinese numbers to war against Europe and the USA as necessary. Or they could starve them. They’ve demonstrated already that they’re good at orchestrating such events, which not only means they’re likely to continue to succeed, but it also means that anyone who’s like them, anyone who also seeks to be part of the “elite”, would almost certainly join up with THEM rather than the chinks, unless they were chinks themselves. I say chinks ’cause I’m really tired of typing east Asian haha. And then there is the race difference. I expect Jews don’t really wish to mix very much with the yellow varieties. Anyway, if Asians defeat the Jews I’m sure we’d be next on the list :).

            I guess we were just too “nice” (the etymology of that word is interesting) and not “cold-blooded” enough?

            My bad on the heritage thing. I forgot you already told me.

            Yeah I’ve heard some about the shit that went down in Rhodesia. From http://www.jbcampbellextremismonline.com/3/post/2011/09/first-post.html

            “As a Rhodesian anti-terrorist in the early ‘70s, I figured that the combination of normal African cruelty with Jewish Communism was the ultimate in political sadism. The atrocities I witnessed were shocking and revolting.”

            Your comment: “plenty of jews there for the diamonds etc. it’s almost cartoonish, but it’s true. i remember seeing this doco on the dutch diamond trade and the main trade street which i guess is like diamond wall street was just flooded with jews in full costume. of course more than diamonds too. probably helped mandela get his communist supplies etc. “

            Haha, you racissssst!! Yeah I’m sure they specialized in human trafficking too.

            In reply to the Egyption stuff: Haha yeah when you learn enough it does start to get pretty silly / amusing. Yes I do believe it’s likely Tut was white and I’ve heard of red hairs. The Neanderthals also I have heard were red-haired fro the north, and there are some DNA studies that the powers that be don’t want to let into the light, ’cause of all their political crap, that indicate white people have DNA from Neanderthals but Africans do not.

            What I’ve heard is that basically what happened was Homo Sapiens (Africanus, it should be) came to Europe and with their vast numbers overwhelmed the more passive, intelligent, WHITE Neanderthals, killing them off except for some of the children that resulted from the rapes. In a way it’s similar to what’s happening now. Then some of the same people pushing these theories also talk about how back then there may have been a race similar to the Jews, which they call “melonheads”, and see similar features in the “NWO” leadership, that basically used the Africans to eliminate the Neanderthals. Some of it sounds like baloney, and I don’t know enough about Neanderthals and Cro Magnons and Homo Erectus to really say.

            It may not even really be that important other than to get a better grasp of history and race, which surely is useful to know and draw conclusions from, but will it give us a strong weapon in the fight against the Jews et. al.? Academics who tackle this will score points against the lie of equality of the races, but I don’t think that’s going to solve all our problems. A more shocking and recent truth is the Jewish Holocaust lie, and there’s also 9/11. If people can be convinced of the real truth of these, and that also means the REAL truth about the Jews / “NWO” being behind 9/11, then that’s a more effective topic to research for political gains against the JWO.

            I’ll post some sites about neanderthals and “melonheads” (really a silly term, about as useful as “reptilians”) that you might take a gander at, at the end of this comment. Some or much of it is probably bullshit though.

            I think you’re right about the Khazar theory not being accurate entirely. I have been wondering this recently and the more I learn about what’s going on the more it doesn’t seem to jive that Ashkenazi Jews are not somewhat descended from the Jews who creating Christianity in the first place. With such similar traits and behavior, it wouldn’t be consistent. And what’s the point of having 1000 quotes about the Jews if they aren’t the same Jews as of old? At the very least they have such a similar character. And why would Khazars convert to Judaism just for trade? It would seem to me more likely that some of the Jewish elite migrated to that area and made an offer to the Khazar king to join up, showed them their plan, just like they do today to get more selfish folks to join the “NWO”. And they probably had their women seduce them, and if they saw a similar sort of nature in the Khazars, they would’ve mated with their elite and blended together. Much as like what I talked about with my comment from yesterday, they desire to combine with others who have a knack for business and manipulation etc. etc., and they were at least wise enough, the Jewish elite, to develop Christianity – even if they weren’t quite as intelligent without the Khazar DNA. This quote from Angry Harry’s Women and Chimps can actually be applied to the Jews who created Christianity too:

            “And so it is that humans now consist of two genders, one of which – the female one – is extremely adept at manipulating the other through means other than sheer force.
            And it seems that human females now have the upper hand in a number of ways.
            1. They clearly have much stronger non-verbal manipulative mechanisms than do males.
            2. They have developed greater language skills with which to manipulate others.
            3. They have had millions of years in which to refine such skills.
            4. Even the mildest use of ‘force’ or the threat of it (a male’s manipulative tool in the gender war) have increasingly been outlawed.
            So. What hope have men got, eh?
            It is noteworthy that this ability of females to manipulate males is not necessarily a mark of ‘intelligence’ by any means. For example, when a wife cajoles or seduces her husband into fixing the computer, she requires far less in the way of intelligence than does he in order to achieve her aims. She merely requires the ability to manipulate him.”

            In the same way that it doesn’t require vast intelligence to be a woman who manipulates men to her advantage, it doesn’t require vast intelligence to be a prophet who develops Judaism and Christianity, because what it requires is understanding of human beings and social behavior, not mathematics or any of that shit. It doesn’t even necessarily require a CONSCIOUS ability but rather can be represented in the subconscious, just like it is with women. Women much of the time have no idea what they really want, they just do what comes naturally, what has worked for them in their evolutionary past, to employ manipulative tactics, and most of them couldn’t even tell you what their real goals are. Anyone who’s dealt with women and tried to argue logically can attest to this. Heck even most people are like this: very few are capable of getting past their self-delusion and just being a cold calculating computer. It’s also why I have an advantage, as I mentioned, having my mother’s DNA, because on the male side of the family there is homosexuality and that same manipulative, scheming, ability to understand social cues and such. (Speaking of which is probably a reason homosexuality was not weeded out through evolution, the traits that go along with being somewhat feminine also tend to correlate with being manipulative and understanding social shit.) So like with me, maybe the Jews of old, with their subconscious manipulative genius, joined up with the Khazars, with their Eurasian (is that the right word?) genius, and produced human beings that had both traits. And it isn’t too far fetched because, like you said, and it’s an important point, evolution happens pretty fucking fast when human beings are controlling it. You might even call it genetic engineering (and that’s what those folks I mentioned blame on the melonheads, too). Anyway believe me it helps to have that sort of social manipulative and understanding ability, enough that even on the internet it is often obvious what people really mean even when they’re trying to hide it, just by how they phrase it – and to be able to read intentions, read the subtle cues and signs and read between the lines, is a great boon.

            It also makes some sense why women and (lesser) Jews seem to be so similar in their behavior, the passive-aggressiveness and lack of care for the truth. Really, though, the men who are willing to search for the truth and able to let go of their delusions regarding what’s true fully, even if it counters everything they’ve been taught about history or morality (something that is extremely rare in men and probably never occurs in women), they have an advantage, in being able to decide whether or not they want to TELL the truth, because if telling the truth isn’t going to change anything, then why do it? If you know it, use it, but use it wisely. I think that’s what the current “elite” do – they know the truth, they laugh about the silliness of those who live today in a world full of lies and really believe them, even though some cannot be blamed because they were brainwashed with lies from an early age and heck it even took me three decades to learn it myself and I already explained some of the things that would’ve made that even more difficult – well anyway they know the truth but they push lies on others to benefit themselves. I’ve spent years trying to teach people these truths and it took a while before I finally realized most people don’t care. I still go back and forth on this sometimes. But like I said there’s always a point that someone can’t get past, so you can’t spend your life trying to teach those who don’t want to learn. (Really the path one must take in order to shed delusions over time, to learn more and more, it’s almost like evolution: small changes in your view over time, none of which is possible without the previous. And some people just refuse to get the full picture because it’s not something they really want, it doesn’t really interest them. They take the easier path. Most people would rather just do what they are doing, stay stagnant, evolutionary wise – and most people also would rather just keep the “truths” they already know, and not learn more. They argue not because they seek truth but because they want to make themselves seem right, they want people to agree with them. I mean, that was always part of it for me too – but when I get enough information to refute what I thought before, I have to accept it, even if it takes a while to do so.)

            I’m going to make a new post with a quotation from Maurice Samuels’ “You Gentiles” at the bottom of this comment, one which kind of demonstrates the difference between conscious logic and reason and philosophy and the sort of prophecies that Jews pushed, which they may have deluded themselves into really believing but were really just a reflection of their subconscious manipulative abilities. Nietzsche said the greatest haters have always been priests, and this touches on it too: a priest or prophet feels so damn strongly about his views that he doesn’t just try to CONVINCE people but FORCE them through the power of his own words to do as he says, OR ELSE – it’s an intensity that is unmatched even by warriors. They are so sure in their righteousness that they delude themselves into believing that since it so so RIGHT and they KNOW it, that if there is a God he MUST be on his side, and so his words are no longer his but God’s – and since he is ONE man, so must God be ONE – for there is no choice in the matter, all must do as the prophet commands OR ELSE! You were warned. Etc. So I have this tendency too, I mean this website’s name is J3133 which refers to the book of Jeremiah, and he was one passionate, vengeful son of a bitch. And maybe on some level these prophets know they aren’t really worshiping a God but they are worshiping their views – that’s why the Bible starts out about the word is God – it’s all about what they are commanding you to do, or else – because they believe it to be RIGHT(eous).

            I will respond to the rest later. A great deal of food for thought here, but I ought to have some of the real kind, haven’t eaten all day plus I don’t have a computer chair yet here or a battery for my mouse, haha, so I’m a bit uncomfortable. And though I realize I focus on myself a bit, being of that wanna-be prophet type, I don’t really feel bad about it, so I’ll say that I’m proud that I’m the type of person who can focus on one piece of work for 30 hours at a time if I’m passionate about it, and I will ignore my hunger, my thirst, and my desire to take a piss when I’m engaged in something. Maybe that’s another key trait that others are lacking. So yeah, I judge ’em. :P

            Again I appreciate the insights, this is why group evolutionary strategies work so much better than individual ones – two minds working together are so much more powerful than one.

            Let me know what you think.



            “the genetic distance between the two species of gorilla, Gorilla gorilla and G. beringei, 0.04%, is nearly six times less than the genetic distance between (sub-Saharan) Africans (Bantu) and Eurasians (English), 0.23%
            The genetic distance between the common chimp and the bonobo is 0.103%, less than half the English-Bantu genetic distance of 0.23%.
            there is less mtDNA difference between dogs, wolves, and coyotes than there is between the various ethnic groups of human beings.
            The genetic distance between (sub-Saharan) Africans and Eurasians (0.2%) is more than twice the genetic distance between living humans and Neanderthals (0.08%) so, at the very least, Africans should be classified as a sub-species, Homo sapiens africanus and Eurasians as another sub-species, Homo sapiens eurasianensis.
            Finally, the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus is estimated as 0.170 (mean given as 0.19), about the same as the genetic distance between the Bantu Africans and the Eskimos, but the genetic distance between living Africans and Eurasians is 0.23. Thus, Homo sapiens is more closely related to Homo erectus than Eurasians are to sub-Saharan Africans. Either erectus should be reclassified as Homo sapiens erectus or sub-Saharan Africans should be reclassified as Homo africanus.”
            TL;DR We classify homo erectus a subspeices which we share 99.81% of our genes with but not the sub-Saharan Africans which we share 99.77% with.
            Either erectus should be reclassified as Homo sapiens erectus or sub-Saharan Africans should be reclassified as Homo africanus. A difference subspecies.
            (We as in Euroasian)


            One of the most significant hybrid groups are the Ashkenazi Jews. While the group is diverse, certain generalizations can be made. They are (generalization) Melonhead Neanderthal hybrids. The Neanderthal side comes from a different line – they are not Amuds, but Mousterians. Mousterians are (generalization) predatory and parasitical on their host populations, an adaptive strategy quite different than Amud meekness. Nonetheless, they possess high intelligence and are responsible for many civilizational achievements.


            also of some interest: http://www.koanicsoul.com/blog/a-critique-of-anonymous-conservatives-rk-selection-theory/

            • Anonymous says:

              hm, yes somehow i found that ‘thal’ stuff a while back and was quite astounded by this subculture. also the erectus amongst us there’s some neat stuff there i’ve stumbled on before, seems this path leads to similar directions….

              but the neander cult, i think although some of the topics, like the k-selection and whatnot are valid, they are applying them to a false premise or at least a premise that has no real evidence.
              firstly i think it’s a pretty sad community because they’re basically pushing a platform of self hate where we are all horrible african sapiens with only a little bit of ”good” neander. it’s sort of like a turbo mulatto culture who spend their time demonising the majority white roots and feeling like monsters.
              but anyway as for this theory, i have problems with it. firstly it’s based on the out of africa model which isn’t actually set in stone. these thal people are taking that narrative as truth, the idea that a group of sapiens basically came out of africa and took over the world and replaced everybody… now it may be true, but it may not.
              as far as the neanders go, i find it hard to believe a group of hominids came out of africa in to europe and easily overcame people who were perfectly adapted for the environment (some suggest climate change changed things but stil europe was never like subsaharan africa and was hostile to blacks with the brutal winters and lack of uv)
              i find it even harder to believe this happened if neanderthal were more intelligent as the thal folk suggest. if neanders were more intelligent it would mean they were both smarter,physically more powerful and more adapted to the environment. it’s almost impossible to believe the blacks could simply outbreed them to outcompete them(before liberal immigration policies…).
              the only way this model works for me is if the africans were smarter(which is the typical model), but in that case i ask how the africans got smarter living in far easier conditions in africa compared to the no holds barred brutality of ice age europe (i tend to like the environment model for pressuring us into increased levels of intelligence though for some reason people dismiss it off hand. if the environment is tougher and you aren’t physically adapted perfectly it seems you will need increased intelligence to survive according to how our species operates – intellectual solutions first followed by forced physical adaptation, at least the way i see it).

              so i don’t think either model is suitable to me. i think it’s more believable a eurasian origin hominid/sapien displaced the neanderthal in both upper regions.

              now the problems with the genetic work is the political agenda. they can twist things here and there. so you’ve got some people talking about mitocondrial eve as proof of african origins, then others saying it’s a misread or contrivance. that they’re ”cherry picking” genes i suppose. the gene stuff can be interpreted in different ways from my understanding and they also don’t have full understanding of the way it works anyway, so it’s a mess.
              even the neanderthal dna found in europeans and asians … some believe it’s breeding, some believe neanders couldn’t breed with us and it’s something else…
              and this stuff always changes over time. so you can’t trust it.

              the other problem is that it’s more likely to find fossil evidence in undeveloped locations/nations like africa. the dates of all this stuff changes too. all it takes is once fossil and bam, whole theories are destroyed. so let’s say they find a ”sapien” fossil under paris which dates to 150 000 years. there goes the out of africa model for a 60 k exit at least. and i think it’s possible there is a ton of shit under the developed european areas, cities etc, and the coasts which have now been flooded but would have been residential zones.
              i think this is also true of ancient civilisation. the oldest stuff we find is in the middleeast but that’s also a very underdeveloped area. who knows what’s under the major european locations at least going back to 10k or so.
              there are just too many question marks really and the theories we have on our history could change very quickly.
              one example is hattusa the hittite capital. apparently they only found it 100 years ago it was sitting in the middle of turkey in an uninhabited place. it wasn’t buried, the goddamn clay tablets were lying around on hills in the ruins. it was a massive fortress city state. pretty hard to miss. but the thing is people moved from the (isolated,harsh)area and the oral tradition ”forgot” about this place. but it turns out it was possibly a bigger superpower than the egyptians and assyrians of the time. some academic dude just took a trip there i believe and there it was. jackpot. it just ”popped” back into our history and turned everything upside down. also they were indoeuropean aristocracy at least. they created the iron age. and so on.

              but back to neanderthals. their intelligence is unknown because we don’t have enough evidence of artifacts. they have similar sized brains but the wiring could be different. who knows.
              what those thal people are doing is simply applying eurasian traits we recognise now to the neanderthal, saying these are neanderthal traits. they have no real evidence for that and it’s more likely these traits are simply eurasian sapien traits evolved either in the last 50k years or possibly from sapiens that evolved in those parts if the out of africa model is false.

              but there is another theory i saw the other day about a eurasian origin for sapiens with sapiens dispersing and ”back migrating” into africa mixing with erectus there and forming modern africans and so on. it’s actually a more convincing theory but i’m not sure it has physical/genetic evidence. and of course the other reason you can’t trust academics is they stick to theories for pride and career purposes rather than truth half the time. like einstein refusing to believe in quantum mechanics or something.
              but there have been back migrations into africa that we know about so it’s quite conceivable. personally i believe it makes more sense the most intelligent sapien evolved to that state in northern latitudes than in the tropics.

              i’ll deal with the women and jews later, haha.

              • Anonymous says:


                for the jews i think a fairly standard model is enough fo explain them. i think of them as a middleeastern elite (*bright* strata) who came into our societies to capitalise. i believe there are people acknowledging they could have been under fairly high selection for business activity etc and in combination with inbreeding (their diseases may be tell tale of this) or at least homogenous breeding within the tribe they have developed particular characteristics. and i think the greed/manipulation/materialism/ruthlessness etc all those traits helpful in exploitation type business (not the only kind of business approach, but as an alien population they would also be more likely to use them with no loyalty to the host) i think all those traits would possibly become embedded disproportionately and it could explain pretty much everything if you cross it over from money handling to cultural activity etc.
                so i’m fairly satisfied with that.
                the iq stuff i’m not convinced about, though i would accept they’re no less than european level. i have suspicions about the standard iq rankings because i think white societies have attracted more elite level jews and asians, bending the numbers. i know they say they go to non-white nations to check too, but are they going to the middle of nowhere in china with correct proportion? same with jews? i don’t believe it. what i do know is when they test whites they get all our dirty laundry so to speak, but go test ex pat whites in hong kong and you’ll get a different set of numbers. the other thing is i think the white researchers had at least subconscious incentive to not have whites topping the charts, or at least it helps their ”credibility” if whites doing iq research don’t put whites on top. these are just factors i think about and they may be perfectly correct. but i’m suspicious.
                as for the civilisational achievements of jews, i’m also not prepared to give out too much credit. the reason is that they use our intellectual infrastructure and more importantly there were enough whites of that intelligence to do anything they’ve been part of if you know what i mean. i don’t think anything they’ve done within our society couldn’t have been done by a gentile and of course when it comes to physics etc. people build from others work and work in large organisms. so einstein utilised all these other people, many gentiles of equal intelligence to end up where he did and so on. also many of these ”jewish” scientists etc are half european so who do you assign the ”genius” to?
                the other factor is that because jews look after jews, they are more likely to assist each other in academic fields getting into prime positions for research as well as getting in better positions for credit. the nobel prize is basically a ”winner takes all” system where everybody else is forgotten and sometimes those people weren’t even the major movers and shakers. but with enough jews around it seems to me they would be more likely to be spotlighted. so the jewish figures will always be suspicious to me, as far as how disproportionate their credit is. a bit like how we only hear about black jazz players, it’s affirmative action history.
                the jews like to brag about their disproportionate representation in intellectual fields/prizes etc. but clearly the most ethnocentric networked people would not be achieving this simply through their intelligence and i think even macdonald did some numbers on it and demonstrated that the number don’t add up just crunching the bellcurve with their percentage of the population.

                i guess my point is we don’t need the jews. they need us. without us, you would have no jewish scientists on the books basically. but you’d have countless european ones.

                but over all i think their survival strategy is a terrible one. it’s incredibly unstable. living as a minority parasite class essentially hated by every host population. it will eventually catch up in my opinion, i’m probably more optimistic about this than you, but i’ll get into it next time chunk along with the female disaster perhaps.

              • j3133 says:

                All very good points. It’s true what we are doing is working with limited information and trying to draw conclusions about what is most likely, based on various assumptions; inductive reasoning. We heavily rely on the work of other people to make our conclusions, but the only way to really know whether their work is valid is to do the work ourselves – even then we are never working with complete information, as we can only see what our senses interpret in the now. I can’t know for certain just how valid carbon dating is, for example, unless I go through all the scientific theory that led up to it, and considered possible flaws in the readings like contamination or whether the mathematical formula for half-life is really valid over such periods of time – even then, it’s still interpretation and I’ve still got unproven assumptions somewhere down the line.

                One thing I can say for certain is these castelvetrano olives are really hitting the spot.

                When it comes to DNA results, mitochondrial DNA, blah blah blah, I don’t know who to trust because I don’t know enough about the fundamentals. Really, it’s probably not even responsible to trust “science” in the first place, really it’s our new religion for the modern world, so easy to manipulate for an agenda, as we’ve seen with the global warming thing. In the end, every scientist on earth has based his results on assumptions that another scientist, potentially motivated by other concerns than the truth, has made, but they don’t even consider this, they have “faith”, and so when they support the global warming hypothesis, for most of them it’s not really possible for them to question it, as they have a delusion regarding “science” that, if they let go of it, would shatter their faith in what they’ve spent their entire lives doing.

                Really, if someone were to present this in a fashionable philosophical way, the idea that it’s all quite relative and we need to stop relying on questionable practices and questionable data from the scientific realm, and focus on what we can see around us, and the things going on in the world right now, the things people are witnessing on TV that aren’t all that true, or the 9/11 hoax, things that can be made obvious, to focus on the NOW and draw conclusions about how to behave from that, then it could shift people’s focus toward the things going on in the world right now that are important to our future. One would also have to show them why the future is important. But how to gain credibility when the powers that be would not throw money in to market these ideas in the popular mainstream, and academia would not welcome such ideas? Perhaps creating a website that caters to a portion of the masses with humorous statements that come off as quite true, like the sort of thing the best comedians do, tying biting humor with a political agenda, would be a start. You need the humor because it’s an easy way to get past people’s built up walls about what they THINK is true, and it doesn’t require vast funding or the acceptance of “academia”, plus it works even on the masses, not just the few capable of understanding complex ideas.

                Anyway perhaps the greatest value one would glean from researching the racial / DNA history would be as talking points to argue against disingenuous opponents and *sound* more knowledgeable, which could win over the crowd. Learning about what’s going on in the more recent history and in the now, and what’s to come, to me that seems like you get more bang for your buck at least if you’re trying to convince people of the threat. Most people today only seem to care about the now, even fewer about the future, and even fewer than that about the past. So to discuss current events and make an effort to tie them to the future and to the recent past might be an effective strategy to pulling more people in on our side.

                “i’ll deal with the women and jews later, haha.”

                Haha, nice one, spoken like a true misogynist-anti-Semite-Nazi.

                • Anonymous says:

                  and i’m a genuine anti-semite too, in that i an anti all semitic presence in our society meaning arabs and the whole bunch.
                  funny thing, i heard that mussilini or however the hell you spell it had a problem with representing dido from the aeneid in something over there, referencing her or whatnot, because she was a phoenician, not italian. and he had a point. it annoys me when you’ve got these european cultural things combined with foreign elements. for example how attila the hun is in the nibelungenlied and the norse myths as atli i think, yeah a hun presence. maybe brunhild is a hun, can’t remember.
                  i think it’s assumed the huns were asiatic hordes like the turks. it’s interesting that the asiatics are famous for the most brutal behaviour during those periods. it seems to be a consistent theme. i don’t think it’s based simply on appearances. it’s loose evidence but i tend to think it’s in line with differences in core altruism between whites and our slanty cousins. whites will murder each other, but will they cut babies out of pregnant women and impale them on stakes? well … we must respect cultural differences.

                  but this brings up a race point, i think it’s not enough to cherry pick from other distinctive races for qualities in a breeding ”alliance” sense because as i understand it genes revert back to the mean so if this is true it makes racial distinctions extremely important.
                  in this model obama’s children will be less intelligent than the children of a white couple of the same intelligence given obama and his wife are more exceptional for their race and their children will fall further back. i assume it will be the same with other traits.

                  the genetics was an opportunity to clear up this issue properly and use scientific proof
                  to separate us from the rest and show that we are not biologically interchangeable once and for all. but of course the area was hyjacked by the left and now it’s actually being used as a weapon against as. ”race” doesn’t exist, the misrepresentation of genetic distance etc. makes me sick. science was our strongest card.
                  now it’s utterly corrupted.

                  aren’t olives rather italian for a german? maybe you’ve been romanized like many of the barbarians…
                  what i’ve always liked about the japanese is their ridiculous pride and ”racial arrogance” if you like. like when the europeans came and found THEM and brought them tech more advanced than their own and they referred to them as barbarians and kept them off shore and whatnot. that’s the thing. whites look at that and don’t care at all. the reason is racial confidence i suppose. and we’re not pathetic victims of planet earth.

                  i’ll have to pick up on some of those other things next time this white screen is blasting my eyeballs and i need to finish watching my tennis. tennis is the sport of the europeans still. every modern sport is our invention basically, but tennis might be one of the only sports we’ve ”given”’away to the globe that hasn’t been swarmed by the hordes.
                  that’s not the main reason i like it. but still it’s so nice watching a sport which hasn’t been bombarded by blacks or others (we lost table tennis to the chinese in a bizarre turn of events…).. practically all the top tennis players are white. so no negro antics and culture annoying the shit out of you every match. i honestly don’t know how people can watch nfl and basketball and soccer and even baseball now and put up with these people and of course some ”anti-racist” shit and bitching non-white every other week crying about some name he got called …hot tip: feelings hurt? go play a sport of your own design in your own lands… anyway i watched a bit of that stuff in my younger days but it became extremely unbearable. tennis is relatively safe from flooding i think because it’s one on one and a sport where technique,tactics and mental focus are extremely important (in the men’s game), raw athleticism, ”flash” aren’t enough like in many of the sports blacks excel at and lack of mental discipline and focus will kill you in tennis.
                  i also like boxing and it’s interesting that since eastern europe opened up and the mexicans have poured in, blacks are struggling to dominate like they used to. boxing favours raw physicality more than tennis but it’s still a sport where technique,tactics and mental focus can be used for good advantage. one of the middleweight champs is even a polish jew. oh, i mean english. he was born in nottingham of course which makes him descended from british tribes. i remember he fought kessler who was danish and all the english fans were cheering for froch being froch was such an englishman and all. now kessler was half danish, half english which makes him about as fucking english as you can get given the jutes coming over with the angles/saxons were danes. but of course he had a danish flag and froch had an english flag and a nottingham accent. and that’s what counts of course.
                  unfortunately when you see this you realise how well their doing in this war, destroying identity with verbal games.

                  • Anonymous says:

                    ” like when the europeans came and found THEM and brought them tech more advanced than their own and they referred to them as barbarians and kept them off shore and whatnot.”

                    i mean the japs quarantined the euros off shore.
                    some other shit i wrote is sloppy and not spelled right but it’s comprehensible.

                    • Anonymous says:

                      and i wanted to ask you something unrelated. do you have any idea how much these people like anglin or similar ”white nationalists” are getting from website donations? if they are getting a lot more than is needed for their sites it does make their enterprises much less credible considering they aren’t actually organisations.
                      i always assumed that richard spencer guy had family money and didn’t have a regular job but maybe i’m wrong. and maybe alternative right is getting more money than it would appear. i don’t know.


              • j3133 says:

                By the way, I tried to tell those ‘thal dudes about the Jews and all I got in return was “no dude it’s the melonheaded reptiles and the Holocaust really happened, those poor Jewz!” – just the typical sort of crap I’m used to hearing when I try to guide people to “zee light”.

                What do you expect when so few even bother to take the time to READ the stuff you try to show them? They want it all spoonfed to them, rehashed, just so they don’t have to think – and even when you do that they still come up with bogus reasons to disagree and they only pick at the tiny little things they want to disagree with while ignoring the bigger picture. And boy, don’t expect them to read anything you link. They don’t really care, after all. Fact is you don’t learn this shit just by reading other people’s summaries, you need to read/skim the full texts and get the information that is valuable to you, not just rely on someone else to tell you. That’s why instead of trying to summarize everything I tend to just quote and link: why the fuck would I waste my time paraphrasing it for the Twitter generation who can’t be bothered to read two pages of text and aren’t smart enough to learn how to scan a document for the heart of the text without having to read every single character?

                Going to enjoy a beer and the sunlight for a while, then I’ll return to the rest of your comments.

        • Anonymous says:

          if you like skim through this story from ”canterbury tales” which is a sample of what are probably mainstream christian attitudes towards the jews in the middleages. this stuff is easily as hardcore as ”nazi propaganda” i’d say and shows the massive contrast in christianity then and now. i mean just imagine a preacher reading this in bible class now. hilarious


          the point i missed.
          white capitulation…
          ”Haven’t we already? Hasn’t the dwindling down of white numbers begun? Not to mention how many of the best whites were murdered in WW2 – the worst stayed home. I was lucky because my family was in the USA fighting on the winning side against their own people. If they’d been in Germany they would’ve been starved to death like all the rest of the best. So even if there are still whites remaining, there won’t be very many who will put up any meaningful resistance. Look at Germany today. So that means multiculturalism wins and they will eventually dilute so much that there aren’t any whites, as we speak of them today, left. If things continue on as they are.”

          i’m not entirely convinced that our stocks were weakened by the war, though i don’t rule it out. but here are some thoughts. firstly most soldiers didn’t die, the mortality rate was pretty low i think and you might even say this culling had a darwinist effect considering the reckless/stupid/incompetent were more likely to die the same way careless birds are picked off by cats, although in industrial war it is far too luck based i admit. still, most of the ”fit” men did not die i believe, not disproportionately.modern war also has pretty low standards for soldiers it’s more or a low skilled cheap labour model, just thrust big weapons in the hands of the masses… though still they have to be higher standard health wise than average but i’m not sure how decisive this all was..
          also many would have reproduced before they went to war or during because people had children young then, so their offspring would still have probably survived at reasonably high rates and if they died after reproducing a few kids it’s probably not a big deal genetically.
          there are so many factors… for instance most of the more intelligent people were not in direct combat roles and so weren’t being culled. on the other hand intelligent ”warrior” leaders were being slaughtered.

          i think we having capitulated yet. we’ve been dormant. i think about all the people i see on the net only just waking up to the transformations taking place. all they needed was the data. the data, the validation, some solidarity even if it’s not perfect solidarity. that’s it. then the switch just flicked. they typically were never hard core liberals, had to have some suspicions at least about multiculturalism etc. but even ”liberals” have been crossing over once the data is unavoidable.
          and that’s my personal experience too and the experience of probably every white person unless they’re raised by white patriot types. i wonder what if i’d had this internet assistance back in my teens when i rejected many of the same things as now, i was never what you’d call a liberal, but yet was in a fog of confusion, still had lingering equality indoctrination, and didn’t understand the extent of the changes. i sporadically reacted against the white demonisation, minority pandering, feminist petulance etc. but hadn’t clarified the origins at all, i didn’t understand that pretty much everything i hated including the trash culture around me was part of the same poison. it was impossible to know facts about immigration in my country or others, crime,academic inequalities etc.
          this was fine in a homogenous white, pretty wholesome society, but when they poisoned us it left people completely exposed.
          but now the younger men particularly have assistance. they can come home from school/uni and check the bullshit out for themselves as soon as the suspicions arise. they aren’t in the dark.
          and i think the internet in its ”prime” has only been around for less than a decade and youtube and full video potential probably only 5 years or so.
          i see this as a pretty positive sign that after such a short amount of time so much material has been made available and surely so many people turned.
          david irving for instance, revisionism. i’d never heard of him till last year or so. then bam. he was banned from my country. but i still got to see most of his talks at a press of the button.
          and so on. changes everything when you see this type of material. and i saw that on youtube which is completely ”mainstream” internet wise.

          yes it’s true the establishment is censoring and trying to assert more power over the internet and will continue, i don’t deny it. but they can’t control this beast the way they wish. nobody can control this thing in my opinion. they can make it difficult but at least we can say they can never control it like tv/newspapers etc. they can no longer control the narrative. and a few decades of that could be extremely telling.


          • j3133 says:

            Nah, the brave got killed and the cowards survived, whether they were in combat or not. The best and brightest were sent off to the gulags to die, and their wives and children were left in Germany to starve and die, or be raped so they were forced to raise a non-German kid. And anyone who didn’t capitulate to the Jewish Holohoax crap was certainly dealt with whether through legislation or community shame etc. – which in the end the only result of which is fewer children from those people and fewer grandchildren from them, while the cowards, Jews, and other frauds reproduced carefree. The “natural selection” you speak of, that if you’re stupid you die, does not apply to war when it’s hierarchical because even the dumbest of brutes can be trained to obey their leaders – and that’s the type that succeeds. The brave, the honorable, they are the ones who die.

            The best and the brightest, their children, and their children’s children, not only would be attacked by EVERYONE else, but therefore would come to HATE themselves. It’s the same reason there is so much white death these days through abortion, through not having kids, etc., hedonism, nihilism, no meaning, no purpose, you lost the war, same thing happening in Japan, everything they believed in was also turned upside down – when that happens the good die and the evil survive and thrive. It’s psychological. Isn’t it obvious? It’s the reason young white people in the US care about nothing anymore, it’s the reason they watch zombie flicks and pray for an end, it’s the reason people focus on “survivalism”, because they WANT it all to come to an end because they HATE the way things are and they PRAY for change – and when they don’t get it they will off themselves figuratively or literally. Again is this not obvious? Are Jews the only ones who understand how continued psychological trauma can result in the end of a people?

            “Fit” men aren’t necessarily smart men. Blacks in football are “fit” but they’d never be a threat to Jews. Only intelligent white German men hold the greatest threat because they are special in a way that is especially threatening to Jews and the Jewish way. They SEE. Psychological warfare is the real killer, it’s the Jewish way after all: get people to do what YOU want, not what’s good for THEM.

            “all they needed was the data” – if only it were so. But it’s not. Anyone who spends their life trying to tell people the “data” sees this. What solidarity? There is no solidarity here because most people are too stupid to see the truth even when it’s staring them in the face. They will only believe what they are FORCED to believe. And since people don’t respond to the TRUTH, it is a fundamental truth of the human species that the LIARS shall prevail. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. All truly good people are misanthropes.

            As for the Canterbury Tales, you still see this Christ worship, and as long as people worship Christ they worship Jews. There is no distinction. It’s a fantasy that there is. This Christians vs. Jewish thing is nothing but a facade designed to keep Christians worshiping the Jewish way while thinking they hate Jews and Jews to keep hating Christians.

            “i’d say and shows the massive contrast in christianity then and now” – not really, there are churches like the Church of Christ that know about the Jews, or the Christian Identity arena, but they just think the Ashkenazi Jews are Turkish fakes, they still want the Jewish way, they still worship the Jewish Jesus, they still worship Yahveh, or they worship Christ, they still worship the wrong shit, it’s backwards. So it doesn’t matter. They’ll still say “oh we shouldn’t involve politics in the church” in the Church of Christ, and so they won’t change squat. They fall for all the same Christian traps.

            Who cares if they dislike Jews or not? They love the Jewish plan and they embrace it. Just look at some of the recent comments from Christians on this site. All they care about is the “afterlife” which is a Jewish euphemism for eternal death. It’s retarded.

            “i think we having capitulated yet. we’ve been dormant. i think about all the people i see on the net only just waking up to the transformations taking place. all they needed was the data. the data, the validation, some solidarity even if it’s not perfect solidarity. that’s it. then the switch just flicked. they typically were never hard core liberals, had to have some suspicions at least about multiculturalism etc. but even ‘liberals’ have been crossing over once the data is unavoidable.

            and that’s my personal experience too and the experience of probably every white person unless they’re raised by white patriot types. i wonder what if i’d had this internet assistance back in my teens when i rejected many of the same things as now, i was never what you’d call a liberal, but yet was in a fog of confusion, still had lingering equality indoctrination, and didn’t understand the extent of the changes. i sporadically reacted against the white demonisation, minority pandering, feminist petulance etc. but hadn’t clarified the origins at all, i didn’t understand that pretty much everything i hated including the trash culture around me was part of the same poison. it was impossible to know facts about immigration in my country or others, crime,academic inequalities etc.”

            Similar circumstances for me. And perhaps there is a hope. But the world is set up with so many, so so so so many false flags and controlled opposition and idiots who make anyone telling the truth feel like shit, so many layers and layers of control, that it’s pretty hopeless. And when they shut down the internet, which they will, and people will celebrate it like they celebrated the Boston martial law, and the only people who didn’t celebrate it were busy blaming reptiles instead of Jews and the “elite”, because they are still so brainwashed, the fuck you think is gonna happen?

            “but now the younger men particularly have assistance.”

            My ass. As long as they capitulate they’ll have assistance. Otherwise they will be attacked. If they question the roots of an issue, they will be attacked and shunned and cast out – unless they cow themselves.

            “they can come home from school/uni and check the bullshit out for themselves as soon as the suspicions arise. they aren’t in the dark.”

            They see half-truths and nothing more, nothing effective. It took years for me to see most of the full truth and I’m a genius, even for me it took great efforts, great strides, great changes, to get there, to let myself see it. I had to become a man. I wasn’t before. It was frightening. My worldview shattered time and again. Hardship I know thee even in the modern cushy internet world where jackasses say whatever they want and have never seen real strife – well if you think going into combat and risking your life is a struggle, I know struggle too, anyone who seeks the truth must cast aside their loved ones, their friends, everything, in order to truly see it and preach it. Few can. Fewer will.

            Sure we could convince a bunch of people the Holohoax never happened but then what? The educational system is still controlled?

            Like I’ve said time and again – and if you haven’t read my other shit on it I suggest you do – this is about values. The values must change or nothing changes. That was the Jewish genius, the trick, that created all this mess. They upset the WHITE value system. And so, nowadays, that system cannot even function. Not as long as the numbers are against us.

            Again, appreciate your comments, and I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

            • L says:

              (J’s note: accidentally edited your comment. Restoring it now.)

              ”“all they needed was the data” – if only it were so. But it’s not. Anyone who spends their life trying to tell people the “data” sees this. What solidarity? There is no solidarity here because most people are too stupid to see the truth even when it’s staring them in the face. They will only believe what they are FORCED to believe. And since people don’t respond to the TRUTH, it is a fundamental truth of the human species that the LIARS shall prevail. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. All truly good people are misanthropes.”

              yes but i’m talking about the intelligent/leaders finding the data, not the masses. the data needs to be shaped for them but a leadership class. i think the fact you have terms like ”jew wise” now and all sorts of other ”destruction of our society” data available and being spread is proving that more and more intellectually competent whites are waking up.
              solidarity…yes you’re not going to get love letters maybe, but there is certainly support ideologically, in a broad sense, at least with some issues, at least with trying to safe guard our civilisation.
              the fact i see many people trying to fight back, even if it’s not with the precise positions, even if they’re not even people i really like, still helps.

              i’m not really sold on the racial degeneration during the war. it was a total war as well which means the killing becomes pretty indiscriminate on the battlefield, civilians totalled, the starvations and whatnot. plus i think a far greater percentage of the combat personal survived than it seems. for instance you had a pretty good chance of surviving in the army.

              the thing is the old christians did seem to distinguish between christ and jews. they didn’t put him in the same box, i’m not even convinced they thought he had jewish roots. and just look at the way they represent him. he’s a bloody european! even if they did think he had jewish identity, he was not a jew to them, this was just he packaging, he was god. the jews were the christ-killers, they were not in the same box.
              i think christianity was really just taken as a ritual replacement. and they just picked and chose from the text and added it to their own system. you can see it in poems like beowulf, where they have this pagan story but then here and there is a christian reference. it’s just superficial colouring of a culture. i believe they saw the bible as just another source of material, with exotic shit in it. it was just symbols and stories they added to their own cultural systems.
              which is why i think the true infection came later.

              i don’t want to go on a christian crusade but from what i can see the christians kept the jews down for about a thousand years, which isn’t easy with a population that aggressive and manipulative. which european groups outside of the nazis have actually put the jews in ghettoes, in costumes, and driven them out of the land?
              i think the christians did a pretty good job for a long time. they applied heavy discrimination tactics against jews to protect europeans.
              yes the jews were still there but it’s pretty hard to control your borders when you don’t really have proper borders and with such fragmented locales.
              if the christians hadn’t been so hard on jews, it may have been a lot worse a lot sooner.
              i’m not really convinced the pagans would have been any better.
              the ”emancipation” of jews is only recent from what i understand and seems to be directly proportional to the weakening of traditional christianity and the rise of liberalism/”humanism”.
              i don’t deny modern christianity is politically disgraceful and has no true values. but i also don’t think it’s even close to the christianity which went hand in hand with our incredible european advance/domination.
              i do not think christianity GAVE us the advancement like some, but i do think it was more or less neutral until it was manipulated.

              ”“but now the younger men particularly have assistance.”

              My ass. As long as they capitulate they’ll have assistance. Otherwise they will be attacked. If they question the roots of an issue, they will be attacked and shunned and cast out – unless they cow themselves.”

              assistance in the way i mention above, ”ideological support” through material, not necessarily people.. i would be in a far greater fog without the assistance i’ve had through internet data.

              “they can come home from school/uni and check the bullshit out for themselves as soon as the suspicions arise. they aren’t in the dark.”

              ”They see half-truths and nothing more, nothing effective.”

              but that’s not really true. just knowing you are becoming minorities in your own major cities can change somebody’s whole perspective instantly and lead them down a path…and so on. i don’t think they need to know everything to be effective. they just need to have concerns validated. they just need to get on the defensive, realise they’re under threat, and then pressure begins to mount which can be built upon.

              i think you have to be careful not to be psyched out. you’re coming across very negative/hopeless here. that’s what your opponents want as you know.
              they want everyone to capitulate and see it all as insurmountable. don’t overestimate them, though.

              • L says:

                and jsut again about the germans, it’s probably not useful to specify like that because really the whole central european area is no different genetically from people with a german nationality on paper. and the western europeans in general are very close.

                • j3133 says:

                  Probably. Jews play word games to ensure we don’t have adequate words to describe what we mean. Whatever the pure white noble essence is, I don’t know the name for it.

              • j3133 says:

                “the fact i see many people trying to fight back, even if it’s not with the precise positions, even if they’re not even people i really like, still helps.”

                I get what you’re saying and perhaps there is some hope in our elite but being so disjointed without a shared goal, a shared focus, and most of “our elite” unable to understand the concepts I’m talking and get past their stupid delusions, I have my doubts. Can’t win a war when you don’t know your enemy. Can’t win a war when you’re all fighting pointless battles. Jews have a shared purpose and a shared enemy – they all work together to fight against us, and we don’t even see it. And most people have been trained to scoff at even the slightest disagreement and kick that person out – which has happened to me time and again because I’m just a bit too “strong-willed” – not a Jewish-style conformer. Of course the strong-willed dissenters are the only ones that will ever truly resist.

                “i’m not really sold on the racial degeneration during the war. it was a total war as well which means the killing becomes pretty indiscriminate on the battlefield, civilians totalled, the starvations and whatnot. plus i think a far greater percentage of the combat personal survived than it seems. for instance you had a pretty good chance of surviving in the army.”

                I believe there could only have been negative, not neutral or positive, effects on the German descendants stemming from the war itself and the after-effects, and considering the sad state of Germany today I think that’s true.

                “if the christians hadn’t been so hard on jews, it may have been a lot worse a lot sooner.”

                They should’ve killed them. They didn’t because they were “God’s Chosen” and despite all their evil they were still not to be killed. Yes, Christianity was just another pagan religion to them, but the key is that it made Jews “God’s Chosen” and therefore untouchable. I do believe I’ve read that Jews were saved from the harshest persecutions time and again because of this. And I do believe that they would’ve been dealt with much more swiftly if they were not considered “God’s Chosen”, so that their evil would not have been swept under the rug for so long.

                Maybe not though. I don’t know enough about the history to say. It’s pretty safe to say that if America weren’t Christian we wouldn’t have so many supporters of Israel’s wars, and that the Jews who created this faux religion created it for this very purpose, so that the Jews would one day be considered friends, eventually. Whether this took 200 years or 2000, it was inevitable as long as Jews were “God’s Chosen”. Nietzsche seems to think Christianity destroyed Rome with it’s faux value system. Do you disagree? Do you believe that “things just happen” and civilizations just collapse “just because” and there is “no reason for it”, like with the “evil honor killings”? People just do things that make no sense whatsoever because I guess that’s the “Gentile way”? Doesn’t jive. Did Christianity HELP us? I don’t see how. Was it positive? Not in the long run. Was it positive for a time? Doubt it, it promoted weakness and stupid false ideals that harmed the white race, that encouraged the “equality” myth and mixing with idiots and assholes based solely on religion, that told us all the good things in life are evil and we should be “nice” – Etymology: late 13c., “foolish, stupid, senseless,” from Old French nice (12c.) “careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish,” from Latin nescius “ignorant, unaware,” literally “not-knowing,” from ne- “not” (see un-) + stem of scire “to know” (see science). “The sense development has been extraordinary, even for an adj.” [Weekley] — from “timid” (pre-1300); to “fussy, fastidious” (late 14c.); to “dainty, delicate” (c.1400); to “precise, careful” (1500s, preserved in such terms as a nice distinction and nice and early); to “agreeable, delightful” (1769); to “kind, thoughtful” (1830).

                “i’m not really convinced the pagans would have been any better.
                the ”emancipation” of jews is only recent from what i understand and seems to be directly proportional to the weakening of traditional christianity and the rise of liberalism/”humanism”.”

                Everything good in Christianity we already had. The traditional values were in place long before. Everything bad in Christianity was designed to weaken us and eventually pave the way for more liberal lies. The seed was Christianity, it was just a version that was considered subtle back then, just like liberal lies are considered subtle today. Jews had to tear down the old system and they did it with Xtianity. And maybe that’s for the best. Maybe a slave race of Christians with ruthless Jews at the top is the only way. But let’s not pretend Christianity was ever helpful to any of us. It caused wars and fed us bullshit lies. Maybe I’m wrong. What’s so great about Christianity? What was ever good in Christianity that we didn’t have before, that wasn’t already common sense, traditionalism? What in Christianity was anything but Jewish bullshit? I’m all ears, but I bet every thing you could point out I could explain why it’s a stupid morality designed to harm us.

                Maybe not. I’m not working with full information here. I used to agree, in fact I still respect traditional Christians and I thought for a time I could work for them, that they were essential in resisting the Jews. But like the liberals they are infected with lies, even the traditional ones. Hell, they’re infected with the lie that God exists, that Yahweh loves ’em (and THEREFORE THE JEWS LOVE THEM). You cannot separate Yahweh and the Jewish people. Okay let’s take the New Testament folks, the ones like Church of Christ that don’t really care for Yahweh. They say the New Testament is for Christians and the Old was for Jews, it’s not for us. But it was still Yahweh, and Christ is still the son of God and he’s still the same as Yahweh, just with a different name and a different, false, face. He’s the crypto-Jew version of Yahweh. Ok so what does Christ tell us. Be a passive-aggressive weenie zombie and hate everyone who doesn’t love Christ like you do because you are superior to them. Ok so that Church fails.

                So then we can look at other traditional Christians, they base everything on the Bible, they don’t THINK, they just follow the word – how do you expect them to ever be on our side. FAITH is anti-thought. “Eternal life” is what’s important so who gives a fuck what happens on earth, it’s all gonna work out, wishy washy liberal crap sounds like to me. Are these Christians having 10 children or 2? Do they support the welfare state? Do they agree sometimes a bitch needs a good smack? Do they agree that you oughta kill the people who are trying to kill you instead of just sitting by and arguing over trivialities? Nope nope nope. I have met some sensible traditional Christians. They are not sensible because they are Christians; they are sensible because they were born that way and Christianity only harmed their sensibility in a way that they will never really get the big picture because they are still full of delusions about Christianity and God and the afterlife and all that other juvenile nonsense. Think they’re gonna listen to me if I tell ’em about the Jews? Ya think? I invite ya to try. The Muslims are the real problem dontchaknow.

                Who knows maybe Christianity saved the world but I somehow doubt it. Nietzsche seemed to think we had the dark ages BECAUSE of it. It killed off Rome. I tend to think that over the course of 2000 years we would’ve been more technologically advanced than we are now if we had kept the old values instead of listening to the Jews, eh? Maybe not. Instead of the weak schemers winning the battle of the ages perhaps the strong warriors would’ve. Can’t really say, not sure it really matters, don’t see how Christ delusion is helpful to us today, only harmful. Judaism though, that’s a sweet religion – quite effective. Some smart fellers dem Jews.

                assistance in the way i mention above, ”ideological support” through material, not necessarily people.. i would be in a far greater fog without the assistance i’ve had through internet data.

                True enough, the data is out there, but hardly anyone wants to research it. Almost everyone I’ve ever met has stopped at a certain point. So what’s the point? Not really helpful since so few care because they were brainwashed by Xtianity & liberalism & modern values which are the necessary consequence of the Jews’ 2500 year plan.

                And what good does it do, anyway, when in ten years time the internet will be censored? Sure we have the luxury of knowing, but nobody’s gonna listen.

                I guess I’m being pissy. Yes I agree it was a relief for me to be able to find these answers and learn from other men, even if in the end I eventually became the master rather than the student, and they remained talking about things that are inconsequential in the long run. Never could’ve done it without them, would’ve been lost. I am quite relieved that I could come through it all and figure it out with the help of so many others.

                “but that’s not really true. just knowing you are becoming minorities in your own major cities can change somebody’s whole perspective instantly and lead them down a path…and so on. i don’t think they need to know everything to be effective. they just need to have concerns validated. they just need to get on the defensive, realise they’re under threat, and then pressure begins to mount which can be built upon. ”

                Maybe. But due to the modern morality they won’t actually DO anything but whine about it, and they won’t listen to those who tell them the full truths. They’re too stupid and their minds are warped. Full of delusion. Where does it lead? What will they do? They certainly won’t kill the Jews, now will they? Not ever. And as long as the Jews are around, they will do what they are doing. So it seems pretty cut and dry to me.

                “i think you have to be careful not to be psyched out. you’re coming across very negative/hopeless here. that’s what your opponents want as you know.
                they want everyone to capitulate and see it all as insurmountable. don’t overestimate them, though.”

                Yeah I know. And despite that it seems hopeless, and most likely is, I don’t want that to infect others. For me despite the lack of hope I doubt I can settle down and not talk about it at least, and I’ve gone back and forth so many times I have built up a bit of an immunity. But I’m really not seeing a path forward. I don’t see what needs to happen… happening. It’s not. I see it’s going to be too late by the time people wake up. I see that I can’t count on people anyway. I see why the Jews would hate these people so much and do what they did, and I see how that might be the best thing. I may not like it but it seems to be the natural order of things. There may have been a time when it could’ve been different, but I don’t think it’s now. Without Christianity perhaps some Germans like me would’ve killed off everyone else and instituted programs to create the ubermensch. Clearly their best dreamed of that. Maybe it was just a dream and in reality only the Jewish way works. I don’t see how the German way can return. It may have been a one-off sort of the thing. The white way. The communities we have. All that “gentleness”. Maybe it wasn’t Christianity but our DNA that screwed us over.

                IF people would listen, IF they wanted to be sane, it might be possible. But I really don’t see how that happens now. People aren’t sane. They’re nucking futz. And stupid. There are way too many stupid people, and if it weren’t for them none of this would be possible. Can’t count on them, so why try to help them or join them? Seems much wiser to take the Jewish way and use them instead. Why have compassion for them, have they earned it? Most Jews aren’t any better but the “elite” at the top who orchestrate all this at least are SANE enough to do what they do for themselves and their descendants. At least they have that. It irritates me to see the lies and bullshit, and it irritates me that the people I’ve tried to help don’t care. It irritates me that they don’t DO anything when our allies are thrown under the bus, like here: https://j3133.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/this-is-how-freedom-dies/

                And as long as that is true, anyone who’s a threat can be taken out in the same way, or through other methods which are just as effective. And legislation will keep coming to make things worse. Seems like a losing game to me to try to resist it. Everyone thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong. Not a very effective strategy methinks. So I can see why the Jews succeed.

                The only other alternative, since trying to convince the dumb masses of the truth through democracy clearly does not work, would be to somehow become the new elite and rule over the masses with an iron fist, to FORCE them to do what’s best for them. But you still couldn’t do it openly, and you’d still have to somehow beat the Jews first. In the end though the most effective strategy would be something along the lines of what the Jews are already doing, but you’d also have to get a lot of like-minded folks together to do it, and that ain’t feasible, Jews would stop that. Seems to me, again, best idea is to join up or give up, either learn to behave like a Jew and help ’em murder and rape innocents or have a little fun exposing the truth but don’t take it too seriously and just enjoy life. Seems foolish to try to resist them, to keep repeating the same mistakes.

                “Honor, loyalty,
                purity—these are sets of regulations. The
                best of you will not swerve from them: you
                will die in their defense—like the gallant gentlemen
                you are.”

                But if that’s not an effective strategy why should I do it? What loyalty do I have to these people who wouldn’t blink if I was tortured and murdered? They don’t care about me. They don’t care about the truth. They don’t want to hear what I have to say, so fuck ’em right? Am I supposed to be a “good Christian” and give a fuck what happens to these idiots and assholes who care nothing for me? That would be the delusion, methinks. Why be a martyr for no purpose? Just to cling to what used to work for us in the past but never shall again? The technology, the control – it is serious. And the numbers are against us. The world is against us. Unless we play by the rules of the hierarchy, play the game we didn’t create, and realize this is chess now, not checkers.

  3. Pingback: Join up or give up? | J3133's Truth

  4. Pingback: The Game of Life | J3133's Truth

  5. j3133 says:

    (I’m replying here for the sake of readability.)

    Another great reply.

    “i have suspicions about the standard iq rankings because i think white societies have attracted more elite level jews and asians, bending the numbers. i know they say they go to non-white nations to check too, but are they going to the middle of nowhere in china with correct proportion? same with jews? i don’t believe it.”

    That’s a very good point. I am certain you are right that they misrepresent intelligence (and also realize that IQ is not the same as intelligence, it is only loosely correlated). I won’t waste time trying to define intelligence. As someone at the upper end of the bell curve who has dealt with these Jews who are supposed to be “so smart”, I know for a fact they aren’t that impressive. There’s also the nature vs. nurture thing, and when these upper-level IQ Jews grow up on the best food and filtered water money can buy, without the delusions we have and therefore with a purpose, this must boost their IQ scores at least 20 or 30 points. I was probably lucky to avoid fluoride growing up, really. Fluoride in children can drop IQ scores the same amount, 20 or 30 points.

    The biggest reason I know Jews (and Asians) aren’t that smart is I’ve interacted with a portion of their brightest and really I have not been that impressed. I have been more impressed by genius whites. Of course, this was mostly in engineering fields. In business on the other hand you don’t really need the genius but manipulative and scheming ability, and connections. Jews’ specialty lies in saying a lot but not really saying anything truthful. And yes, there are Jews who are just as bright as whites, and are good at analysis, especially of other people, but most of them are still quite deluded, unable to get past their delusions. An example of a “brilliant” Jew would be Mencius Moldbug at http://moldbuggery.blogspot.com . He says things that on the surface might be convincing and he writes quite effectively if verbosely, it’s the kind of thing you can read and say “aha! that’s true” but in the end most of it is not really that substantive, nor is it focused on real solutions but only things that sound good – things to convince you to do what the Jew wants rather than what is true, and the Jew doesn’t even know it consciously sometimes I bet.

    So overall when it comes to communication skills, is the Jew even better than the white at that? I know I’m not a “great communicator”, I speak quite bluntly and fairly stream of thought – I don’t always know how to make things *sound* good to your average peon, but that’s something the Jew specializes in. Many whites, also, are able to do this, for example Kevin MacDonald. But maybe all we think is “good writing” these days is really just “writing like a Jew” because after all isn’t persuasive speech a typical Jewish trait? I tend to stick to facts whereas they tend to stick to things that sound good to persuade an ignorant audience. Anyway I’d hazard a guess that whites are better at communicating genuine ideas but Jews are better at communicating bullshit.

    “as for the civilisational achievements of jews, i’m also not prepared to give out too much credit. the reason is that they use our intellectual infrastructure and more importantly there were enough whites of that intelligence to do anything they’ve been part of if you know what i mean. i don’t think anything they’ve done within our society couldn’t have been done by a gentile and of course when it comes to physics etc. people build from others work and work in large organisms. so einstein utilised all these other people, many gentiles of equal intelligence to end up where he did and so on. also many of these ”jewish” scientists etc are half european so who do you assign the ”genius” to?”

    Yep, we never needed them. It’s like an Iphone app – some “businessman” pays a genius software engineer crumbs to make a game like Angry Birds, hardly gives them any advice on it, and the guy builds it making the “businessman” millions and the software engineer gets his $200. Jews are just users is all, and they always will be. What about Facebook? Even when whites come up with an idea, the Jew steals the idea and does a bare minimum amount of work to bring it to fruition, also using his (natural and nurtured) talents of social understanding, makes billions and is glorified in “blockbuster” movies – that’s all Zuckerberg did. I do admit the Facebook code in 2005 was quite clean and efficient, and this may have been partly Zuckerberg’s and partly his Jew buddy Moskovitz’s work, and we know that the Jewish elite and some of the upper echelon Jewry have this sort of intelligence too, so we can’t really say that they don’t have some of that sort of intelligence in them too. Then again so do Indians and some whites. And like you said in your last line who do you assign the “genius” to? Again this relates back to Jews not being so much one race but a genetically engineered race put together from all the useful races for a specific purpose. (On a side note monogamy shows itself to be quite vital in the success of Jews because when 1- they know their purpose is business / using others and 2- they know they must settle with only one mate to have children, then they will do all they can to find and get the most suitable mate that will make their bloodlines successful in the future, and they will have to be very discerning about who they choose and once chosen they must remain dedicated to them and their children for as long as they live.)

    “the other factor is that because jews look after jews, they are more likely to assist each other in academic fields getting into prime positions for research as well as getting in better positions for credit”

    Oh yes, certainly:


    “Indeed, Unz’s analysis implied that, compared to Jews, non-Jewish Whites are represented at Harvard at 1/15th of the level they would be in a meritocratic system. On the other hand, compared to Jews, Asians are underrepresented at 1/7 of the level they would achieve in a meritocratic system. It is indeed obvious that Asians are being actively discriminated against. But only compared to Jews, and certainly not when compared to non-Jewish Whites. Indeed, non-Jewish Whites are discriminated against more than twice as much as Asians when compared to Jews. I don’t see any other possible explanation besides ethnic networking for this “wildly disproportionate” overrepresentation of Jews compared to non-Jewish Whites.”



    “For me, the most surprising aspect of Unz’s analysis was his finding of Jewish intellectual decline, as measured by performance on a wide range of competitions, from NSM semifinalists (which emphasize verbal achievement, a traditional Jewish strength), to math and science prizes. In explaining these findings, Unz points to increasing Jewish complacency and lack of effort, supporting his argument by noting that some recent Jewish standouts have been more likely to be immigrants from the former Soviet Union and therefore more likely to be highly motivated. One gets the image of third- and fourth-generation Jews, born to wealth and a sense of entitlement, seeing no need to work hard to ascend to elite status—and being quite correct in that assessment. Further, he notes that an increasing percentage of Jews come from the Orthodox, a group with relatively low IQ.

    But the numbers for Jewish overrepresentation compared to Whites are even more striking. Corresponding to the collapse of Jewish academic achievement has been an increase in the percentage of high-performing Whites in math and science competitions. And whereas the performance of Jews has declined dramatically, the performance for Whites has stayed approximately the same—an amazing and very heartening finding considering the corrosive effect of the MTV culture and a public school system whose main function would seem to be spewing multicultural propaganda and White guilt rather than academic rigor. ‘Based on the overall distribution of America’s population, it appears that approximately 65–70 percent of America’s highest ability students are non-Jewish whites, well over ten times the Jewish total of under 6 percent.'”

    “i guess my point is we don’t need the jews. they need us. without us, you would have no jewish scientists on the books basically. but you’d have countless european ones.”

    This is true but it is also false, maybe. Because certainly they have always needed us to do their bidding, but then again as they mix more and more with our best and brightest, they will “steal” our ability. And again it’s not really Jews and Gentiles, it’s more the top elite, then the next level of the elite, and on down. Somewhere in there you have the lesser Jews in the hierarchy, some of which can do Gentile jobs if need be, like the programmers, and the scientists, like Einstein (who really wasn’t a genius). What I mean is in the long run we COULD have an intellectual world dominated ENTIRELY by Jews, because over time they will be able to fill in the blanks that non-Jews left behind. It would be a safer strategy, after all, than continuing to put whitey in positions of power like the scientific field or the psychological field. Of course, the manual labor would be reserved for non-Jews, and probably quite specialized based on race – blacks for manual labor, Asians or Indians for repetitive mental tasks, you get the drift. I’m not sure where white people would be optimally placed – probably in think tanks and such, and maybe if they demonstrated their worth and dedication and genius some of them could become part of the “Jewish” crowd through marriage, though they would start at the lowest levels. In the end it will continue to be quite hierarchical, and the word “Jew” won’t have very much meaning other than as a method of religious or political control. The elite will continue to use those below them who are the “Jews” of the future, and the “Jews” of the future will use the “Gentiles” below them. It will look a lot like it does today except the machine will be ONE and the machine will be much more efficient – because you won’t have any of this pesky “freedom” talk and there won’t be any need for “war” except perhaps as a sideshow. I tend to think once the “elite” have full control, with the lesser “Jews” below them, they will still have a drive to conquer and control something new, it’ll never end – so they will probably make efforts to colonize outside the Earth, maybe this is just a hope of mine. Maybe the “elite would be satisfied with ruling the earth and having the lesser “Jews” entertain themselves with luxury and socializing, with raping and torturing slaves (aha! I remembered what they’ll use white people for!), and with sports and games designed to entertain the lesser “Jews”. They may even restore religion and put an end to scientific knowledge for all but a small elite, I guess whatever they use whether it’s religion or not, they will have to work toward further mind control (through drugs and psyops) and genetic engineering to keep the populace in line, but once they have control this shouldn’t be a very hard thing to accomplish…. Think Brave New World except if you resist you don’t get to live with other people like you at the end, lol.

    “but over all i think their survival strategy is a terrible one. it’s incredibly unstable. living as a minority parasite class essentially hated by every host population. it will eventually catch up in my opinion, i’m probably more optimistic about this than you”

    Again we must realize that most Jews are pawns in this game and the elite though mostly “Jewish” is really just the most powerful and ruthless of businessman who will be welcomed if they possess the right traits. That is why lesser Jews, by which I mean the Jewish masses, have been made to suffer – because really they are nothing but tools to the “elite”. If somehow the lesser Jews could be made to understand this, it is possible they would rebel and try to take over, but I don’t think that’s likely for basically the same reasons most non-Jews won’t rebel – they are stuck in their delusions. And really they are getting a fairly good deal in the end if they tow the line, compared to the rest of us. I could even see the elite at the top allowing Israel and Jewry to perish at some point if it suited them, like if they had full control and deemed them a threat, then many of the lesser Jews could also be let go.

    I can see why it could be considered an unstable strategy, but with the elite protected by being fairly hidden, and the strategy becoming more and more stable over time (as the world is forced to embrace capitalism and general “Jewish” control), with the foresight they have and the control they have and the fact that the rulers of many nations have similar goals because they too want to rule the world, the only instability is in the masses – and the masses are easily controlled, we see. Perhaps we could consider the whole 2,500 year fiasco a giant gambit, a huge risk, but it paid off, and at this point I think victory is basically assured for these “elite” – and they dealt with the Russian threat fairly easily didn’t they? All they’d need to do now if they haven’t already is gain China’s support, and that can be accomplished fairly easily – assassinate leadership until one upstart consents, if need be, and manipulate the populace if need be, or starve them, if need be. What’s to stop ’em?

    The other thing is, we can consider leftism and Christianity unstable because they are value systems that go against everything mother nature, survival of the fittest, tells us. Bad advice. But the “Jewish” way, the way of capitalism, of greed and cruelty and gaining as much as possible for oneself to the exclusion of others, this competitiveness, that is 100% in line with mother nature’s design, and so in reality though it may appear unstable it is the natural order of things, the easiest path, and quite stable indeed. And since those who are most suited to business and manipulation and the pursuit of power will necessarily rise to the top within the current system, and the “good” the “Christian” the “nice” and the general idiot masses will stay at the bottom, powerless penniless impotent and ignorant, well the type of people that rise to the top naturally in this system are the type that will continue to support the system rather than go against it.

    So why were whites successful? I’d say whites excel at conquering through physical force, whereas Jews and their like excel at conquering through psychological force. And that’s probably too black and white, I mean any ruler must always use psychology, and any ruler also must use his mind not just his numbers to beat opponents, but that also shows why this is not instability but a stable system – because over time it’s going to be the people with the strongest minds who end up winning the battle of the ages, not just those with the most physical force, except when used as a tool [may be interesting to consider this in regard to the Neanderthals & melonhead / sapiens theory, but not really important]. And they have that tool at their disposal now. With technology it makes it even easier, it makes mere numbers less of a concern because millions or billions can be wiped out with the push of a button or the signing of a piece of paper to cut off the food supply or grant “freedom” to an infiltrated nation.

    So whites and other men with classical values of truth and honor, they are clinging to what worked in the past to gain power, but what cannot work long term – unless the current system is somehow upset and we return to the old.

    This really may be the only path forward for the human race, to achieve anything – Borg-like, collectivist, hierarchical, it really might be the only way we stop the endless sport and pursuit of war and then decline as we grow bored once there is no more satisfying war to be had.

    I am being pessimistic here, of course. I am throwing out concepts, things I don’t want to believe, but may have to settle for.

    I can kind of understand where the “Jews” and the “elite” are coming from. I wanted to believe for a long time that most whites were like me, or even a large minority. But fuck, where is the support? Even when I was trying to convince people of how to resist, and how to behave if we really are to hold to the traditional value system, who really cared? Who else really got it? One? Two? Three? Does anyone in my immediate family understand? No. Do I think they even have the capability? No. Does anyone I know in real life understand? No. Do any of them get it? No. Do even the Jewish masses get it? Doubt it. It is so incredibly frustrating to have no one in this world understand or support you, to cling to delusions and just never “get it”. Everyone you try to help eventually betrays you, shits on you, censors you, betrays the very values they claimed to have! So why worry about “betraying” them? So I can kind of understand where the Jewish prophets were coming from and where the elite today are coming from – they gave up on trying to convince us and be honest with us about how they think things ought to be, and so they decided fuck it, they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, anything and everything, and they’ll drop silly delusions like guilt because they believe fully that this is the only path forward to actually accomplish something as a people and have things make some sense, instead of all these competing false ideas. The false ideologies of the current world are not something the true elite believe but something that needs to be used against the rest of us so that they can achieve their long term goals.

    I can understand this mentality. After I try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try again to teach people the light, have they ever learned? They’ll say they understand one day and the next they’ll do the same damn stupid shit. They’ll claim they have scruples and the next day they will betray them and thereby betray their delusions. There has always been some point at which someone’s delusion prevented them from agreeing with something I said. Would you like me to list them? There are things I could say now that would “offend” probably even you, and I wouldn’t even need to go as far as I have gone in the last few days discussing these very important things with you, I wouldn’t have to say that “the ends justify the means, no matter what” – I could point out contradictions and delusions even under the assumptive moral system of today, probably.

    Everywhere I have gone to try to CONVINCE people it results eventually in them failing to be able to let go of a delusion because it suits them personally to cling to it. I also have been guilty of this, sure, but I always eventually have gotten closer to the truth and let go of my delusions even if I don’t want to. Most people are just too scared.

    What could I say to offend? Could I say that having an arbitrary age of consent is patently ridiculous? Could I say that if a woman puts herself in a potentially dangerous situation and gets raped, she is partly, even mostly, to blame? Could I say that I am a fan of honor killings because it ought to be a man’s right to decide whether his child lives or dies, whether his child is worthy of his name? Could I say that “child support” is evil? Could I say that women are basically just users in the same way Jews are, and it is foolish to ever fully trust them? Could I say that it is RIGHT to treat those who are inferior to you as less than you, because if you do not you leave you and yours open to attack now or in the future? I see why the Jews have no compassion regarding the things they do – because sometimes you have to do things, and you can’t let emotion get in the way – you need that cold hard logic. If I know that continuing to deal with someone in my life is going to harm me eventually, shouldn’t I do whatever is necessary to avoid that? What if a man has a child with a cunt and she treats him like shit, and he leaves? Why shouldn’t he? Why should we call him a deadbeat dad? It’s the fucking cunt’s fault for suckering him into it in the first place, and why should he have an obligation to take care of a child from a cunt, a cunt he wants nothing to do with, a child who has the cunt’s genes and therefore also is a piece of trash? Could I say that the majority of people on this earth aren’t worth a shit and therefore shouldn’t even have the luxury of life, because in the end they can only do me and mine harm? I see these ideas in the “new right” like – white countries for whites, Asian for Asians, black for blacks – but why the fuck would we want to keep everyone around in their own little countries? To what end? For what purpose? What is the goal? The only sensible goal is survival, long term, and thriving, so that at least humanity continues on and can accomplish something. If that is not the goal then life means nothing. I strive for meaning in life. So what good would it do us to grant half of Africa to black people for the sake of it? What good would it do for whites, if I were a white nationalist, to keep Jews around? None of these “academics” want to admit the cold hard truth: as long as Jews and their like are around, they will continue to attack us and kill us and eventually we will die because we are too cowardly to do all that is necessary, too cowardly even to use violence, to ensure our own survival? What good would it have done to send Jews to Madagascar? As long as they are alive they are a threat to non-Jews. That is a fact. But everyone’s such a dumb bitch these days they can’t even admit it, so full of delusion, it’s ridiculous.

    Now just in case some Jew wants to frame me lol – I don’t plan on doing any violence, or exterminating anyone. As I’ve already said, it’s pointless to even discuss because no one understands. The only thing I could possibly do to help myself would be to do as the Jews do, seek power, get into business, etc. I don’t really know that that’s really an option, though, or that I even want to do it. Guys like me who come to these conclusions, the same the elite do, are rare, but they are also a potential threat. The Jews and the non-Jewish elite at the top, the businessmen, they are the sort who ages ago had similar frustrations to me and decided they must do something drastic to change things, and they feel no remorse when they kill us because they realize that our ancestors are the same assholes who frustrated them in the first place and made them into slaves, and didn’t listen to them no matter how much they argued, and they had to constantly deal with no support, but they found that support, and they worked together and they reaped their vengeance. Even their families, most of them, at the time, probably didn’t understand. They had to live lives of secrets, of manipulation, of deceit, because they couldn’t even confide in their closest loved ones. Sheesh, I need a beer – okay I’m set. After a time they just realized, like I have, the only way to get what you know is right is to do whatever it fucking takes to get it and to stop trying to convince people because all but a very select few will ever understand. Humanity CREATED these people because most are so selfish yet so stupid that they don’t understand what truly benefits them in the long run. EVERYONE thinks they know it all, even me. But only a few really do or are even capable.

    So now that I know the modern value system is complete bunk, I can really see where they are coming from. It has been a progression for me but all paths lead to truth if you have the mind for it and the information is available, and you seek it out like I have, and maybe you gotta be damn lucky too. But what I was saying was why would these elite want someone like me? The people who are born into this way of life are one thing, for generations they have worked toward these same goals, and maybe they no longer even really understand why. It’s basically in the subconscious to some extent. Whereas for me, though I’ve always had that cold and calculating, withdrawn, introverted, unemotional portion to me, it is something I only use when I see no other options. It is something I CONSCIOUSLY decide to use when I have no other choice. I am someone who rationally came to these conclusions, but my family isn’t so rational. I may just be a fluke of nature. And so what would guarantee that my children would be more like me and not more like my immediate family who just don’t get it? And what would guarantee that my children wouldn’t just decide one day to disagree, becaues again their nature would be conscious RATIONALITY at best, rather than the same subconscious drive ingrained in their DNA that the “elite” have. If my children weren’t quite as rational as me, then they might make mistakes, and they might betray the “elite”. So this is why in another post in which I expressed my frustrations regarding trying to help people and no one listening, I said “Marry a Jew, save the world.” It was a bit of a joke, yes, but it’s true that a solid plan for survival would be to get into the “elite” ranks and marry an “elite” female, because as the Jewish rabbis say, the children will have the Jewish soul. I could make the conscious choice to join up with the “evil Jews” and help them. I could do a lot of things. Of course, my past wouldn’t reflect very well, my exposing truths and all the politically incorrect things I have said not only under this name but under many others, and under my own real name. But it’s true, if I really wanted to, and I had the support of the “elite”, I could become a movie star, or a politician, it wouldn’t be hard. I’m physically beautiful and young and smart. I could do anything I want to. I have traits that could be useful. I could have millions of young girls creaming their panties over me like I’m Justin Beiber, if I had the right connections. I could do that if I really wanted to. I just never have wanted to. I find that kind of shit repulsive.

    But it’s really all about perspective. When you have the perspective I now have, it becomes a fun, a game, to participate in these arenas. It would be an AMUSEMENT to get involved in business. It would be an AMUSEMENT to act like a Jew to get one over on everyone else and benefit myself. Because once you realize it’s all a big game and the people at the top do it for logical reasons, it becomes FUN to be fake. It’s EXCITING to be a pretender, especially when you’re working with others to do it. I can see how it would be FUN for Jews to shill and troll and fuck with us, it must be so damn amusing. But when guys like me see right through them I think it does worry them, and that’s why they react so viscerally with anger when I out them. That’s why they resort to censorship. Because they think THEY are the ones getting one over on us, on me, and when they realize they don’t have us ALL fooled, that there are people out there who aren’t Jews, who aren’t shills working for Jews, who GET IT – they are shocked. It harms one of their delusions, the delusion that everyone but them is lesser, is stupid, is short-sighted, a lie the true elite tell them to get them to do what they want.

    So anyway, I’m sure most reading this will think I’m delusional or that I’m lying that I’m not just attractive but stunningly so. And remember, hubris is BAD! Being truthful, if it can be seen as complimenting oneself, is BAD! The excellent are BAD! The successful are BAD! The humble are GOOD! Blessed are the fuckin’ meek!

    Lastly, L, I really do appreciate being able to have this conversation with you. And I apologize if it seems as if I’m talking at you rather than listening. I do love hearing what you have to say and learning from you. I tend to think of myself as a catalyst – I can help people come to the right conclusions when we work together. And for me, you are a catalyst as well. So I really would love to hear what you have to say, whether you disagree or agree with any of it or all of it, and I hope that your response remains as honest and rational as it has so far.

    And I realize also that part of this COULD be frustration over my original strategy having never worked. But I don’t really think that’s the case. Things are just coming together, both in my real life and the interweb life I lead, that when put together tell me this is all true. Again finding the truth is a journey, and it’s amazing how much your views can evolve, how much your perspective can shift, when you learn more, and you put more pieces together, if you’re willing to shed delusions without mercy.

    And I also don’t want you to lose your passion or your desire because I make it seem hopeless. Though many will likely say it, if anyone else even reads this fucking blog anymore, I am not a Jew, and I am not a fake, and I am the same person I was a year ago physically – I was not killed off and replaced by a Jewish front. My “mysterious disappearance” for most of the last year had nothing to do with that but more with me living life and learning things you can only learn in the real world, things about family, about mother nature, about myself, about people.

    Maybe I’m wrong. I have been before. But as this is an evolution of ideas, not just me changing my views willy nilly, I find it doubtful. More and more pieces are coming together and I am connecting the dots. More and more it seems to me trying to convince people just doesn’t work. I spent 5 years doing it! And again and again nothing! So why should I lie to the only people in the world who might have a CHANCE of hearing me and doing what is best for them? I want beautiful people to survive, not die, not waste their lives doing pointless things.

    One might say we should honor our ancestors. Look at all the fucking Germans they murdered. Look at what is happening to white people. But I have TRIED, I have TRIED. Does my German uncle listen to me a word? Does my German mother give a fuck that the Holocaust didn’t happen? Does she give a fuck that I care about the future and that getting another J O B and making a bunch of money isn’t a solution at all? To what end?

    I thought my mission was to spread the truth of a true moral system. But this hope and dream has been shattered because I know now that it is not an effective strategy. I will be fought by the very people I am trying to save. So why save them? Why do they deserve it? Why? Logically, why? All they can guarantee me is more arguing and strife, never-ending, no solutions, only arguing and bitching and juvenile bullshit, endless war for the sake of it, endless conflict, the stupid never listening to the wise, never even trying to BECOME wise.

    A true moral system WORKS. And that is what I have been hiding from. The Roman values did not work. And the Jewish, capitalistic values work for those people. And unless we are hierarchical, there will always be conflict. Someone must submit. Endless strife is no path forward. That’s what the Jewish prophets told us, really, that’s why they predicted no more war. It all makes sense. It all jives. It is all logically consistent. The p’s and the q’s, the matrix of data, of if-then statements, cause and effect, truth and falsehood, it all comes together and I am tired of denying to myself the reality because I WISH things could be a certain way. I thought before we could have a beautiful world of people like ME, which is all anyone, despite their fucking protests about how they’re not selfish or this is about humanity, really wants. But where are the people like ME? I don’t see any in my immediate family. I thought these Germans, my blood, I thought they were supposed to be like me, I thought they could understand, and if they could, that we could work together and people who share these traits could accomplish something and it could be that beautiful world I always dreamed of where we are all “good” and “nice” and a white community with great people and no assholes trying to just get one over for themselves, but it just doesn’t seem to work, for the variety of reasons I have already explained.

    So why not laugh about it? It’s all very amusing if you have the right perspective. In fact, it makes it so much easier to deal with. When you know what I know, you, like the lesser Jew, like the powerful capitalist businessman, knows that this is all just a game – and so he can do all that it takes to get what he wants, because he knows it has a true purpose. He won’t scoff at peddling porn or creating feminism or a women’s magazine, because although he knows the content is rubbish, it amuses him to see the less-evolved masses follow him so easily, do as he bids. When you realize life is a game, it is actually very motivating – because you have a purpose, and it is a serious one, but you can also amuse yourself doing it, and you can have people worship you for what you do, even though you don’t really do anything of value! How amusing it must be to be one of the “elite”!

    Also, L, please read my latest few articles, as they are really just responses to your comments. Plus they’re not as long as this shit haha.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes likewise it is interesting to talk to somebody with an inquiring mind. not that talking to liberal pseudo-educated femsluts on dating sites isn’t totally engrossing and food for the soul.

      i’ve had people tell me that though they agree with many of my social observations (aka my burning vomit of hate) they ”hope to not turn out” like me by my age, in regards to my attitudes to the ”fair” sex particularly.
      but i think you may be more misogynistic actually so i’m going to have to work on my game.

      i think i did read the articles you refer to … i ‘ll respond to a couple of things about christianity.
      i still like the position that christianity was exploited rather than a tool from the beginning.
      here’s my thinking on that. as i mentioned there is vehement hatred of jews in numerous medieval texts i’ve read and i noticed this pattern even in the grimm’s tales where jews also seem to pop up to fuck people up and then get sadistically punished by the storyteller. and the hatred seems to be actually explained/justified in bible terms. my point is that for probably a thousand years since christianity was seeded in europe jews were hated by the hosts and ”persecuted” and driven out and so on. there were still restrictions on their entry in white territories up until the 20th century i believe. a 1000 years is a long time to be hated by people with a religion that under this model should have helped jews control gentiles… i think actually the original christianity may have protected the europeans from jews somewhat as weird as that sounds now. but it caused a distinction. christians/jews. old christians didn’t ”love thy brother” if their brother wasn’t a christian. they hated infidels and heathens … and jews by the sounds of it.
      i think this is a bit like evolution. it’s hard to imagine what animals were like so long ago when looking at them now. and it’s the same with christianity. i’m convinced current ”zionist” christianity is really nothing like it was for the majority of european history. that’s why i linked that canterbury tales thing because the difference in attitude towards jews is incredible when you read these old cultural texts.

      another thing that struck me was your rejection of ”white nationalism” which i find curious.
      personally i think many of hte white nationalist platforms are clumsy and ineffective but i do believe that you can have a movement based on being european and protecting european civilisation. although it also would need smaller nationalist ethnic units probably to work effectively. having said that though, this becomes tricky in the colonies where you have to go for a more ”western man” concept if you’re going to go ethnic nationalism, because we already melting potted the europeans there to an extent, which isn’t a big deal genetically given how identical western europeans really are in a practical sense but makes the ”identity” issue tougher to deal with. i mean my dna is no different to the french i’d say but i couldn’t exactly fit into that generation identity or whatever it’s called because i can’t speak french and don’t feel ”french” and so on. so if there were too many whites like me there which is what’s happening in anglo colonies in the reverse, it means the french nationalism becomes ineffective and you need a broader euro model.
      but i think european people can be shown to be genetically very similar and distinctive from the global populations, our civilisations likewise and… basically we used to do this. we used to distinguish ourselves from the rest and preserve ourselves. we had the different culture hues but the europeans knew who they were and knew they were titans going after the globe.
      having said that, and this might be what you’re getting at, i don’t believe it’s ENOUGH to just preserve white countries. i remember that lawyer guy for the council of conservative citizens talking about the white ethno state they’re trying to make and saying how the important thing is just to get whites there and so on, let’s stop bickering about liberals/libertarian/conservative etc. and laws like drug laws and so on … and i immediately thought, i don’t want to live in a community of fucking urban liberal degenerate drones… he had a point it’s priorities, but it’s not enough we need to fix this culture. and if the culture isn’t fixed it could well lead to the same problems all over again because liberalism is a cancer that spreads…
      but i split it into race war and culture war (behaviour culture) and it’s true the race war is more important right now and many of hte people who are ”fighting” it are not liberals anyway but having said that i’ve noticed a lot of nationalist types aren’t exactly rejecting the trash culture either.

      there are a lot of points i’d like to touch on but … there are a lot of points…

      your point about jews being more threatened by germans in the article might be a little distorted by your heritage, which i think is good to have, ethno pride, we all need it…. but it’s really pretty hard to split the germans and other european groups for innovations when you factor in population size. i don’t rule out differences in personality and ability within european groups but it is a difficult area. for instance people now might call the french or spanish lazy and flimsy and ”emotional” compared to the germans … but the french/spanish have a massive body of intellectual work and built and ran extremely impressive colonies clearly showing precision and order and ”germanic” traits. british likewise. the italians now are branded inefficient and so on but during roman times conquered because of their efficiency compared to the more disorganised germans and celts. the greeks were pretty damn effective in their hey day. i don’t know what the fuck the rest of us were doing then, probably more than it seems, but anyway.
      i consider germans one of the ”elite” european groups, as nebulous as that list would be, but i’m a little suspicious as to the difference between them and other neighbouring tribes particularly.
      i think one reason the germans and jews might have a more ”special” relationship is because jews had a massive presence in germany, perhaps more so than other euro countries in the western area of europe. so perhaps the germans were the jews favourite hosts.

      your ”offensive” statements were pretty amusing and yeah i’m sure you’d be considered a monster by many. actually i share quite a few of those. i’ll get into it next time.

      at some point i’ll go a little more into why exactly i think the jews cannot maintain this and why it’s not time to think of alliances with their masses.

      on a sidenote, i truly believe they won’t infiltrate the asians though if anything just through cultural differences. the asians have that in built self protection of race/language and the ethnocentrism of their own. and the jews can’t claim a ”historical” partnership either which seems to be one of their modern tricks. sort of like ”’we squatted so long so you have to accept us”. unfortunately that’s what all the non-whites will be using, or are using in the case of the negroes in the states.


      • L says:

        okay let’s go through your diabolical list there…

        ”What could I say to offend? Could I say that having an arbitrary age of consent is patently ridiculous?”
        do you suggest no age though? i like at least encouraging restraint and trying to control exploitation of youth by older men. it gets silly when you can have an 18 yr old with a 15 year old or something like this and it’s okay but if the guy is 21 it’s criminal. it’s needs sorting out.

        ”Could I say that if a woman puts herself in a potentially dangerous situation and gets raped, she is partly, even mostly, to blame?”
        i totally agree with that and have had arguments about it.
        i feel sorry for the girl who dresses modestly and is raped in a carpark coming out the uni library or some such. that type of thing really is terrible.
        the girl who is too ”equal” to not be escorted by males and walks around town at night solo, who travels to the 3rd world likewise … the sympathy is lacking, though it’s also the fault of the culture which does not educate these women in the racial realities, and the fact the travel industry is entirely irresponsible, pretending south america and africa are FUN FUN FUN! and the people are so colourful and friendly! and so on.

        now the party girl who dresses like a walking fuck, goes out on the town in ”independent gal” style, gets drunk, walks home alone or with some other slut and gets raped … no issue for me really.
        and then there are the entertaining rapes. my favourite rapes are the ”jock groupie” rapes we get in the news where you’ve got sluts getting ”raped” at football player parties, which are really just getting wasted and ending up having their overt sexual advertisement cashed in. my all time favourite groupie rape was one here where the bitch wanted to have sex with one of the players at the party, had been making out with him etc., but she got too drunk and ended up in a bedroom zonked on the bed. then this other guy (aboriginal half breed – great rapers) went in and started raping her while she was zonked out – god i’m laughing about it just repeating it – so then she’s kind of half conscious and compliant because she thinks it’s the guy she wanted to have sex with, but then realises, holy shit, it’s this random abo player screwing her and she fights him off or whatever. i mean, imagine the horror getting passed out molested by the wrong random penis!
        so then she tries to take him to court. and then his defense gets contorted into, ”she only had a problem because i’m aboriginal” or something. it was just mad. anyway noone got charged because the rape had started out consensual or something, who knows.
        my other favourite rape was the time this slapper decided to go back to the hotel room of these two rugby players and have some group sex. but then what happened is the players rang their friends up, as you do when you’re bonding and whatnot … and so the team came over and took turns banging her and watching and having some beers i guess. and she didn’t leave because she felt ”pressured”. and so it turned into a team bang. and then hilariously in the carpark afterwards the captain i think kind of apologized saying it kind of got out of hand … woops! coz she only signed up for the casual threesome. you know how it is. one thing leads to another. a whole team in this case.
        but anyway, yeah, back to regular street sluts, those ‘slut walks’ i see where women fight for the right to flaunt themselves as pieces of arse to fuck but not be touched by unbelievably well behaving white men who are now essentially being slapped in the face with hundred dollar bills 24/7 and expected not to snatch … the obnoxiousness and nerve of these whores just to provoke in this manner and expect males to be ”gentlemen”, seriously, and the stupidity, knowing that though most males will control themselves, there will always be males who simply cannot control themselves esp. with alcohol, there will always be sexual predators, then demanding this RIGHT to increase their chances of attack… well i’d love to fund slutwalks in the villages in the outer regions of india or pakistan where 13 year old girls are gang raped then set on fire … i’d love to send these spoilt white bitches there for a performance, where they’ll quickly learn why basic modesty is totally hip.

        ”Could I say that I am a fan of honor killings because it ought to be a man’s right to decide whether his child lives or dies, whether his child is worthy of his name?”
        hm, you out coldblood me on that one. i’m more of a fan of disownment for extreme differences. i understand a father being traumatised to see his muslim daughter turn into a western whore… but then at the same time it’s his fault for abandoning his society and bringing her here. and popular culture is so powerful now we have to throw a few bones i think … because you can’t raise your children anymore unless you’re amish.
        the honour killings for the rape of a daughter, i know you probably dont mean that type, but that’s the real shocker. when a muslim girl is raped by a gang of negroes or militants or something and then she’s killed to save the family honour…

        ”Could I say that “child support” is evil?”
        forced child support has given females incredible power probably.
        these are the types of things where in the old days a sensible court could probably sort out relatively well. so they could differentiate between a hookup slut who lied about contraception and a decent mother with decent kids who got chucked by an arsehole millionaire with a penchant for whores and high stakes poker. hard darwinist you worry about the genes i suppose, but anyway. these days the courts are too biased for these matters.

        ”Could I say that women are basically just users in the same way Jews are, and it is foolish to ever fully trust them?”
        the women issue is complex for me … i think you have the same spectrum as in men, a core with certain traits, lower level traits, then elites which are pretty high level …
        ” Could I say that it is RIGHT to treat those who are inferior to you as less than you, because if you do not you leave you and yours open to attack now or in the future?”
        yes, within reason. i don’t like sadistic mistreatment but honest treatment in a merit based society is what i want.
        ” What if a man has a child with a cunt and she treats him like shit, and he leaves? Why shouldn’t he? Why should we call him a deadbeat dad? It’s the fucking cunt’s fault for suckering him into it in the first place, and why should he have an obligation to take care of a child from a cunt, a cunt he wants nothing to do with, a child who has the cunt’s genes and therefore also is a piece of trash?”
        it would depend on the child though, wouldn’t it? what if it’s a male and has your y chromosome, is your descendent? what if it’s a girl but it’s more like your bitch wife’s sister who’s ten times better and you should have bloody married instead?
        speaking of that, it would be interesting to find out what happened with pierce and his first wife. because he had two sons and i don’t think he really kept in contact after he left. i’ve seen this before where the woman makes it difficult, shuts the guy out. maybe it was that. who knows. maybe the woman didn’t want pierce ”poisoning” the children. but god how brutal is this … one of his sons interviewed as an adult said something like ”i like diversity, it makes thing interesting” or some other drone nonsense … i mean, there’s a case where i’d support the honour killing, haha. shit, poor pierce if he’d heard that. the sons were smart too, engineers or scientists i think.

        ” Could I say that the majority of people on this earth aren’t worth a shit and therefore shouldn’t even have the luxury of life, because in the end they can only do me and mine harm? I see these ideas in the “new right” like – white countries for whites, Asian for Asians, black for blacks – but why the fuck would we want to keep everyone around in their own little countries? To what end? For what purpose? What is the goal? The only sensible goal is survival, long term, and thriving, so that at least humanity continues on and can accomplish something. If that is not the goal then life means nothing. I strive for meaning in life. So what good would it do us to grant half of Africa to black people for the sake of it? What good would it do for whites, if I were a white nationalist, to keep Jews around? None of these “academics” want to admit the cold hard truth: as long as Jews and their like are around, they will continue to attack us and kill us and eventually we will die because we are too cowardly to do all that is necessary, too cowardly even to use violence, to ensure our own survival? What good would it have done to send Jews to Madagascar? As long as they are alive they are a threat to non-Jews. That is a fact. But everyone’s such a dumb bitch these days they can’t even admit it, so full of delusion, it’s ridiculous.”

        i’ll do that next time. to be cont.

        • j3133 says:

          “do you suggest no age though? i like at least encouraging restraint and trying to control exploitation of youth by older men.”

          First of all an arbitrary age is nonsense because puberty does not occur at an arbitrary age.

          Also “exploitation”, again, is a misnomer, another lie. Perhaps Roissy/Heartiste said it best:


          “Which brings me to a larger issue. What the fuck is up with statutory rape? It’s a joke law made up by joke legislators without a scintilla of real world experience with women. Am I supposed to request age identification from every full-bodied young woman who comes onto me? There are 13 year olds out there who look like grown women. At the borderline of 16 to 18 years old, many women could easily pass for mid to late 20s. It is well known by neuroscientists and psychologists studying these things that women mature faster than men. Women’s brains gel into adult-shaped contours sooner. A full breasted and wide-hipped 17 year old hottie who flirts with me knows exactly what she is doing and what she wants. She is no child to be coddled. And yet, I could be thrown in jail if I slept with her assuming she was an older girl, even if it was something we both consensually desired.

          This is abject bullshit. The law makes it a necessity to demand age identification with every young woman a man might want to fuck who could conceivably pass for a teenager. This means background checks on women in their 20s. And what about women who lie? They exist, lots of them. Is a statutory rape charge for the man the just response — the *fair* response — to a lying woman who wanted the sex as much as he?

          It’s time to end the charade of statutory rape. If the ‘underage’ woman is physically developed, and she consents to the sex, there is no rape charge, period. For chrissakes, there are 14 year olds in parts of the world getting married off and pumping out children of their own.”

          Again, like with the child porn hysteria which is often used to silence those who resist the system, so are these laws. First of all they don’t want whites reproducing with young women in their prime because then they’ll have healthier children and they’ll have more children, so they want women focusing on school and career instead of having kids young with responsible fathers. Second anyone with the balls to go against the government with their absurd “statutory rape” laws and anti-marijuana laws and “hate speech” laws and all the other forms of control over us, anyone with the balls to stand up to these sorts of injustice and be an individual – they are more likely to be sent to prison or otherwise silenced, or just to go insane perhaps and start drinking because they think THEY are the crazy ones. When you grow up in a world that doesn’t make any sense and you know it, but everyone around you is trying to tell you you’re wrong for your VERY natural views, you doubt yourself, you doubt the world, and you don’t want to be part of it. It’s all more crap to keep potential threats to their system of control harmless by incarcerating them or killing them or causing them to throw their lives away or just drop out of it all where they cannot do any harm to “da system”.

          We got along just fine without arbitrary age of consent laws for quite a while, until feminists and Christian so-cons who wanted to “protect their (slutty) daughters” pushed them on us NOT to protect children but because they like control.

          This document provides some details on the history of “statutory rape” laws and should provide many insights: http://www.sunypress.edu/pdf/60840.pdf

          Regarding rape you said: “it’s also the fault of the culture which does not educate these women in the racial realities, and the fact the travel industry is entirely irresponsible, pretending south america and africa are FUN FUN FUN! and the people are so colourful and friendly! and so on.”

          And yes, and that’s why all of it is so ridiculous. All of the laws and the social “mores” are designed to a political purpose, not because they are “right” or “wrong”. It’s about control. Just like Christianity: throw away all your natural instincts, act like a good little bitch for Yahweh, act like a good little bitch for the Jew World Order, no individualism is allowed unless you are one of the “elite”.

          This reviewer of Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique sums it up well: http://www.amazon.com/review/R3QCN1WMLBKMBQ/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0759672229&nodeID=283155&store=books

          “It shows how seemingly pure intellectual disputes about the grand questions of life are sometimes only instruments of competition for the evolutionary success of ethnic groups, and have little to do with science or any correspondence to reality. They often involve charismatic leaders and group cohesion, involving banishment and punishments for dissenters–they function much like a cult.”

          But I doubt you’ll ever see Kevin MacDonald go into the details of the age of consent lie, because 1) it’s “too politically incorrect!” and 2) he probably has a daughter that, just like the so-cons of old, he’d be perfectly willing to send an innocent young boy to jail for even looking at in order to “protect” her because he, like most, would probably be willing to use the power of the state against an innocent victim when it suits him. And this sort of hypocrisy, which is so very common, which I have come across again and again in my travels, is one big reason Jews have no compassion whatsoever when they fuck us over: because when we can’t even abide by our own supposed sense of right and wrong and justice and good and evil, when we take every chance we can to benefit ourselves and we throw away our supposed values so easily, like 99% of Christians and everyone else, why should they feel any remorse when they do the same to us?

          The following comes to mind, from Maurice Samuel’s You Gentiles:

          “Honor, loyalty,
          purity—these are sets of regulations. The
          best of you will not swerve from them: you
          will die in their defense—like the gallant gentlemen
          you are. But you will not brook the
          question whether your system of honor is
          founded on right, whether loyalty has rela-
          tion to intelligence, whether purity has relation
          to the state of mind. Honor means but
          one thing—to do the honorable thing, whether
          it be honor in dueling, honor among thieves,
          honor of women; loyalty means the quality
          of being loyal independent of right or wrong;
          purity means the chastity of the body or the
          denial of desire—as such; it is related to the
          game, not to God.

          For us these distinctions do not exist, for
          we are serious in our intentions. We will not
          accept your rules because we do not understand
          them. Right and wrong is the only
          distinction we are fitted by our nature to appreciate.
          We are puzzled by your punctilios,
          your quaint distinctions, your gentleman’s
          cotnme il fauts. We are amazed when you
          fight for them; we are struck dumb when
          you die for them—a song on your lips.
          Not that me do not know how to die for
          a cause. But we must die for a serious cause,
          for a reason, for right, for God. Not for a
          slogan without meaning, for a symbol for its
          own sake, for a rule for its own sate. We
          will die for the right—not for “the right

          This difference in behavior and reaction
          springs from something much more earnest
          and significant than a difference in beliefs: it
          springs from a difference in our biologic
          equipment. It does not argue the inferiority
          of the one or the other. It is a difference in
          the taking of life which cannot be argued.
          You have your way of life, we ours. In your
          system of life we are essentially without
          “honor.” In our system of life you are essentially
          without morality. In your system of
          life we must forever appear graceless; to us
          you must forever appear Godless.

          Seen from beyond both of us, there is
          neither right nor wrong. There is your Western
          civilization. If your sense of the impermanence
          of things, the essential sportiness
          of all effort, the gamesomeness and gameness
          of life, has blossomed in events and laws like
          these I have seen around me, it cannot, from
          an external point of view (neither yours nor
          ours) be classified as right or wrong. Wars
          for Helen and for Jenkins’ ear; duels for
          honor and for gambling debts, death for a
          flag, loyalties, gallant gestures, a world that
          centers round sport and war, with a system
          of virtues related to these; art that springs
          not from God but from the joyousness and
          suffering of the free man, a world of play
          which takes death itself as part of the play,
          to be approached as carelessly and pleasantly
          as any other turn of chance, cities and states
          and mighty enterprises built up on the same
          rush of feeling and energy as carries a football
          team—and in the same ideology—this is the
          efflorescence of the Western world. It has a
          magnificent, evanescent beauty. It is a valiant
          defiance of the gloom of the universe,
          a warrior’s shout into the ghastly void—a
          futile thing to us, beautiful and boyish. For
          all its inconsistencies and failures within itself,
          it has a charm and rhythm which are
          unknown to us. We could never have built
          a world like yours.”

          Never trust what a Jew says, of course, but there is truth in there.

          “and she didn’t leave because she felt ‘pressured’. and so it turned into a team bang”

          Yep, 90% of those cases ought not be considered “rape” at all. They just know they can paint the girl as an innocent victim and the guys (hopefully white) as “evil rapists”. And for doing what comes naturally, really. The idea of “rape” itself is questionable, we are probably ALL the product of “rape” – where a man had sex with a woman who may not have wanted it “with all her HEART” or some such bullshit. In fact Han Solo raped Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back when he cornered her in the Millenium Falcon. The bastard. The only reason it’s “rape” is because the woman is reluctant (which often is a ploy). Again it comes back to, as detailed in Angry Harry’s Women and Chimps, the woman using her powers of persuasion and scheming vs. the man using his powers of brute strength. Jews and the Jewish world hate brute strength and prefer the passive-aggressive variety since that equals controllable. So of course they hate it when men “take” women, and they only want the woman to be able to decide. And boy, if a man DARES to mislead a woman about the size of his wallet, well THAT oughta be rape too because he wasn’t honest with her! But when women lie constantly with their makeup and fake hair and hair dye, no problem, and a guy who calls her out for it is a “misogynist”. And a woman should be able to flaunt everything she has and manipulate men as much as she wants, turn them on and make them want her, but when he responds to her taunts with a wang in her coochy coo THEN it’s a problem and HE’s the bad guy. When women and other bitches make the decisions the world goes down the shitter and the Jewish world results. Again it ties to Jews/women/victim narrative vs. German/men/strength.

          “those ‘slut walks’ i see where women fight for the right to flaunt themselves as pieces of arse to fuck but not be touched by unbelievably well behaving white men who are now essentially being slapped in the face with hundred dollar bills 24/7 and expected not to snatch … the obnoxiousness and nerve of these whores just to provoke in this manner and expect males to be ‘gentlemen’, seriously, and the stupidity, knowing that though most males will control themselves, there will always be males who simply cannot control themselves esp. with alcohol, there will always be sexual predators, then demanding this RIGHT to increase their chances of attack…”

          Being gentleman is the problem. Same thing with what I say about the academics and other pussies too afraid to violate the PC police, to afraid to defend people even accused of “rape” or having “child porn”, throwing them under the bus because they’re so stupid. If we WEREN’T gentleman, if every man responded to women’s shitty behavior by putting them in their place, if every man stood up and told the Jews and other shitty people to fuck off and backed up their threats with necessary violence, people would behave better, passive-aggression could not thrive at all. So the folks who blabber on about non-violence being effective are quite naive/foolish – non-violence only succeeds if there is the implied threat of violence to back it up. And all this passive-aggressiveness IS backed up with violence in the form of state violence, men with guns. Women also are extremely violent, just like Jews – they just get other people to do their violence for them through their manipulative tactics.

          “well i’d love to fund slutwalks in the villages in the outer regions of india or pakistan where 13 year old girls are gang raped then set on fire … i’d love to send these spoilt white bitches there for a performance, where they’ll quickly learn why basic modesty is totally hip.”

          They know they’re full of shit. They just like it ’cause they like glorying in their female power and taunting men who are unable to answer it in kind. They get their kicks out of it, out of saying “nah nah you can’t do anything”. And they know if they tried this on real men it wouldn’t work out so well for them.

          White manginas are a real problem.

          “the honour killings for the rape of a daughter, i know you probably dont mean that type, but that’s the real shocker. when a muslim girl is raped by a gang of negroes or militants or something and then she’s killed to save the family honour…”

          Seems like bullshit to me. Everything in this world makes sense. They just want us to think it doesn’t. That politicians bicker about stupid shit “just because”. It’s like an old Western I saw the other day with Clint Eastwood, called Pale Rider. This dumb young airheaded feminist bitch (basically) went all by her lonesome to this camp of bad men and then was surprised when they wanted to rape her. First of all yeah it was her own fault and no she wasn’t an innocent victim. Second, it still didn’t make sense because guys don’t just up and start raping a bitch for no reason. She was a nice girl and I’m sure some of the guys would’ve said “hey, don’t be doing that shit around here”. But in these movies someone is either “all bad” or “all good” and when it comes to men they’re usually “all bad”. So instead of the reality, which would’ve been most of the guys are just getting paid to do a job and so they wouldn’t tolerate a fucking gangbang violent rape, what happened was the retarded gentle giant guy was the only one who was willing to step in, the only one with compassion – because you know “normal” men are just violent rapists by nature. Anyway that shit didn’t make anymore sense than the “evil man kills daughter just because someone raped her” makes any sense. It makes literally no sense at all. In the end that kind of misleading bullshit is all for a very specific purpose, to keep us confused and thinking we can’t manage our own lives. I suspect if that does really happen, 9 times out of 10 it’s because the girl acted like a slut and got what was comin’ and THAT is why she was “honor-killed”. I also suspect that even then it is quite rare. And I also suspect that if EVER it happened where a girl, through zero fault of her own, got literally violently raped (and not just SEDUCED which is “rape” by the feminist defintion, as you were talking about), and got killed for it, it’s probably only happened very rarely, because it’s really quite absurd. So we need to really get past our conditioning, which tells us not to question what we see on the boob tube, to give up critical thinking, to SUSPEND DISBELIEF as we are trained to do when we watch movies and TV, and we need to start thinking about what really makes sense – because if it doesn’t make sense it’s probably a bunch of bullshit, which is exactly what that crap about the senseless honor killings is.

          “forced child support has given females incredible power probably.
          these are the types of things where in the old days a sensible court could probably sort out relatively well.”

          As with the age of consent thing it isn’t the place for a COURT to get involved. Such disputes can be settled through family, and back when we could actually shoot people with our own guns instead of playing the passive-aggressive game and relying on the state to inflict INjustice, these things would take care of themselves just fine and dandy. So it’s all about consequences. This non-violence bullshit has consequences. If people know they might get they ass shot dead if they fuck up, they’ll probably gonna be a little wiser about it – and if they aren’t, and they get killed for it – good. Frontier justice works far better than this silly asinine system. And guess what, if “child support” didn’t exist then women would make much better decisions about who they fuck, just like they used to, and they’d listen to their fucking fathers because even they know they make retarded choices constantly, and the only way for them to ensure their future livelihood is to listen to daddy’s advice. Instead these days they know there are no consequences for their actions, and they can do whatever the fuck they want and men will take care of them (through taxes stolen from men and through forced “child support” stolen from men who never signed up for the deal), and they can lie and cheat and steal and say they’re on the pill and get pregnant and spend 18 years torturing the poor nice guy they duped into it, relishing in that typical vindictive female/Jewish passive-aggressive hate and control, and so that’s what they do.

          “so they could differentiate between a hookup slut who lied about contraception and a decent mother with decent kids who got chucked by an arsehole millionaire with a penchant for whores and high stakes poker. hard darwinist you worry about the genes i suppose, but anyway. these days the courts are too biased for these matters.”

          Slippery slope ain’t a fallacy always. You start asking the (democratic, capitalistic) state to decide what’s right and wrong and evil people will take it over and fuck you all over. If a bitch is dumb enough to fuck a douchebag who throws her to the wind, good, she shouldn’t reproduce. But Christianity and other stupid liberal crap says “that’s mean!” “be nice!” “that’s cold!” “we’re all equal, we’re all in this together!” It’s stupid, wasteful, and harmful in the long run, but when you live in the now and in the social world and you don’t give a fuck about the long run then that doesn’t matter.

          “the women issue is complex for me … i think you have the same spectrum as in men, a core with certain traits, lower level traits, then elites which are pretty high level …”


          “Male type traits: Rule-conscious, dutiful, conscientious, conforming, moralistic, staid, rule bound (High Super Ego Strength)
          Female type traits: Expedient, nonconforming, disregards rules, self indulgent (Low Super Ego Strength)”

          I have a bazillion other links on the topic of women as well as the age of consent, religion and morality, feminism, rape (most REAL rape occurs in the US occurs in prison with black perpetrators and white victims, whereas AT LEAST half of rape accusations made by women in the US are false, probably more like 80% since “date rape” – regretting sex – isn’t rape), diversity & race, government tyranny, violence, relationships and marriage, leftism, women’s suffrage. All from before I was Jew-wise and understood more of the complete picture, like I do now.

          “yes, within reason. i don’t like sadistic mistreatment but honest treatment in a merit based society is what i want.”

          Yep, that’s the honorable manly way. But that way doesn’t seem to be winning the battle of the ages….

          “it would depend on the child though, wouldn’t it? what if it’s a male and has your y chromosome, is your descendent? what if it’s a girl but it’s more like your bitch wife’s sister who’s ten times better and you should have bloody married instead?”

          Maybe if you could have the child to yourself, and it wouldn’t be under the cunt’s influence, sure. Otherwise it’s a far more effective strategy to focus on new children rather than trying to make a broken thing work. Even better, if the cunt knew that you could drop her ass and her kid at any time, she wouldn’t be a cunt in the first place!

          “but god how brutal is this … one of his sons interviewed as an adult said something like ”i like diversity, it makes thing interesting” or some other drone nonsense … i mean, there’s a case where i’d support the honour killing, haha. shit, poor pierce if he’d heard that. the sons were smart too, engineers or scientists i think.”

          Exactly, and it’s why I don’t want kids. They would be used against me, turned into shells of what they ought to be. I won’t have children until I create a world that is suitable for them. But that doesn’t seem likely.

        • L says:

          the last of your ”twisted” comments for discussion and agreement:
          the asia for asians, africa for africans thing i see as packaging tactic a compromise to appeal to ”fairness” where we’d then get to keep our territories. and in that sense it’s reasonably effective in a debate sense and can shut down ”superiority” labels and such. so i would probably go along with this kind of model for political purposes but i agree with you in the sense that it’s not actually in our interests to be generous with this globe and just capitulate and hide in a corner. and ultimately makes us vulnerable. i guess you could say we took a fair bit of territory and if we secured ferociously and secured our tech from now on we could be okay…
          but for me i think there were three significant mistakes.
          1.we stopped taking territory when we had the power.
          2. we gave other races our technology
          3. we mixed with other races and formed mulatto mega-societies which are now more capable than they would have been.
          i think we should have just taken everything we wanted in africa, all the resources and set up very secure living spaces. what to do with the natives, i don’t know. but keeping them in reserves probably would have worked because they would have kept their numbers down in conflicts.
          europeans got lucky in north america and australia because disease seemed to kill off most of the natives, so the fact all those gains have been lost now is terrible. that really was a gift for us, not having to deal with huge numbers of these people.
          i don’t know what went wrong in south america, but somehow the indians stuck around and now like i said you have these mulatto ”superpowers” in mexico and brazil etc. which are now massive problems, places that will never get beyond 2nd world level, but are too advanced to manhandle.
          europeans just messed up completely down there.
          it is extremely frustrating when you see we could have had all the americas, africa and all of asia outside the south asia/east asian pocket probably.
          and we failed to consolidate and then gave back massive amounts of territory.
          i think we should have just taken the middleeast too and all the oil. why the fuck not. i guess we had control for a while then gave it up.
          and of course then empowering all these non-europeans with our technology and making them competitors, making monsters out of the chinese and indians.
          even the indonesians above australia try to throw their weight around with us. i mean these people were in the fucking low iron age when we found them and now they’re pushing and shoving because we gave them advanced weapons and economies, it’s just infuriating.
          some tech would always slip through the net, but if only we’d secured it for ourselves, nobody could stand in our way and more importantly maybe, the global non-white population would be so much smaller without our food and medical technology instead of drowning us in numbers like they are now.

          as for now, i dont know what is the best move because we made our competitors quite powerful. then again if you’ve got the communists willing to sell then it’s in our interests to sell instead to make sure they get the B grade jets etc. which brings us back to jews i guess.

          but yes i don’t think we NEED most of the races on this planet. most are clearly backward.
          would have been nice if they’d put the savages on islands as part of hte local fauna and let nature take its course. any boats they make won’t outrun our patrol boats. i think they should do this with aboriginals down here. they are actually completely incapable of functioning. africans can do so to an extent and can pump out some smart people. i actually saw an aboriginal skull recently and it has the most archaic traits i’ve ever seen. it was quite startling.
          the whole ”support racial diversity” angle you see duke pushing is again one of those political things but perhaps he does believe it. i can’t tell. the problem is that model works for animals because they don’t have culture and brains like ours so you sort of need to keep the diversity alive to keep the portfolio wide. but with us the game changed. i mean we function in africa better than the blacks do, despite the fact we are not physically set up for the location. same down here, where skin cancer is a problem because we have so many british/germans etc with the pale skin. these physical inconveniences, lack of malaria resistance in the tropics etc. are actually an issue but anyway, we still find ourselves more successful. the idea that we need africans just in case conditions change and they have an advantage that lets us ”continue the species” is absurd in the case of humans. i guess it’s POSSIBLE a virus wipes out all eurasians and the africans are immune and carry the torch … but in that case i’d rather we all just go out with a dignified bang and let ravens evolve and take over.
          i can’t help thinking if we’d just taken most of the land and not given these other people our food and medical tech, at least outside of asia they would have dwindled to very small numbers and been easily manageable. without habitat and resources how would they grow? back at the time of our expansion there didn’t seem to be THAT many people in the world. i mean we basically helped fill it up with irresponsible philosophy.

          • j3133 says:

            “the asia for asians, africa for africans thing i see as packaging tactic a compromise to appeal to ”fairness” where we’d then get to keep our territories. and in that sense it’s reasonably effective in a debate sense and can shut down ”superiority” labels and such. so i would probably go along with this kind of model for political purposes but i agree with you in the sense that it’s not actually in our interests to be generous with this globe and just capitulate and hide in a corner.”

            Indeed, and that is why it would be necessary to follow the Jews’ strategy and use this strategy only in the long term, in the public view, while secretly having other plans. This requires numerous individuals, it is not a strategy that can be done with only one person. Because if one person publicly holds different, conflicting views, he will be called on it for his inconsistency and the strategy fails. Only a collective, secretly sharing the same views & goals and working together covertly, pretending to hold differing views (PC views for some, hardcore views for others), can be successful.

            “europeans got lucky in north america and australia because disease seemed to kill off most of the natives”

            I doubt it was luck. Probably Jews perpetrated it just like they created HIV through the Polio vaccine. Infecting trade goods was even easier, and something only the Jews and those like them would have done. You don’t just “accidentally” do that.

            “i don’t know what went wrong in south america”

            Probably white people just didn’t like the heat. Why go to South America when North America is better?

            Really it seems to me if they wanted it they could have had it. Liberalism, equality, anti-slavery, “enlightenment” crap didn’t help ’em. No more “manifest destiny”.

            “i think we should have just taken the middleeast too and all the oil. why the fuck not. i guess we had control for a while then gave it up.”

            I don’t know much about the history. But we weren’t really bloodthirsty enough for it, I suppose. It’s why you’re wrong when you say Jews ought to have said “enough is enough” – because that would be giving up. Only those who keep on keepin’ on win the battle of the ages.


            “and of course then empowering all these non-europeans with our technology and making them competitors, making monsters out of the chinese and indians.”

            And perhaps it was the Jews guiding us all along toward conquest- while using us as slaves to advance the technology they now control? And it was not OUR west really, but we were only the slaves the Jews used to conquer the west?

            “some tech would always slip through the net, but if only we’d secured it for ourselves, nobody could stand in our way”

            But that is apparently not the white way. We seem to enjoy talking openly and honestly, and sharing. We don’t want it all for ourselves – but the Jews do. And Christianity helped shape us that way, if we weren’t already hopelessly like that. Jews on the other hand naturally take and keep in secret, they naturally want it all – and that works.

            “more importantly maybe, the global non-white population would be so much smaller without our food and medical technology instead of drowning us in numbers like they are now.”

            Even with the technology they could not hope to us it effectively without our “aid”. It is our morality that harms us, our will to do “good”, to help others who are “less fortunate” – even though they are “less fortunate” because they are inferior, and ought to be less fortunate.

            “ame down here, where skin cancer is a problem because we have so many british/germans etc with the pale skin.”

            Just a side note – a lot of the skin cancer shit has to do with bad habits – if you don’t spend a lot of time in the sun and build your tolerance to it slowly, if instead you spend a lot of time indoors then repeatedly shock your system with uv rays, you’re going to burn. But if you spend time in the sun a lot, you’ll build the appropriate tan and you’ll be protected. I tan just fine, if I do it right. The really pale motherfuckers like Conan O’Brien, though – maybe not. We are extremely adaptable, like you say – even our skin proves that.

            “i guess it’s POSSIBLE a virus wipes out all eurasians and the africans are immune and carry the torch … but in that case i’d rather we all just go out with a dignified bang and let ravens evolve and take over.”

            This is similar to the mentality Jews have. It’s why they have the Samson Option – basically if Israel goes, the world goes with it – because they’d rather see us all die out than not get their way, their morality.

            “i can’t help thinking if we’d just taken most of the land and not given these other people our food and medical tech, at least outside of asia they would have dwindled to very small numbers and been easily manageable. without habitat and resources how would they grow? back at the time of our expansion there didn’t seem to be THAT many people in the world. i mean we basically helped fill it up with irresponsible philosophy.”

            Indeed. And I bet you there were Jews around telling us to go against our better judgment and “be like Christ” and spare them. :P

            So again, the morality is the key. And maybe the DNA has something to do with it. I do think that a white world where we don’t have such a silly “morality” and do what is necessary to survive is theoretically possible. If our idiot masses were conditioned from birth to have the appropriate morality, they’d probably behave in a way suited to that. They’d end up behaving like Jews, in a lot of ways. Especially the Jewish masses. The morality creates the people — nurture creates nature. But those who can see it are few and far between, and I don’t see a way to go back now without tearing down the current system. So, yes, we could do all in our power to tear down the Jews, but the system is rigged against us so heavily that I don’t see that happening bar a catastrophic event natural or otherwise that changes the game and breaks the mold. The other alternative is to join up and let go of past ties, of ties to the lesser of the white race that can never understand this anyway.

            [Edit: Note also that we would still have to watch out for “Jew-y” people in our midst, for the cold-blooded businessman and other users – if we didn’t, they would inevitably come up within our ranks and take over, because even among our own people, even among our own children, these types will be produced. We would have to control this sort very strictly. If not, our system could not last.]

            Me, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Probably nothing. It’s at least good to know what is going on and understand these things, so I can make informed decisions. I don’t know that I have it in me to be as cruel and “soulless” as is necessary to join with the Jews. But it could conceivably be easy to condition oneself toward it – to let go of delusions and constantly remind oneself of why it is necessary, if it really is.

            Don’t really want to mindfuck ya – there may be hope yet, and maybe I’m just too pessimistic. But thinking about these things is the only way to come closer to the truth and to decide on appropriate action.

            Hope I wasn’t too much of a dick in this reply or others – and I look forward to any further comments you have, though I think we are nearing the end of this particular discussion.

            I used to think having principles was what mattered. I used to think that if you lived by principles, by the law, that overall this would be the most beneficial for a people, because those principles were supposed to be principles that guaranteed our long-term survival and thriving – but our principles in fact seem to harm us, because they are manipulated by those who do not possess them. In a wholly white world with very principled men, a bunch of ubermensch dudes, it might be possible – it really might – but in a world where there is competition and unprincipled men and women are willing to tear us apart, it doesn’t seem to work. Rationality must take over, and we must accept reality, that most people are not rational, that most people will not listen, that most people are animals in the sense the Jews say they are, that this is not wrong but honest, and that our ideals are harmful to us in the now, even though in a future world we would wish to live in they would be beneficial. We must do what is necessary.

            Anyway don’t get discouraged. It makes me feel like a dirty Jew when I discourage others from fighting the good fight with what I say. I don’t want that. I do care. We need that will to fight, we just need to fight smart.

            Regards again,

      • j3133 says:

        “i’ve had people tell me that though they agree with many of my social observations (aka my burning vomit of hate) they ‘hope to not turn out’ like me by my age, in regards to my attitudes to the ‘fair’ sex particularly.
        but i think you may be more misogynistic actually so i’m going to have to work on my game.”

        Well “hate” and “misogyny” are both words that are heavily misused, of course. :)

        After a while you realize you can’t rely on anyone else to understand or even seek their agreement because they aren’t capable, they’re just sheep.

        Responding to the next part- If the Bible did not consider the Jews “God’s Chosen” the Jews wouldn’t be here today. It’s that simple.

        Yes, Christianity is hatred – but it’s hatred of the wrong things. It’s the Jewish way: hate while pretending to love. Christianity twisted minds from the get-go.

        What was good about Christianity? We needed Christianity like we needed the Jews – we didn’t.

        “personally i think many of hte white nationalist platforms are clumsy and ineffective but i do believe that you can have a movement based on being european and protecting european civilisation.”

        A movement? A popular movement? A mob movement? A democracy? Jewish inventions.

        What is European civilization but what we had before Christianity? These “whites” don’t want to protect European civilization, they want to protect Judaized European Christian liberal civilization – in effect they aren’t fighting against the Jews but fighting alongside them, and because the vast majority of them, like the vast majority of any people, are idiots – they don’t understand the distinction and never will. They have no shared purpose because they don’t know their purpose and Christianity and Jewish liberalism have infected their minds so that they don’t really understand what their true purpose ought to be. And since they aren’t smart or wise they won’t ever be capable of understanding – which is why democracy and “movements” do not work. The only “movements” that work are those funded by businessmen / Jews for a purpose, orchestrated from above, astroturfed, there are no effective grass roots movements except in specialized areas like natural health.

        White nationalism doesn’t work because all it really comes down to is “be white” – it doesn’t tackle the value system whatsoever, and so no one agrees on what the values should be. And relying on the masses for anything is foolish – you can’t TELL them what they OUGHT to do, you have to FORCE them through LIES, which is what Jews and other businessman realized a few thousand years ago, and it’s why to them all of this “evil” was necessary.

        Jews have a shared goal. White nationalists do not, at least not a serious one. You can’t just say “hey we want a white country” and expect that to be a solution – it ain’t. And since most are so focused on such a silly pointless goal as “a white nation” – and they’re stuck with the retardo-Christian mindset which means they can never explain why they deserve a “white nation” or which “white nation” they deserve, is it Germany or is it the US, what are we going to all go back to our root nations just because they were where we grew up? If not then I suppose the entire world ought to be the “white nation” – but then that’s “racist” and “cruel” – the point is these people are still full of silly delusions and contradictions and they don’t know their heads from their asses. They don’t know what they want or how to achieve it and they don’t really seem to care either. They don’t understand the difference between the full truth and the truth you present to your lower membership and the public, the marketing aspect.

        Now maybe the Golden Dawn, a sort of tighter ethnocentrism in a specific nation, that can make sense even given these delusions people are infected with, because their platform can be logically consistent and it also seems they realize this is about VALUES. So that sort of organization might be something to look into, though really I don’t know much about it and I suspect either the organization is already or soon will be taken over and controlled by Jews or they’ll be destroyed by them and idiot “white nationalists” will say it was their own fault because they did something wrong, and they weren’t “forgiving” or “tolerant” enough.

        “we already melting potted the europeans there to an extent, which isn’t a big deal genetically given how identical western europeans really are in a practical sense”

        Of course it’s a big deal. Do you see anyone jumping on the sanity bandwagon in the white nationalist movement? I have a completely different character, a Germanic character, than most of those clowns. Personally I’ve noticed in my own life I also tend to get along best with Germans and Irish – because the character tendencies are different. This has been the case my entire life before I was even conscious of race and white ethnicity – almost everyone I actually get along with has been German or Irish and the people I have not gotten along with or have naturally despised have been Jewish or non-German non-Irish; to me that proves this isn’t just “German pride” but something deeper. That is why I talk about most “whites” not being able to understand these concepts or why they are important – because they don’t have what it takes. And there are plenty of Germans who don’t understand what I’m saying and never will, even in my own immediate family. But through whatever DNA mixing and matching occurred I have the character necessary and there are a few others who may, almost always they are German. The subtle differences in nature and ability are key, so it really doesn’t matter if we’re “close” genetically because the slight differences make ALL the difference. I don’t expect other ethnic Germans (or whatever) to join up and understand, but I do expect a select few, who will generally be of German origin, to understand, the best and the brightest of that race.

        “my dna is no different to the french”

        It’s possible the French also have among them a few sane individuals. Perhaps some of them have a similar character to the best of the Germans. I wouldn’t know. But I do know that most whites do not.

        “but i think european people can be shown to be genetically very similar and distinctive from the global populations, our civilisations likewise and… basically we used to do this. we used to distinguish ourselves from the rest and preserve ourselves. we had the different culture hues but the europeans knew who they were and knew they were titans going after the globe.”

        We used to have more pure races that actually had meaning, now we ourselves are mongrels and we will become even more mongrelized as whites mix with non-whites, only exacerbating the mongrelization. It is why even among my family I cannot find another with such a similar nature that we can agree on the important things. We used to have this when we had tight-knit groups and inbreeding. The Jews have this. They have support. We do not. Christianity helped mongrelize us because it told us race and heritage didn’t have a deeper meaning, we were to love ALL Christians because we are ALL the same. And so at first we embraced other whites and MIXED with them – and now we MIX with non-whites too. It’s a progression stemming from the same root philosophy. Meanwhile the Jews did not mix and so you can see, again, that Christianity was only a tool for the Jews to weaken whites and take us ever closer to their Jew World Order. Praise Jesus!

        “but it’s not enough we need to fix this culture. and if the culture isn’t fixed it could well lead to the same problems all over again because liberalism is a cancer that spreads…”

        Indeed, and it’s a tough time reversing 2,000 years of wrong thinking, especially since almost everyone (except those of us blessed with the ability to reprogram our own ways of thinking at will) will NOT reverse their wrong thinking. It can only be done as a gradual, controlled process, but who would do it?

        The Jews already won because they took the time to think about these things while we were busy jacking off somewhere spending our time composing music instead of composing the future.

        “your point about jews being more threatened by germans in the article might be a little distorted by your heritage, which i think is good to have, ethno pride, we all need it….”

        When I began my journey for truth I considered myself a moderate liberal. I resisted white pride, white nationalism, etc. I only changed my views because logical arguments convinced me I was wrong. And I only started talking about my German heritage, not because of what the Jews did to us, but because I noticed that it was primarily Germans who understood these issues in the way that I did, the way that I have also been convinced is necessary through logical argumentation. Confirmation bias is something we all have to deal with and it’s why for a long time I kept clinging to the hope that classical values could work for us like they used to. But it’s not really something I suffer heavily from. And experiences in my own life proved that, indeed, I cannot rely on Germans to understand either. But history and experience both seem to indicate that when it comes to those who are Jew-wise AND value-wise, care about the future and understand the repercussions of political and psychological ploys, who understand the big picture and why the morality is important, who, like me, are willing to listen and learn from anyone and everyone and decide logically rather than emotionally, capable of shedding delusion and avoiding petty emotional games and juvenile antics, capable of getting past all this prissy academic Jewish behavior, most of those very few are of German origin. Not all, but many. And there are some French and some Irish and some Scottish yes but typically the majority are German and though some of it surely has to do with what the Jews ‘n’ pals did to the Germans a lot of it also has to do with their nature. And judging by the past of Germany, the nobility of their nobles and the history of the world wars, it’s pretty clear the Jews perceived them as a threat – so why? Is it because they were capable of embracing the classical values moreso than our Jew-y English whites? Yes. Is it because they were capable of seeing through the bullshit moreso than other whites? Yes. Is it because of their genius, not only in general but especially in engineering (war) and even moreso in the arena of the mind and society (psychology, sociology)? Yes. It’s obvious to me the Jews perceived them as a threat because like me they more than other races had the ability to see through the Jews’ plan and the will and desire to push the classical values against the Jews’ plan. Germans were not willing to bow down, we’re stubborn too, so that’s part of it, but I won’t dismiss the fact that Germans are a threat to the Jews not just because we (used to) represent the ideal classical values, ideal beauty, the best of humanity, but also because we have unique characteristics among our best that allow us to see what’s going on and the will to resist it actively once we see it, characteristics that most “whites” do not possess and never will.

        When more non-German whites start understanding what I’ve been trying to say instead of acting like retards and being jealous of my superiority, I’ll change my stance. I find that unlikely because they’re used to being jealous, to being inferior, and that type of mindset seeps into the soul over the ages just as it did with the Jews, so that they will do whatever it takes to tear us down just like Mr. ZCF does. When you’re the best you learn not to worry about the petty games lesser beings play – you prefer to focus on action and truth. And over time this seeps into your DNA. Lesser whites are not programmed to have this character and so will never be a threat to the Jews. Perhaps Greeks have similar traits to Germans? This character certainly isn’t limited to Germans and you can’t really blame non-Germans for going to war against Germany twice in the last century, after all even my German grandfather fought for the “Allies” in WW2. And there are other things that would bring more Germans into the truth field, especially in Germany which is so Jewish, and the Holocaust / WW2 / Hitler / Nazi lies which make all Germans out to be demons before they are even born, and then there may be something also to the number of Germans in the USA who speak English, all these factors and many others play a part in why those of German descent tend to be overrepresented in the sanity department in the English speaking arenas of “truth”, but it seems clear to me part of the reason is just that they’re German and therefore different, and some are especially capable of understanding the full truth and striving for it. Now the assumption I may seem to be making is that “my truth” is “the truth” – but SOMEONE has to be right on the important points, and since I try always to be as logical as possible and know even myself very well, and I have demonstrated time and again the ability to let go of delusions, I have some faith in myself regarding my ability to see truth and not let my WISHES affect my judgment so much that I spew out lies. I do believe I am right that a certain character is necessary to seek and find the truth and let go of delusions and that only by letting go of delusions can one ever hope to accomplish anything. I do believe I am right that the “elite” at the top have very similar concepts of what is right and wrong and what is an effective morality, because it’s clear they use the same one I am arguing for now; it all adds up. It took me a while to get past my delusion that the classical values can work because I had “hope” that there were more like me out there, other people who could understand, a sufficient number that we could make that value system work, but that isn’t the case, so I can’t delude myself into thinking that fighting the Jews and their allies is ever going to be effective. IF we had a pure race of like-minded individuals AND they dealt with the Jewish/schemer/bitch threat harshly, then sure, maybe the classical value system, maybe even most Christian values, could work for us. Maybe those whites could get along and the world could be a lovely white neighborhood with no crime where we get along and sing Kumbaya. And maybe then, as William Pierce said, we COULD deal with the evil men of our own race, and “evil” would have an effective meaning. But that won’t happen, we are too far past that possibility because we done fucked up a couple thousand years ago, and so maybe we never really had it in us to begin with. So therefore the only effective morality would be a harsh one that recognizes this is a dog-eat-dog world and there ought be no mercy whatsoever for those who are against us, and we may as well act just like the Jews, lie, cheat, and steal, but do it smart, and play the business game, if we really want to survive.

        “but it’s really pretty hard to split the germans and other european groups for innovations when you factor in population size. i don’t rule out differences in personality and ability within european groups but it is a difficult area. for instance people now might call the french or spanish lazy and flimsy and ”emotional” compared to the germans … but the french/spanish have a massive body of intellectual work and built and ran extremely impressive colonies clearly showing precision and order and ”germanic” traits. british likewise. the italians now are branded inefficient and so on but during roman times conquered because of their efficiency compared to the more disorganised germans and celts. the greeks were pretty damn effective in their hey day. i don’t know what the fuck the rest of us were doing then, probably more than it seems, but anyway.
        i consider germans one of the ”elite” european groups, as nebulous as that list would be, but i’m a little suspicious as to the difference between them and other neighbouring tribes particularly.
        i think one reason the germans and jews might have a more ”special” relationship is because jews had a massive presence in germany, perhaps more so than other euro countries in the western area of europe. so perhaps the germans were the jews favourite hosts.”

        All good points and I don’t really disagree outright. It may be that other factors like some of the ones you and I have already said play a role in why more Germans seem to be sane ’round “these parts”, as I define it, or at least close to sane. And I don’t know enough about modern Europe to say how many sane French there are, for example. Perhaps there are many sane Greeks, I’d have to look into the Golden Dawn a bit more, I just have a feeling it may be a false front, controlled opposition, or soon to be.

        Let’s see, I did a little digging and this chart shows the demographics in 1990 of the US: http://maxkade.iupui.edu/nameword/census.html

        Germans at 23%, Irish at 16%, English at 13%, Italian at 6%, French at 4%, Polish at 4%.

        So perhaps a big part of the reason is just the demographics, the percentages, and this information (which is new to me) does indeed change things a bit. Still, however, there are other things to consider before going ahead and assuming that the “white” races are “all equal”. I tried to find a breakdown and analysis of IQ by race but all of it is infested with mumbo jumbo about how it’s all due to “environment”, and there are no really good breakdowns of the various white ethnic groups by IQ (note also that IQ is not the same as intelligence, it probably favors Jews and other intellectuals that really aren’t that bright, they can memorize for example but not think critically like anyone who would fight the Jews would have to). I think if it WERE the case that Germans were somehow very similar to other whites in the intelligence arena, we would have had a study by some Jews by now that would have been published to show this and further denounce Germans and German pride as they do with so much else like the Nazis and the Holocaust (and I don’t think it’s just because it makes Jews victims but because it specifically targets Germans, this is supported by all the anti-blonde anti-German hate in Hollywood and putting up fake blondes in place of real German blondes so people don’t see how beautiful they really are, which again I don’t think is explained just by the hate Jews have for Germans because of the Holohoax but something deeper than that, a continued strategy against a race they perceive as a serious threat). Since it wasn’t easy to find a study that shows, it tells us most likely that the results would not be favorable to Jewish plans, in other words the studies would likely conclude, once again, German superiority, high IQ, and a high number of geniuses (because variance in the bell curve is also extremely important in determining the number of geniuses). Another factor is not just “genius” but the type of genius, the abilities they possess. We can look at what Germany produced in the past to see where German specialty lies. Nietzsche, Beethoven, Kaiser Wilhelm I. How about German engineers? Isn’t it obvious? What about German beauty? Sure, we could say I find white blondes beautiful because it’s in MY DNA to love women who look German, and to be disgusted by women who look Jewish (always have been, before I knew what a Jew was – who isn’t, really?). It’s the same as when I found out I tended to like German people – after I became Jew-wise a bit I started looking into people to see their ethnicity, the ugly and the annoying and the just most awful people you might see on TV, a vast majority of them were Jews. And it probably has a lot to do with how they’re brought up, yes, but even some of the natural facial features were indicators to me. And I know faces. But is this really just about ME and my personal taste? Is that why I like people who have a similar nature to me, who look like me and mine? Well Jews would like us to believe that, that’s why “art” has been so corrupted: http://nationalvanguard.org/2010/10/the-assault-on-art-and-beauty/ Do MOST people naturally find typically German traits beautiful? Yes. And this can’t be because the media WANTS them to – after all they do everything they can to make German traits seem ugly, to downplay them, to place Jews in white character roles, to make natural blondes out to be whores, to die non-German ugly women’s hair blonde just so people will find them attractive. People, whether their white or Asian or Hispanic or Black, they find German beauty attractive. It is not just me but everyone – hell even Jews find Germans attractive, methinks. I’m German. Not blonde though blonde highlights. Women of all races find me attractive. It comes from experience. Jews would like us to believe it’s all relative and beauty and good have no real meaning, and on a certain level that’s true, but for whatever reason people STILL seem to understand what’s really beautiful in the world, despite all the programming to convince them to be attracted to that which they would not naturally be attracted (and this still is quite effective but it hasn’t succeeded in fully diminishing what is naturally considered beautiful, at least not for all people). So I don’t really think it’s just me saying “I’m German and I have these traits so these traits are good” – It’s more that, logically, I have gone through the ins and outs and I see what is effective and therefore “good” – surviving and thriving are the assumptions I make considering a morality. And I have changed my mind on what I consider beautiful based on facial traits, because I recognize the correlation between facial traits and character, and the character of people I like being around and the character of the type of people who are “good” has a strong correlation with “beauty”. So as I search for truth it ain’t really about what I WANT to believe but about what IS. Anyway Jews would like us to believe Einstein was a genius and everything is “relative” but our gut instincts tell us otherwise for good reason – even the dumbest white sheep out there knows in his heart deep down that siding with the Jews, loving the Jews, and all their evil, is not beneficial to them in the long run, that this love for Jews, for Jesus, for Christianity, is a form of self-sacrifice and of nihilism, you must sacrifice your life for eternal life, for the WORD, for the Jewish plan, you must give up rational thought and have FAITH because thinking rationally and making a decision based on that is “scary” and “too much work” and it’s just EASIER to have “faith” – it’s a bunch of bullshit and I didn’t buy the Christian preachers’ lies by the time I was 10. There were good Christians yes but I saw through the lies of the Creationists right away because I had a logical mind and I know how to smell out bullshit, these are the traits I have due to my German heritage and without them I would be blind. It is repulsive to any real man to worship the Bible at one’s own expense, and that is what it is. It is a turning over of everything your nature desires. Now if you’re a Jew it would make sense to embrace Judaism because it’s a religion all about Jews and how great they are, to benefit Jews, to glorify Jews, to love Yahweh, to love Israel, to love the Jewish people, Yahweh is their leader, Yahweh is the word and the goal and the light FOR THEM, so they don’t have to be fucked up in the head to embrace Judaism, it’s a sane religion with sane goals for the Jews. Christianity is an insane religion causing mental dysfunction just like liberalism is because even in our bones we know it’s all a bunch of hogwash and that this dream of “Kumbaya” is nothing but bullshit, a nightmare that cannot be, you must consciously delude yourself into embracing such a religion, it’s something I could never do, not fully, I wished for it, sure, I prayed, yes, I hoped, yes, but it was never enough – and my instincts led me to the truth still.

        “your ”offensive” statements were pretty amusing and yeah i’m sure you’d be considered a monster by many”

        I’ll be reading it, I saw you posted it the other day, I just haven’t had the time to get through it all yet. Hopefully today I can finish responding to your comments from the other day at least haha.

        “at some point i’ll go a little more into why exactly i think the jews cannot maintain this and why it’s not time to think of alliances with their masses.”

        Yeah I don’t think it’s possible for me to ally with their masses, they’re just as dumb as “Gentile” masses, and more annoying. Disgusting really. Fakes and phonies and cheats with stupid liberal opinions. If I wanted that I’d go to Reddit/SRS and converse with the drug addict pervert liberal trannies and Jews there.

        “on a sidenote, i truly believe they won’t infiltrate the asians though if anything just through cultural differences. the asians have that in built self protection of race/language and the ethnocentrism of their own. and the jews can’t claim a ”historical” partnership either which seems to be one of their modern tricks. sort of like ”’we squatted so long so you have to accept us”. unfortunately that’s what all the non-whites will be using, or are using in the case of the negroes in the states.”

        Meh do they really need to infiltrate? They have control of Japan and South Korea, they can pressure North Korea. They could have the entire white population fighting China if need be, while blocking them in, attacking them with droughts created by their control of the weather, and various weapons of mass destruction: biological (disease), radiation, nukes, cut off their supplies, economic sanctions, starve them or poison them with control of the food supply / Monsanto / GMO, I mean the list goes on and a lot of these things they can do without anyone knowing any better, except maybe the Chinese – hopefully they’re paying attention. Does China really want to resist the Jewish power? Certainly their leadership would be assassinated (drone strike boom) and replaced by a sell-out who won’t resist? Hasn’t this already happened again and again? I would like to know more, I really know jack squat about the situation in China or even around the world, not enough to really draw conclusive… conclusions. But I tend to think that since WW2 we have basically been living in a post-apocalyptic world in which the Jews have already won. I mean, I won’t give up hope and I don’t want to harm other people’s faith, I’d be doing the Jews’ work for them if everyone just gave up because of my pessimism, and it’s not really in my bones to give up talking about this shit either, but it kinda seems like the Jews are way better at this sort of thing than the elite of the world’s nations. They beat Germany and Japan and made them lick their boots and thank them for it, after all, and they continue to win and win, and having started this plan over 2 thousand years ago it’s clear they won’t be giving up. I do see internet censorship coming, I do see the real threats being inevitably silenced and no one piping up and trying to stop it. I lost my tormail account because the guy who created the website was arrested and framed for child porn possession. Everyone who stands up is stricken down and the masses don’t give a fuck, even most people ’round these parts don’t give a fuck, don’t see why it matters. Freedom of speech is being ended with anti-online bullying campaigns etc., hate crimes, internet censorship, everything on the internet is being recorded, etc. etc., and so it really seems to me the time for telling the truth and resisting has already passed. People are too stupid, Jews never could’ve done it without their help – hate the game not the player. Christians will do whatever the Jews say. Passive-aggression wins, scheming wins, lying wins, it’s all set up where you cannot succeed in this system without acting like a Jew. Only way to fight it is to tear it down, and that won’t happen by convincing people – radical transformation is needed, but with all the technology these days, the spying, the control, that seems impossible as well. The elite are hidden and protected, so can’t touch them. Could try convincing the Jews that their elite hate them, convince them they were lied to about the Holocaust and push “love your neighbor” liberal Christian crap on them enough that they actually believe it instead of just faking it, but that’s probably even less likely than Christians en masse doing anything against their Jewish overlords.

        I would like to hear more about what you envision could end Jewish power.

        Back to the rest later….

  6. j3133 says:

    Here is my response to https://j3133.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/quick-update/comment-page-1/#comment-533

    “it’s interesting that the asiatics are famous for the most brutal behaviour during those periods. it seems to be a consistent theme. i don’t think it’s based simply on appearances. it’s loose evidence but i tend to think it’s in line with differences in core altruism between whites and our slanty cousins. whites will murder each other, but will they cut babies out of pregnant women and impale them on stakes? well … we must respect cultural differences.”

    Agreed, agreed. Ruthlessness, cold brutality, and ENJOYING torture and murder, etc. are typical of asiatics and perhaps many non-whites in general – Jews, blacks, spics for example. Whites are “nice”, “gentle”, and when we kill we do it for conscious reasons, not for the joy of it – that at least is the case of the pure breeds, the best of us – and though this makes for comforting societies and a beautiful life, it also makes us vulnerable to the Jews etc., and it’s certainly a factor in why we were dumb enough to embrace Christianity in the first place. I’ve read theories before about how this was a successful strategy when we were in close-knit kin groups but it doesn’t work when we naively assign altruistic traits to non-whites and fake whites, who really we ought to be able to see right through.

    It comes down to perspective and, more generally, taste. Good taste. Like the reason I like those castelvetrano olives, or the reason I chemical-laden cosmetics cause me to gag – because I’m able to learn what good taste is, it’s not just about instinct but about being able to learn what is right and wrong for me, for mine, and for humanity. I know that those olives, which are the bright green ones you can get on the cheap at Wally world, are good for me because they make me feel good. They have healthy oils in them much like avocado, and I guarantee if you try some when you’re hungover you’ll see what I mean! :)

    So whereas whites are highly adaptable to circumstances and able to LEARN what is right and wrong and act on it, perhaps these other races are built more on instinct, and they aren’t really capable of getting past that instinct, whether it’s the instinct to kill everyone not like them or to manipulate others to suit their purposes. Now that would mean that they aren’t as vulnerable to psychological memes like liberalism or Christianity, because they work more on instinct rather than conscious evaluation of what is and what ought to be; on the other hand whites are extremely vulnerable to doing things which aren’t beneficial to them in the long run if they are fed lies and they CHOOSE to believe them.

    This is only one aspect of it and I’m not so sure it jives 100% but it’s an interesting theory. And if it’s true it probably means that the elite at the top, Jews and non-Jews with the same characteristics, did NOT come to the same conclusions I have through rational conscious thought so much as subconscious evolutionary traits they developed over time in response to the environment. And perhaps they even know this, which 1) may be part of the reason they refer to the rest of us as “animals”, a psychological projection because deep down they realize they work on instinct and they are champions of the harshest survival strategies that work in an evolutionary environment, the bloodlust and the hunger to kill and torture, they realize on some level perhaps that they are more like animals than whites because of this instinct which drives them, and 2) explains another reason among many that they hate whites so much – because of our ability to LEARN these truths that they on an animalistic level can never hope to compete against in the long run if our best, our purest specimens, are around – because eventually we WILL learn the truth and DECIDE to take steps. And again this really probably does mean that there is no place in their hierarchy for whites with these traits who LEARNED these truths through research, as they really only want people like themselves who were born into it, who had these bloodthirsty and manipulative traits from birth, because those are the only ones they can trust and control.

    “but this brings up a race point, i think it’s not enough to cherry pick from other distinctive races for qualities in a breeding ”alliance” sense because as i understand it genes revert back to the mean so if this is true it makes racial distinctions extremely important.”

    I read this part before I wrote the above, and it probably helped me come to the conclusion I did.

    But I would still say that combining, say, the very top elite of Jewry with men like the Rockefellers, or maybe not the very top elite of Jewry but a slightly lower level elite, would be beneficial. Because let’s say we have a scale 1-10 (let’s call it the Jew-scale) on how good you are at being a manipulative, bloodthirsty power hungry criminal who wants to rule the world and take over as much as possible through business acumen – if you’ve got a Jew family that’s at 9 and a Rockefeller who’s at 9.5, you still boost your average. Or say they’re both at 10 of 10 or 9 of 10, then the average doesn’t change. So as long as you’re mating with people who are AT LEAST as effective at doing the same shit you’re trying to do, your average will remain the same and the way genetics work a few of the resulting children would actually be even higher on the scale, while a few would be lower, and by selectively breeding for those traits you’d still be able to continue to increase the ability and focus on these traits, while also providing some relief to the inbreeding problem, perhaps – and really you would WANT to experiment a bit because you never know how much more powerful joining two powerful lines could potentially be. As I said before I wouldn’t be nearly as successful in this area if I didn’t have both my mother’s and my father’s expertise. And my brother doesn’t have this same ability, in the end I got a bit luckier on that side of things, while he got other traits. Anyway, not trying to seem like I’m dumbing it down but I think Jews recognize that the white race can produce exceptional Jew-y businessmen too, at the top end of the bell curve when it comes to the Jew-scale, without the negative traits that Obama would have due to his ancestry.

    If science says that genetic traits revert to the mean over time then science is (scientists are) probably lying. If you take two people with exceptional traits and put them together, you are bound to get children with similar exceptional traits. Inbreeding works to focus traits, that’s a fact, and it’s why evolution works in the first place. If we really reverted to the average over time then we’d still be fish in the sea, because our original average would be fish. So it’s clearly a bunch of baloney. Now if a group of whites randomly mated, sure, they’d revert to the mean of the white group. But if elites mate with elites they will revert only to the mean of the elite, not to the mean of the general population.

    Ah, I guess I see what you’re saying. Yes, I guess this part would be true:

    “in this model obama’s children will be less intelligent than the children of a white couple of the same intelligence given obama and his wife are more exceptional for their race and their children will fall further back”

    Because there will always be latent DNA markers even in the exceptional of a race, that will have an effect on the children, and if both parents have those markers recessive then the children will (be likely to) have them dominant, I think that’s what you’re getting at – and so their children will head more toward the average. But that’s a different scenario than an elite Jew mating with an elite (on the Jew-scale) white – especially if that whites familial history demonstrates consistent Jew-y traits. Since they come from different backgrounds you might have a lesser chance of two recessive negative traits resulting in a dominant negative trait. Getting into too much detail and I’m not explaining well….

    So yeah, I can see what you mean – if Jews weren’t EXTREMELY selective in who they let into their group, then they’d have to worry about the latent white altruistic traits creeping in over time. They’d have to heavily vet any newcomers, and examine their ancestors’ behavior to verify consistency – plus they’d demand certain things of them. Since this is really genetic engineering, they would either kill or make powerless any offspring that did not have the “Jewish soul”. You can see how Jews treat Jews who don’t fall in line because through some chance they didn’t end up ranking very high on the “Jew-scale”. I am certain also that they would TEST newcomers as they TEST themselves, to make sure they have the Jewish soul and rank high on the Jew-scale. They would see how children react to torturing innocents, for example – which might explain some of the stories about Jews involving their own children in blood rituals and the like. And those who don’t meet the requirements would be weeded out either directly or indirectly in the same way whites are being murdered directly or indirectly (genocide) through war and through false ideologies like leftism.

    Apologies, I’m kind of working through this myself – sometimes I have a hard time putting into words all the little pieces of the matrix that come together to tell me certain things, and I just know for a fact that if you are careful about who you involved and you monitor it closely, you can do select for “desirable” traits, and get higher and higher on the Jew-scale. I guess the simplest reason I know this, now that I finally think of it, is that this is exactly how animal breeding works. And so, it works in humans as well.

    Also, can you explain the Jew-fro among certain Jews? What does it indicate? Is it indicative of middle-eastern origins? Isn’t the Ashkenazi feeling of superiority mostly due to their higher IQ (and so they scorn the lower IQ varieties), derived from inter-mingling with Germans and other whites? Aren’t Jews more a mix of races with similar traits than just one race? Wouldn’t that explain the 2,500 year timeline? Wouldn’t it explain the Khazars? And isn’t Judaism hierarchical, and the smartest Jews, the Jews best at doing these things, would rise to the top? They would become the priest class, and in the modern world the hidden elite? The elite Jews would look down on the lesser Jews, and the lesser Jews would look up to the elite Jews.

    “use scientific proof to separate us from the rest and show that we are not biologically interchangeable once and for all.”

    We all used to know this because it is sort of innate – when we grow up we all learn to trust our in-group and to distrust the out-group, but the definition of the in- and out-group can change. We used to have a sensible idea of the in-group, and it would be people who look like us – and so we didn’t want to trust or mix with the out-group if we had a choice – though if you put difference peoples together you will always get them fucking each other, especially if you’re considered an outcast in your own in-group you will seek those outside of your in-group. Now with the modern lies we think our in-group is “humanity”, or “America”, or “the white race”, or even “Germans”. Or if we think our in-group is our family, we also have to consider that we don’t have very many if any pure Germanic or pure Nordic anymore, whatever, almost all of us are mixed, so as you alluded to earlier with the “reverting to the average genetically” thing, we can’t even trust our own families to be similar to us because who knows what fucking latent traits they’ll have – and they’ve also been fed lies about the right in-group, the leftist and Christian lies, so that doesn’t help either. I need to explain why my uncle, my brother, my mother, why we are all so different, why we can’t agree – and it is probably because rather than in a small tribe that has stuck together and in-bred (like would have happened in small white groups and still happens today in the Jewish elite) and therefore possesses similar traits, I too am a mixto white who has bits and pieces of traits from all over, and therefore don’t have the same exact sort of traits my mom or father did, and they to were not from the same part of Germany, etc. etc. down the line. An in-group really only works if they share traits like you do, and so yes, clearly race is vitally important, but the “white race” these days doesn’t mean much because we’ve intermingled so much that it’s rare that we have a white who acts like the best of whites have always acted, and even if we do he is usually stuck around a bunch of less able whites who will never understand or support him.

    Again Jews would also be very in-group selective and very wary of outsiders, and this also is a key strength. So you may be onto something when you say Jews wouldn’t want to mix with non-Jews, especially at the elite levels – and maybe they have not. Maybe the top elite Jews do not mingle with the non-Jews, and maybe the Rockefellers didn’t mingle with the Rothschild Jews but with lesser Jewish families, and not because they desired the white Rockefeller traits but only because they desired the Rockefellers to be controlled, and therefore rather than bringing them into the top ranks of the true Jewish elite, they brought them into slightly lesser ranks, near the top of the elite but not at the very top, not the true elite.

    That probably would be the safest thing to do, so maybe you are right. Then again, the Ashkenazi Jews certainly must have stolen some German genius through mating, and their Jewesses certainly seduced the white elite in positions of power whenever they could, and had children with them, and Jewish rabbis claim that in order for a child to have a Jewish soul the mother must be a Jew but not necessarily the father, perhaps there is something to this with DNA, perhaps it is something Jews observed over the last few thousand years, that usually the offspring of a Jewish mother would rank high on the “Jew-scale”, and that sometimes mating with non-Jews in this manner would not only gain power but also produce a superior being that would be better at doing Jew-y things, heh. Selective breeding works.

    I would guess that today, with so much at stake and so close to victory, that they would be quite wary of bringing any new folks into the top ranks of the Jewish elite. It might be too risky, and really it would not even be necessary. The hierarchy as it stands works quite well, and at some point you can have TOO MANY elites who will start to cause serious trouble if they are in the thick of the true top elite. That’s a lot of risk.

    “what i’ve always liked about the japanese is their ridiculous pride and ”racial arrogance” if you like. like when the europeans came and found THEM and brought them tech more advanced than their own and they referred to them as barbarians and kept them off shore and whatnot. that’s the thing. whites look at that and don’t care at all. the reason is racial confidence i suppose.”

    Yep, that’s more typical psychological projection and self-delusion like the Jewish self-deception that Kevin MacDonald talks about (I just added it to the sidebar). So again maybe it’s an asiatic trait. Whites on the other hand are confident in their abilities and that’s because we were quite successful when times were different. We had no need to be jealous. But Asians and Jews had a reason, and when you’re jealous and you need to delude yourself regarding this jealousy to survive, over time you become deluded and you need to account for this and hide it and so, yeah, you’ll call the whites barbarians and animals and such, and you’ll probably believe it because you’ve deluded yourself. Passive-aggression rules today for this reason. Same shit with fags hating men because they are bad at being men, so they play the victim. Same sort of shit with feminists, they’re bad at being women. And blacks hate whites because they know themselves they’re inferior – which is why they discriminate in their own communities against the darker-skinned blacks, and why their women avoid the sun like the plague in the US and wear “weave” to act white. They’re all “victims” of the “oppressive” evil straight white man. Also again refer to Dalton on Nietzsche.

    By the way, had a craving for some blue cheese so I’ve been munching on it. That’s some good fucking shit too – because I got good taste! Really an easy way to tell if someone is worth being around is whether they have good taste. And good taste is somewhat relative, but the stuff that ends up actually being good for you and your offspring in the long-run is what’s really good taste. I don’t trust people who can’t enjoy the good things in life – they tend to have insensible opinions in other areas too. But I wonder what my love for blue cheese says about me – hopefully it doesn’t mean I have a bacterial infection and I need the penicillin lol.

    Just another tangent – part of the reason the “elite” poison us with chemicals and foods and other substances they know to be harmful to us is to harm us and kill us and make us thing we need them and their healthcare, yes, but another reason is they are breeding us – eventually if the people keep consuming all this nasty shit, the ones who aren’t immune to it and can’t handle it will die off, while the ones who naturally had or can develop an immunity will survive – and so rather than having a race of human beings to compete with who are really expensive to feed and have proper nutrition so they’re smarter, they’ll have a race of human beings who they can feed the worst of the worst sort of shit too, just like they feed grain to cattle, and it will be cheap to keep them as cattle – while they eat the good stuff. And these human cattle, fed a bare minimum amount of nutrients through this slop they’ll feed ’em – they simply won’t have the mental capacity to resist. Same reason they use fluoride on us. But I just want you to see that this is planned genetic engineering, it isn’t just directly trying to kill us with harmful stuff but designing us so we fit their needs. It’s also why they have such oppressive rules – and the people who resist in this world get killed off or don’t have kids – this is how they breed out resistance over time. Expect the slave race of the future to eat Monsanto GMO corn and soy, used toilet water from Jewish households, and little else! Maybe some soylent green too, actually. Expect it. They will feed the slaves to one another, that much is certain.

    Is this obvious to anyone else? The intention is so clear to me.

    Why are over-hopped over-bitter beers being pushed on naive college kids? Maybe because hops, like soy, is an estrogen mimicker which makes males more feminine (easier to control, more submissive) and harms their reproductive abilities? Hehe. I drank them for a while when I first got interested in micro-brews, but now I tend to stick to more balanced brews, easy drinking lagers especially.

    “i’ll have to pick up on some of those other things next time this white screen is blasting my eyeballs”

    Yeah man, this is some dense conversation. I am pretty sure I still have to read and respond to a couple more of your comments after this one haha. But it’s all very fruitful and I am enjoying it.

    You might consider writing your responses in a separate window, like OpenOffice writer, and you could consider changing the background color. I used to code with green or white font and a black background, in the past. And later when I read ebooks, I would modify the font to be extra large, black, with a light gray background, which was ideal for viewing them from a distance. Ergonomics is important, as the less damage we do to our eyes and our body when we’re spending time on the internet, the better we’ll be in the long run. ;)

    “tennis is the sport of the europeans still.”

    I wonder why that is, whether it’s the culture or the physics of the sport (actually you answered this and I address it later). Isn’t lacrosse similar? And that tells you why the Duke lacrosse team falsely accused of rape was so attacked by Jewish feminists and other cuntbags in the media ;). The media hates anything white.

    Yeah I never really cared to watch football or baseball or really any sports for that matter, on TV – because I didn’t really care about the results. Once in a while now I’ll watch football or baseball, but I also watch other shitty TV once in a while too for the mindless entertainment. Now that I’m racially aware and Jew-wise though, I’m even less inclined to watch that shit, and like you said, “unbearable”. Whether it’s the anti-white non-white-glorification or the feminism, I see through it all now in a way I didn’t before – and once you’ve taken the pill you can’t erase it.

    It really is great though that nobody in my life wants to hear about any of this stuff, and that when I try to point it out all they do is bitch at me and treat me like I’m the one with the problem. :) But, hell, I wouldn’t have it any other way – if things had gone a different way in my life, I might not know the truth, and I might not be around to enjoy telling it. So despite it all, despite the lack of support, fuck it, it made me stronger – and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d rather be aware than blind and ignorant. Fuck ignorance, awareness is bliss!

    “tennis is relatively safe from flooding i think because it’s one on one and a sport where technique,tactics and mental focus are extremely important (in the men’s game), raw athleticism, ‘flash’ aren’t enough like in many of the sports blacks excel at and lack of mental discipline and focus will kill you in tennis.”

    That makes sense. It does seem like a very strategic game, and when you’re low on blood to the brain mental focus becomes even more important.

    I watch MMA occasionally, too, and though it’s somewhat repulsive to see black guys fighting against whites, at least you can root for the white guy. I’m fairly certain the main reason blacks can even compete on the top level right now is that they tend to have a leg reach advantage at the top levels due to their height, which is not properly accounted for in the UFC, which Joe Rogan has alluded to, but I’m not sure I expect that to change because the UFC like everything else is PC and if they changed from weight classes to a system that accounts more for height and makes things fair, whites would dominate and blacks would look bad. Like the Olympics, like it all, you have to be a bitch to compete or announce for sports because otherwise you will get canned for “naughty pro-white pro-male comments” and you’ll have to apologize for telling the truth.

    Anyway it reminds me of a comment my uncle made about his friend who was a golden gloves boxer. He decided he had to give it up because he “didn’t want to fight niggers all day”. And I don’t blame him. Why would you want to fight brutish beasts who want to give you brain damage because they hate you? There’s no honor or glory in that.

    You may want to watch the Silva vs. Weidman fight from UFC 162, hilarious ending – the black champ taunts the white guy (German/Italian I believe), dancing and weaving around and acting like a jackass, and the white guy remains focused and determined, doesn’t let it get to him, and fucks him up. Like my uncle said, “That’s the last time he’ll act like a nigger”.

    “but of course he had a danish flag and froch had an english flag and a nottingham accent. and that’s what counts of course.”

    Yeah, the dumb fucking masses care more about a flag. Even if he was a nigger rather than a Jew they’d cheer for “their team” – ’cause they’re “patriots”. The chapter on sport in You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel is quite relevant. I’ll add it to the sidebar, though Samuel, being a Jew, still suffers from a great many delusions. Like I said in one of my tirades that I’ve since removed from the site, I really never gave a fuck about going to or supporting sporting events at my alma mater. It was nice when we won, but only because the after-parties were better and more numerous. I was there to be “edumacated”, not to support a bunch of sweaty retarded brutes, negro or not.

    • L says:

      the way college and sporting scholarships have been combined into what seems some kind of business model … just the fact they drag all these numbskulls into college to play sport for them while babysitting them through bullshit courses, or dragging them from jamaica to run athletics and swagger around campus … just disgusting bullshit. university used to be for the intellectual elites now it’s a cartoon.

      the twist with weidman is i believe he’s a jew who converted to christianity…
      the funny thing about froch is he has a jewish nose which is really bad for boxing…haha.

      yes i think the jew fro fits the middle eastern profile. if you forget they’re jews and just compare them to arabs/palestianians etc i think you can see similar physical traits. i think the jew physical ”traits” pretty much line up with the arab physical traits. their language is also a semitic language i believe.

      i was talking more about the problem with mixing with elite africans or indians or others with the reversion to the mean.
      if you’re talking about jews just mixing with whites, then yeah it’s no real problem for them.
      from what i understand in medieval times the merchant class could sometimes be a step up into the aristocracy, it could get you marriage options with the ”gentle folk”. who weren’t really that gentle of course.
      this was when jews could start thinking about marriage alliances with the white elites i suppose. but it think it took some time before it became acceptable for whites to be with jews.
      i’ve also read that the merchants could be richer than the nobility, it began to turn in that direction after a while i suppose. materialism began to take over. what you notice about these texts is that the nobility don’t really talk about money that much. wealth doesn’t seem to be that important to them and they like to give it away quite a bit. they’re more interesting in deeds and certain character traits, values. at least that’s what’s being pushed. how different from the ”elites” now who are just utterly commercial really.

      the nordic theories don’t seem to match with the genetics from what i can see. all those older racialist categories were done before genetics and it’s a real mess because of it.
      i think a basic modern version is thought to be something more like there was a group who inhabited europe, did the megaliths they would be y marker ”I” and then the ”indo europeans” came through, had split off earlier i think, gone east and resided in the ukraine area, the steppes for a while and then swept back and conquered or mixed with the ”natives” bringing the r1 markers in. that’s why all our languages are indo european except a couple. the indo europeans were horse people and may have invented the chariot. this is one theory for how they ”colonised” europe. but it seems they were basically just the same europeans who’d gone walkabout for a while in the slavic area and developed some cool shit.

      ”It really is great though that nobody in my life wants to hear about any of this stuff, and that when I try to point it out all they do is bitch at me and treat me like I’m the one with the problem. :) ”

      i have a silmilar problem. i’ve worked on my folks a bit and they come around to some things, also because they’re seeing the transformations now. also they have some residual realism from living back in ”traditional” times or in africa. but they’ve been heavily swung by the media propaganda.
      i have two brothers. one became a yuppie who only cares about money, socialising and drinking more or less.
      the other is a scientist but he just lives in his own world, extreme narcissist with no sense of responsibility for his society, and prides himself on not knowing what’s going on in the world. he’s basically a write off in this domain from what i can see.

      one problem which is huge now is the fact that ”multiculturalism” has meant that people like my brother make friendships with ”elite” non-whites and it makes it almost impossible for them to become hardline about immigration and take a strong pro-white stance. it’s a self regulating system.

      • L says:

        yes i tend to do that thing with the screen colour as well. one of the things i’ve always hated about etexts is they are brutal to read.

        beer etc.
        i don’t really drink. i may have a beer or wine once in a blue moon but that’s about it.
        i have huge issues with the drinking culture, particularly with the advertising, designer drinks, hard liquor, shots, leg openers etc.
        i’m not completely against alcoholic beverages in a more natural form and if used sparingly as part of a culinary tradition, but that’s really not the reality of alcohol culture at least these days.
        i have the most problems with female drinking, it just absurd how that’s turned out.

        • j3133 says:

          Yeah, I’m of the opinion women shouldn’t really ever drink or do any drugs. They just get even crazier. They simply cannot handle it.

          At the most maybe a glass of wine here and there but even then… it’s really just too much for them to handle responsibly.

          It’s true they want us addicted and sick off booze and drugs and shitty tobacco, or our minds numbed at the very least. I have shied away from hard liquor now as I don’t like the way it makes me feel, don’t really care to get “fucked up” anymore, at least not often – though I still love a good peaty scotch once in a while, ah the memories. Some nice natural beers, high quality lagers for example, or some homemade wine fermented from juice and cane sugar with sparkling wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae / bayanus (it’s fantastic, cheap, takes about a week, and doesn’t give a hangover), those are more to my liking these days. I used to drink the real heavy bitter beers for a while but grew past that, and I realize the real hoppy bitter IPAs are just trendy for the young ‘n’ dumb crowd. I prefer a nice mellow drink / buzz now, not an overbearing “escape it all, fuck it all” buzz but one that compliments my passions, makes me MORE passionate and focused and on the ball, some of my better writing comes during those times, that Apollonian/Dionysian state. I recently took up tobacco pipe smoking also, which can be paired with the aforementioned alcohol to boost that A/D state, or can be a nice way to settle down, calm down, and relax, which has its benefits. Anyway I think the party culture is a symptom rather than a cause, people do it, kids do it, because this world sucks for them, it’s hedonism and nihilism – now that I know what I know and my perspective has changed, that isn’t something I desire very often – though still at times the stress builds up and it’s nice to have a little escape from reality once in a while. Still, it can become a crutch and a distraction, and it takes experience to manage it and not overdo it. Some sort of escape or at least stress relief is necessary for proper balance, I think.

          (When I write stuff like that I am concerned that one day if I piss off the powers that be enough, it’d be so easy for them to pump me full of drugs and claim I died from it, even though I don’t do any harsh drugs, and I don’t get drunk enough that it would potentially be a risk to my life either. We always have to be wary about how we phrase things, how they could be taken wrong, how they could be used against us in the future, how they could manipulate our words to make it appear as if we’re something we’re not, in the same way the FBI wants to paint the guy who ran TORmail as a “pedophile” – see the article I posted. It’s so easy.

          Heck, they’ll even say I’m “paranoid”. “Paranoia” itself is a misnomer – they’d like the people to think that anyone who’s cautious and conscious about these things is mentally ill, when in fact being paranoid is a healthy, sane, safe strategy in this modern world, where any little thing you do or say can be used against you to put you away and make you seem like a “monster”. There’s a reason they want everyone to think that the “introverted”, “quiet”, “strange” guys are somehow “dangerous” – because they ARE dangerous to the powers that be, but not at all to the masses. It’s also why they keep framing up these vegetated kids for things like Sandy Hook and the Batman theater thing. Just another thing to make it easier to put the true threats to their evil away.)

      • j3133 says:

        “university used to be for the intellectual elites now it’s a cartoon.”

        Yep. Moment we let women in the end began haha. ‘Least it got me some pussy.

        “the twist with weidman is i believe he’s a jew who converted to christianity…
        the funny thing about froch is he has a jewish nose which is really bad for boxing…haha.”

        Haha yeah that nose ain’t ideal. Have you seen Jerry Springer’s nose from the side? Oh man it’s cartoonish. I used to wonder why he considered be a politician before he did the JS Show – now I know, that’s what Jews do.

        Not sure I buy Weidman as a Jew – the name did sound Jewish to me but he doesn’t look it, seems white to me judging by his appearance. Heard he’s German/Irish or German/French. Looked at his wife and him. Neither looks Jewish. He doesn’t act Jewish. I highly doubt he’s got any Jew in him.

        “i’ve also read that the merchants could be richer than the nobility, it began to turn in that direction after a while i suppose. materialism began to take over. what you notice about these texts is that the nobility don’t really talk about money that much. wealth doesn’t seem to be that important to them and they like to give it away quite a bit. they’re more interesting in deeds and certain character traits, values. at least that’s what’s being pushed. how different from the ”elites” now who are just utterly commercial really.”

        Yeah they had a much better vision of the world. And perhaps it could’ve worked but only with sustained effort. They got lazy, they started dealing with Jews, and the rest is history?

        “the nordic theories don’t seem to match with the genetics from what i can see. all those older racialist categories were done before genetics and it’s a real mess because of it.
        i think a basic modern version is thought to be something more like there was a group who inhabited europe, did the megaliths they would be y marker ”I” and then the ”indo europeans” came through, had split off earlier i think, gone east and resided in the ukraine area, the steppes for a while and then swept back and conquered or mixed with the ”natives” bringing the r1 markers in. that’s why all our languages are indo european except a couple. the indo europeans were horse people and may have invented the chariot. this is one theory for how they ”colonised” europe. but it seems they were basically just the same europeans who’d gone walkabout for a while in the slavic area and developed some cool shit.”

        Interesting. Makes sense.

        “i have two brothers. one became a yuppie who only cares about money, socialising and drinking more or less.
        the other is a scientist but he just lives in his own world, extreme narcissist with no sense of responsibility for his society, and prides himself on not knowing what’s going on in the world. he’s basically a write off in this domain from what i can see.”

        Ah. Yeah those are alternatives people can take in response to a world without meaning. I have a little bit of each in me, could’ve taken those paths too, probably did for a while, but it just wasn’t enough for me.

        What are your relative ages? Who’s eldest? My brother just works and plays games and chills and doesn’t the typical meaningless life. Says we shouldn’t dwell on the past or care about the future, basically. He’s younger. Afraid of the truth, of asking the hard questions and letting go of delusion, I guess, like most are. Doesn’t want to go through the shock of upsetting his worldview, it’s stressful.

        “one problem which is huge now is the fact that ”multiculturalism” has meant that people like my brother make friendships with ”elite” non-whites and it makes it almost impossible for them to become hardline about immigration and take a strong pro-white stance. it’s a self regulating system.”

        Yeah, self-regulating is a good term for the entire system really.

        The equality myth is a problem not just because it says the races are equal but because it says the individuals within a given race are equal, so he equates the “elite” non-whites to the rest. I can say a visit I had to Chicago where I stayed with some ratchet ass black folks certainly changed my views a bit. :) They’re family of a black guy I know who I used to consider pretty cool – but the nigger came out in him that weekend too when I got tired of his shitty family acting like niggers to me. A lot of “good” “nice” black people make a real effort to act white and hide their real nature, the anger, the violence, the hate, the cruelty, the stupidity, the mind blowing decibel level, the terrible taste in “music”. If you don’t push their buttons and just play the bitch, you might never see it. If not, you certainly will.

        Big cities disgust me. Awful non-white people, the smell, the Jewishness of the whole place, a mess, crowded, filthy. When I could just “have fun” and “party” they weren’t that bad – but I’ve grown up past that shit and really can’t go back, not that I’d want to.

      • j3133 says:

        Maybe you’re right about Weidman having some Jew in him though. Some pictures like this one he looks kinda Jew-y: http://www.5thround.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/UFCChrisWeidman.gif

      • j3133 says:

        Dearest L-

        I am moving along now. I do not feel it is necessary for me to further participate in this discussion, but be assured I will read and think on your replies if you choose to post them.

        See my latest posts for information that may help you decide on your own path.

        Regards & thanks,

  7. j3133 says:

    Q: “do you have any idea how much these people like anglin or similar ‘white nationalists’ are getting from website donations? if they are getting a lot more than is needed for their sites it does make their enterprises much less credible considering they aren’t actually organisations.

    i always assumed that richard spencer guy had family money and didn’t have a regular job but maybe i’m wrong. and maybe alternative right is getting more money than it would appear. i don’t know.”

    A: “Telling it like it is with injustices is something a man does, always at a personal cost, it ain’t a fucking JOB or source of revenue.” – http://wimminz.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/panhandling-motherfuckers/

    I have never met someone online who cared a wit about the full truth AND tried to make money off it. You either act like a Jew or you don’t, there is no middle ground. All those people EVER care about is getting an audience to support them. Time and again this has been proven true.

    The truth doesn’t make you money. Only lies do.

    It is possible to hint at truths and push a pro-truth agenda subtly, but in doing so you necessarily must compromise on the full truth. But if that’s really what Anglin and the like were doing, they wouldn’t attack those who tell the full truth so viciously. They are in it for profit, whether the money comes from the hands of naive donators below or from hidden entities above who are using them to push the Jewish agenda.

    Anglin, Delaney, Finck – none of them are to be trusted, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they are all controlled opposition getting paid by the USGov or other Jewish-controlled entities to push harmful bullshit on the rest of us. They’re all in it for themselves, to make a profit, to make a BUSINESS out of it – and that tells you where their loyalties really lie.

    Regarding the alternative / new right, you can judge people by their actions. Those who refuse to discuss the Jews, who spout disingenuous manipulative bullshit, and who bitch constantly about how guys who tell the full blunt truths “make us look bad”, are not allies, whether they are compromised or just idiots. They don’t care about the truth but about getting money and glorifying their own egos in the social arena. They’re bitches.

    • Anonymous says:

      always found a particular attitude of spencer off putting, the fact he’s mentioned numerous times, and in a ”salon” magazine interview, how the right or alt right i suppose is the ‘radical’ group now, has that ”prestige”, that the left is sort of old-hat radicalism.
      he’s baiting the leftists in a way, but it does seem he gets off on this aspect of it a little too much. the sort ”radical intelligentsia” thing, where there’s a fine line between earnestness and postering, there’s definitely a pretentious element to that alt right group in the articles too.

      where are the super rich white patriots? you don’t need that many to fund massive propaganda. okay so it’s catch-22, you sell out to get rich … but surely some would come around eventually, could be worked on. this is where a real monarchy comes in handy. if the arabs needed to fight nation destroying liberals, for instance, the royalty could just take ten million out of their recreation fund and presto.

      • j3133 says:

        To be honest I don’t know of Mr. Spencer but from what you say I think you’re onto something.

        It’s true, you only become super rich if you play the Jew/businessman game – that’s the point. The odds of being someone willing to go that far but secretly actually pushing a pro-truth, pro-Good agenda, are very, very low. And why would they? You see how awful most people are. They have no qualms about harming them, and why should they? Even if they told them the truth, all it would get them is death – and the people wouldn’t listen anyhow. So I can see why they don’t bother, and the wise move may just be to play the game and get what they can out of it.

        • L says:

          i’ve compiled your latest responses and will put it all on the end here because it’s getting a little crazy with all the streams.

          o ”Probably. Jews play word games to ensure we don’t have adequate words to describe what we mean. Whatever the pure white noble essence is, I don’t know the name for it.”

          word games…yeah, very problematic.
          white noble essence…i think just our core european dna, biology is it. i’m pretty much
          a ”material determinist” if that’s the term. i’m not just nature over nurture, i’m basically 90-95% nature as long as the food and health is taken care of, or at least 95% nature as far as long term nation building goes, maybe 99% in that case…

          ”. Can’t win a war when you don’t know your enemy. Can’t win a war when you’re all fighting pointless battles. Jews have a shared purpose and a shared enemy – they all work together to fight against us, and we don’t even see it.”

          yeah, but i think the core population doesn’t need the whole detailed analysis, they just need a healthy package. i mean if i think of white countries before the immigration fiasco, basically these people had no real understanding of other races. they just knew they wanted a european society and actually of a fairly particular version too. they rejected jews because they weren’t european. they also might have heard a thing or too about jewish business practices etc. but they had no sophisticated understanding of them. they rejected japanese the same way they rejected africans. non-european. aliens. now obviously japs don’t fuck up your society like africans, just set up pedophile nymphette culture in your cartoons and high school prostitution cultures … but seriously, my point is the culture was simple. us in, aliens out. and that’s all the core needed to protect themselves. even the ”elites” didn’t have sophisticated understanding of many of these groups, just had a healthy ethnocentrism, euro-style.
          i know it’s different now the jews have so much control. but just the basic model of preserve your own, shun aliens worked pretty well in germany and the eastern bloc around ww2, as far as propaganda for the masses went.

          “i’m not really sold on the racial degeneration during the war. it was a total war as well which means the killing becomes pretty indiscriminate on the battlefield, civilians totalled, the starvations and whatnot. plus i think a far greater percentage of the combat personal survived than it seems. for instance you had a pretty good chance of surviving in the army.”
          ”I believe there could only have been negative, not neutral or positive, effects on the German descendants stemming from the war itself and the after-effects, and considering the sad state of Germany today I think that’s true.”

          certainly i agree 100% with this psychologically and culturally, just not genetically at present. i think 5-10% cultural influence is enough to weaken that population in the way we see now. the numbers don’t necessarily add up, but point is, i think germans are still as intellectually and physically capable over there, just mindfucked.

          ”if the christians hadn’t been so hard on jews, it may have been a lot worse a lot sooner.”
          ”They should’ve killed them. They didn’t because they were “God’s Chosen” and despite all their evil they were still not to be killed. Yes, Christianity was just another pagan religion to them, but the key is that it made Jews “God’s Chosen” and therefore untouchable. I do believe I’ve read that Jews were saved from the harshest persecutions time and again because of this. And I do believe that they would’ve been dealt with much more swiftly if they were not considered “God’s Chosen”, so that their evil would not have been swept under the rug for so long.”

          i’m not sure, i don’t know enough about their angle yet. but i’ve never seen them referred to in a positive light even once in any of the older texts i’ve read, it’s always demonising them. i honestly think the ”god’s chosen” angle is a more modern invention. i think the medieval christian version was more along the lines of the ku klux, with the jews being descended from cain, the evil dude, that’s what i’m picking up.
          the christians did go on quite a few jew killing sprees i think. but then again that could be jewish propaganda.
          the thing is without christianity we can’t say the whites would have killed the jews. because jews weren’t coming at them front on. europeans aren’t cruel people and wouldn’t just kill the jews for being minorities hanging around. once they found out they were dangerous they would exile them, probably, but that’s what the christians did to. but the jews kept coming back. i mean europe is a pretty large land mass to control. it’s like gypsies. and probably that’s a good comparison. gypsies are hated and there was no chance they were god’s people, but they were never wiped out. just kicked around like the jews.
          and the point is i think you nail it when you say:
          ” The white way. The communities we have. All that “gentleness”. Maybe it wasn’t Christianity but our DNA that screwed us over.”
          i don’t think it matters whether it’s christianity, paganism, secularism, whatever. in the end when we’ve taken care of ourselves and our bellies, when we’re not in imminent danger, we’re going to be too kind for our own good.

          ”Maybe not though. I don’t know enough about the history to say. It’s pretty safe to say that if America weren’t Christian we wouldn’t have so many supporters of Israel’s wars, and that the Jews who created this faux religion created it for this very purpose, so that the Jews would one day be considered friends, eventually. Whether this took 200 years or 2000, it was inevitable as long as Jews were “God’s Chosen”.”

          the way i see it the jews have thrown the dart and drawn the target around it, to use that metaphor. they’ve manipulated christianity. really, it was harming them a long time, they’re not this smart… but yes the foundation was there to exploit, sure. the thing is jews were kept out because they were not christian for a LONG time. this was not in their interests.

          ”Nietzsche seems to think Christianity destroyed Rome with it’s faux value system. Do you disagree? Do you believe that “things just happen” and civilizations just collapse “just because” and there is “no reason for it”,”

          yes i think nietzsche is wrong there. i’m no expert on rome but i think there were a lot of factors that weakened it and i don’t think archaic christianity was one of the major ones.
          firstly rome wasn’t destroyed it moved base to the east and was still powerful and highly sophisticated, lasting until 15th century i think when the muslim hordes bashed down the walls.
          the romans exhibited many of the same poisonous policies we see in our non-religious society. decadence, slaving and thus race mixing…
          i think the main thing that ended rome’s dominance was the power of the germanic tribes to be honest. once they got their shit together the romans couldn’t hold them off. and i believe the germans were pushed out of their living space by huns from the east. so you had massive pressure building, the romans stretched too thin. the thing is the roman empire was NEVER going to last in my opinion for one simple reason: they were ruling europeans who were their equals intellectually. if they’d been ruling africa only maybe it would still be going. but although they conquered the celts, it was only just and really they sort of ”sweet talked” the celts/britons into a roman way of life to subdue them i believe, after initial military defeat. they could never truly subdue the germans because the germans lived in very difficult terrain and more sporadic i think. probably similar to how the romans never subdued the scots in the harsh north of britain. anyway, the point is, the romans were outnumbered by germans and celts who were no less intelligent. i can’t see how they were ever going to hold on to that tyranny.
          another thing is that i think there’s an exaggeration as to how far the european society fell when rome ”fell”. because firstly it never went away, the holy roman empire, and also i think people are acknowledging now that the ”dark ages” were more sophisticated than they thought. and certainly the later middle ages were very sophisticated and i would say easily matching rome. really the power shifted to the germanic/celt peoples, to the north. and maybe they were set back a little, but i’m not sure how much they were ultimately. another thing is that the rennaissance writers etc glamorised rome, the classical world and tended to downplay the level of the medieval period, sort of distorting things also. ”’gothic” was used as an insult i think, describing the cathedrals and style etc. but those gothic cathedrals are masterpieces and i don’t believe they were any less sophisticated than classical buildings and potentially more advanced.

          ”like with the “evil honor killings”? People just do things that make no sense whatsoever because I guess that’s the “Gentile way”? Doesn’t jive.”

          not when you’re talking about whites, but when you’re talking about arabs or blacks, they do plenty of sick shit that is completely irrational i’d say.

          ”Did Christianity HELP us? I don’t see how. Was it positive? Not in the long run. Was it positive for a time? Doubt it, it promoted weakness and stupid false ideals that harmed the white race, that encouraged the “equality” myth and mixing with idiots and assholes based solely on religion, that told us all the good things in life are evil and we should be “nice” – Etymology: late 13c., “foolish, stupid, senseless,” from Old French nice (12c.) “careless, clumsy; weak; poor, needy; simple, stupid, silly, foolish,” from Latin nescius “ignorant, unaware,” literally “not-knowing,” from ne- “not” (see un-) + stem of scire “to know” (see science). “The sense development has been extraordinary, even for an adj.” [Weekley] — from “timid” (pre-1300); to “fussy, fastidious” (late 14c.); to “dainty, delicate” (c.1400); to “precise, careful” (1500s, preserved in such terms as a nice distinction and nice and early); to “agreeable, delightful” (1769); to “kind, thoughtful” (1830).
          “i’m not really convinced the pagans would have been any better.
          the ”emancipation” of jews is only recent from what i understand and seems to be directly proportional to the weakening of traditional christianity and the rise of liberalism/”humanism”.”
          ” Everything good in Christianity we already had. The traditional values were in place long before.”
          i agree in a way but because i think christianity was shaped more by european behaviour than the other way around. europeans made that thing up more or less the whole cultural infrastructure.
          now i also think without it we’d have a pretty good system too. however it is true christians did some helpful things. for one it allowed europe to be united far more than otherwise. we had christendom, the royal families intermarried and united many nations. this is much less likely to happen with different religious cults. it united language and learning etc. allowed for a streamlined structure, conformity making relations easier, communications and so on.
          also it stopped some really stupid pagan stuff like human sacrifice and animal sacrifice. particularly after the death of a royal or such, the pagans would slaughter quality horses, animals, people to go with them to the after life and it’s pretty wasteful. small issue, yes. didn’t happen everywhere, might have been phased out. but anyway.
          atheists now point to christianity and say okay it caused religious war. but those religious wars were really just wars for power i say.
          i’m not convinced christianity caused more war, just more organised war events. but i can’t be sure. the pagans were always fighting and skirmishing. they were less united.

          in general i think you’re arguing with me on a different stream. i’m not saying modern christians are helpful, or that modern christianity is helpful. i believe it’s a write off politically. all it’s got left is that serious christians have more class and have crazy traditional ideas like women not being men and having children. but even that is being left behind. i’m simply saying christianity long ago was nothing like this, that’s my assessment.
          and that’s it’s been infected with liberalism,egalitarianism whatever we want to call it. it was bad because it made us vulnerable ultimately, but it wasn’t bad when we weren’t liberals, i guess that’s sort of my point. but not really. because like i said up front in this discussion, i think if it wasn’t christianity it would have been something else. secular laws can be manipulated for equality/pacifism just the same and we see that now.
          for example greece made democracy but it was an aristicratic democracy a ruling class thing nothing like our equality cult version… now that idea right there is asking for exploitation from the jews or other equality peddlers. and even without christianity it would have been exploited or there would have been attempts.
          i do agree that this turn the other cheek, pacifist stuff did make christianity more vulnerable in a way… but at the same time while some christians actually became hardcore pacifists, others were warring like mad and conquering savages. there is a spectrum of material in that bible from the harshest shit you can imagine all the way up to carey-sharey whatnots and it just depends how you shape it, how you sell it. and that’s my point again there. it can be distorted in many ways but what counts is the source of the manipulation. is any system going to protect us? i don’t believe we’ve had one that was perfect in this regard. i’m not sure christianity was worse than others. maybe it was.
          but it’s so complex to analyse this. thing is pagan religions weren’t necessarily racial for instance. i’m not convinced they were anyway. because people were isolated so they didn’t evolve systems like that. everyone was their kind or pretty close for a huge chunk of our history. and we see the pagan gods being passed around between ethnic groups. no built in ethnic anchor.
          now who’s to say the vikings don’t settle in west africa and some dickheads decide that these africans who are ”fierce warriors” are worthy of great respect, and perhaps they might have the blood of the norse gods in them or be somehow related. look how they fight! and now the vikings are mixing up mulattos like cocktails… you know?
          another thing is that christianity stopped the slave trade which protected us from race mixing TO A DEGREE. the pagans were far more into slaves and this is bad shit for racial stocks. now the christians for a long time were against miscegenation too so we did have a pretty golden period of whitey white society despite being all over the world. though south america got fucked for some reason. yes obviously modern christians scream for race mixing. but i think you could argue that we could have had a hell of a lot more slave stocks in our societies before the immigration gates were opened if we’d had a roman type empire and then if that got turned ”multicultural” it would be even worse than now.
          anyway i don’t really want to dwell on christianity too much even though i have. i don’t deny it’s a massive problem now.
          however i wonder how we get back a traditional society behaviour wise without an organised software like this, let’s say we did ”win the war”…

          ”First of all an arbitrary age is nonsense because puberty does not occur at an arbitrary age.”

          i don’t quite understand this portion

          ”Also “exploitation”, again, is a misnomer, another lie. Perhaps Roissy/Heartiste said it best:”

          i more or less agree on this statutory rape in this era. but that’s because you have girls given sex ed in primary school, sexually active earlier than ever, ”worldlier” than ever, sluttier than ever, cockier and more manipulative than ever …so yes when a 15 yr old is found screwing a male teacher or something like this i find it hard to feel sorry for the modern slut, think she’s a victim.
          but these laws were probably made when we had a more ”innocent” society, when young girls like that could well be extremely naive and taken advantage of by dodgy arseholes. i mean let’s be honest too, there are some extremely dodgy arseholes around who do have the ability to dominate,manipulate impressionable/stupid girls. not all of these girls would have been ”sluts” , some just fools who might think they’re ”in love” etc. for modern teens though, yeah like i said i have little mercy.
          a thing about that article i don’t agree with is using the third world as our moral standard, if 30 year olds in india are fucking 14yr olds than why can’t we and so on. that’s what sets us apart, the fact we have higher standards, we have a more dignified society and we don’t have men screwing children just because they’ve got some pubescent features. that’s how i see it.
          interestingly in tacitus he describes the german tribes as being more sexually controlled and ”chaste” than the romans. he says they were encouraged to put off marriage until at least 20 years because before then people weren’t considered mature enough to not fuck things up i suppose.

          ”how different from the ”elites” now who are just utterly commercial really.”
          ”Yeah they had a much better vision of the world. And perhaps it could’ve worked but only with sustained effort. They got lazy, they started dealing with Jews, and the rest is history?”

          yeah seems like it. but history isn’t done yet…hopefully
          as for weidman, i couldn’t get a clear answer some claiming him a
          ”super jew” others not. i do seem to recall reading something about his parents being christian jews though, from the horse’s mouth.
          still good to see blacks getting knocked out. that’s why the klitschkos are good. the black boxers are always acting ”ghetto” and mouthing off, and the klitschkos tend to put them to sleep.
          good ol’ blacks…

          ””We used to have more pure races that actually had meaning, now we ourselves are mongrels and we will become even more mongrelized as whites mix with non-whites, only exacerbating the mongrelization. ”

          i think it’s been overplayed how different the euro stocks are, by ethnonationalism and liberalism alike. i think we are told we’re mongrels by the liberal narrative now because it’s an attempt to make us think we have nothing to protect. and recent nationalism split people who were pretty similar in a nonsensical way really. the north of france is a famous ”celtic” heritage haven for instance, britanny, same people as irish,welsh,ancient britons, but they’re now ”french”. when people say they are euro mongrels it’s usually just a case of national ”brands”. for example if they say they’ve got irish,scot,english,german,spanish. it sounds like a mongrel. but irish,scot,spanish are identical dna profiles pretty much, english is between that and german … so you really only have two major groups there in that ”mongrel”. and the groups aren’t much different anyway: germanics,celts.
          i think the only significant ”non-euro” bit of dna in european populations is this 5-10% ”near eastern” dna they say comes from the neolithic.
          and i guess this ties into your thing about only getting along with irish and germans. i mean biologically the irish are just celts like the whole western area there… i think luck has been involved here and probably language too. irish are english speakers unlike spanish or french for instance.
          if we’re talking about true mongrel ”’whitish” groups, i think it would be the turks. and their dna pie chart tends to show this. around the edges of europe and of course the global mulattos are certainly a bit of a salad relatively speaking, but i do believe that western europeans are pretty damn homogenous and so are the eastern euros.
          the euro origin theories i’ve seen have europeans springing from only two, three main groups spreading out after the ice age to repopulate, i think only 10 thousand ago or something.
          so i think we have to be careful about this. certainly when we were just in a european bubble, you focus on some differences, but relatively speaking i believe europeans are very homogenous and i’ve even heard scientists say this in this liberal/multicult age.
          the jews are probably more mixed than europeans just they’ve been more organised lately. i think they bottlenecked fairly recently, at least with the ashkenazi, can’t ever spell that right. but if you look at them for instance, they have more east euro markers in them then west europeans have foreign markers in their population i’d say.
          certainly now they’re protecting their herd more than euros. sort of anyway. aren’t jews still mixing with whites and even mixing with blacks now? have you noticed any taboo mixing with blacks over there for jewish liberals?

          scientist bro is about 5 years young, other one is 4 years older i think. fuck i don’t even know my family members ages anymore. ridiculous. then again i’ve been planning on reading these books on africans from whites in the good old days, before the liberal censoring, to try and get a close picture of what these people were like in their truly natural state, and scanning one i saw that these tribes didn’t bother with age at all. noone knew how old they were.
          i found some interesting looking negro ”reality” books on the internet archive which i’ll have to get stuck into at some point. it’s the ”stuff they don’t teach you at school” haha. but from what i’ve seen so far it’s highly entertaining stuff and essential reading for every white person probably.

          ”I can say a visit I had to Chicago where I stayed with some ratchet ass black folks certainly changed my views a bit. :) They’re family of a black guy I know who I used to consider pretty cool – but the nigger came out in him that weekend too when I got tired of his shitty family acting like niggers to me. A lot of “good” “nice” black people make a real effort to act white and hide their real nature, the anger, the violence, the hate, the cruelty, the stupidity, the mind blowing decibel level, the terrible taste in “music”. If you don’t push their buttons and just play the bitch, you might never see it. If not, you certainly will.”
          i’m very interested in hearing more on that. i’ve seen plenty of black behaviour through media and culture but never really been in their presence.
          ”Big cities disgust me. Awful non-white people, the smell, the Jewishness of the whole place, a mess, crowded, filthy. When I could just “have fun” and “party” they weren’t that bad – but I’ve grown up past that shit and really can’t go back, not that I’d want to.”

          yeah it seems the urban centres are the first to go. i have the same feeling. thing is i don’t really like them even when they’re all white, i mean i don’t think i’d want to live there, only visit. having said that they were quieter and less crowded a hundred years ago say or even in the mid 20th. i think obnoxious,blasting advertising shit-staining and cars have fucked them up even without the global occupiers.

          what you say reminds me of a funny podcast with william pierce where he visits philadelphia and walks around utterly disgusted with it, what a zoo it is.

          i’ll finish the rest later. it was about 15000 words to get through haha.

          • L says:

            this was supposed to be separated:

            ”I can say a visit I had to Chicago where I stayed with some ratchet ass black folks certainly changed my views a bit. :)”

            i’m very interested in hearing more on that. i’ve seen plenty of black behaviour through media and culture but never really been in their presence and had the direct attitude.

            • L says:

              ”I would like to hear more about what you envision could end Jewish power.”

              i’ll do a little on this now.
              i think their strategy is fundamentally unstable. living as a parasite is fundamentally unstable.
              the host goes, you go, power wise. and there won’t always be another host to go to.
              i think the most stable system would be a large population base with satellites, really the european system.
              you could argue that their parasitism on OUR stable system makes it stable, but i don’t think so long term.
              the thing is that from what i can tell the jews before the 20th century were getting shoved around all over the place. they would have needed to ‘refresh’ a lot which stunts your progress. they would be swinging between poverty and success i imagine, been uprooted all the time.
              this was a badly inefficient strategy in my opinion. they would have been better off consolidating territory and growing their population into a significant national group. i look at these people now and i think if they’d invested in nation building centuries ago they could have a massive population by now, surely.
              i think this would have made them far more stable. they could even ”parasite” off from there.
              point is i think their recent rise is not reflective of their power over the course of history. i think they’ve been fortunate with unforeseen technological advances.
              b ut you know even mid 20th century they came very close to being completely fucked. if the nazis had won a few decisive battles more, if things had gone a little different, who knows. often these major wars come down to certain strategic decisions, battles, i don’t want to say luck. but it can be luck. like with the english. harold was fighting off the vikings up north and he kicked the shit out of them. but then the normans invaded right at that point by chance i believe and so harold had to march all the way back to fight with no rest and the english were defeated in one battle. that changed the next few centuries quite dramatically as the normans became the ruling aristocracy instead of the english.
              but point is what if the nazis had developed the bomb? what if there were different tactical decisions in russia and the soviets lost. allies couldn’t have invaded without communists. germany would have kept fortress europe. jews are gone to some backwater. jewish communism is taken down. jews would be nothing right now perhaps. well, possibly they still have power in usa/britain, but would they have the power they have now? without the ww2 guilt exploitation? i think the antisemitism in continental europe and russia would turn out to be contagious.and in fact if the nazis hadn’t lost maybe the power centre wouldn’t even be the USA now, but would have remained in the old world.
              all i’m saying is the jews are playing with fire and almost got destroyed. i think it’s hard to look at that situation and say the jews had it under control and it was part of a master plan. they fucked up royally in my opinion and narrowly escaped. and this is to my mind proof of two things:
              1. that their strategy is inherently unstable and will constantly lead to backlashes against them century after century.
              2. that their strategy isn’t really long term, it’s the short term strategy of typical opportunists.

              so on the first point, i say if you keep playing these kinds of odds it will catch up with you. at some point the backlash is going to be decisive i would predict. you can’t keep dodging bullets, not with a population that small, completely outnumbered by hosts.

              and you could even see with the financial crisis, ”semitic friendly” pacifist leftists seemed to pretty quickly turn on jews in the occupy mobs from what i saw. when society is in turmoil and if our world gets worse and worse, jews are going to be targeted just like they always have been. as their power becomes more and more obvious, they will be more and more responsible from the masses point of view. i think the jews arent behind the scenes in the way they used to be. they are more brash, more cocky. even small indication like the fact they don’t change their names the way they use to, not even getting nose jobs the way they used to i hear. they are out in the open, ”leading”. now what happens when the USA becomes minority white soon and the ”financial crisis” seems like a picnic to the white core … i just think they’ve gone way overboard this time.
              and this brings me to the second point. greedy people don’t typically plan long term, they’re about gratification and satisfaction. i believe jews are no where near as strategic as they seem. more ”tactical”. weaseling on the fly, or for the short/mid term. and i think it’s shown in their history. why haven’t they ever truly organised and acquired secure living space? even israel now is incredibly unstable. they’re surrounded by arabs who could be given nukes by pakis or even chinese in the coming century. the jewish population there is tiny and could be wiped out with a couple of strikes. why aren’t jews breeding like rabbits? the palestinians are completely outbreeding them for instance. numbers matter. the jews are letting their own liberalism weaken them.
              i think if they’d truly been doing what was best for their people they would have made peace with europeans, god knows they’ve been hanging around long enough. they could have built a ”sister” nation or assimilated fully and thrived in a european empire. becoming just another ”irish” or ”italian” mildly loyal ethnic group. their people would have done fine and been stable.
              but that wasn’t enough, because they’re opportunists. they want IT ALL haha. yeah, but the thing is, people like this always tend to go too far, to take this to excess. i think the jews have shown this time and again. they probably can’t help it, so maybe it was their only choice.
              also like someone said the other day, jews might be loyal to the tribe, but they look after themselves first. and i think this is another problem with their long term plans.

              i’m not clarifying this part too well, but basically i think their recent success makes their approach seem more successful than it’s really been on average, over time. i think jews are working together to serve themselves rather than being in service to their people..at least the SELFISHNESS is more prevalent than in our society. and i think this opportunism blinds them and makes their group strategy quite unstable and short term, because greed is short term, it’s irresponsible. and that’s why you keep seeing jews over reach and end up in deep water. and failing to consolidate a massive population base like us or the asians, how long can they keep playing with fire and not get decisively burned?

              • j3133 says:

                “living as a parasite is fundamentally unstable. the host goes, you go, power wise. and there won’t always be another host to go to.”

                But if you’re a smart parasite you ensure there is a host to go to. And after Jews have consolidated power well at that point yes I think it may be an unstable system and perhaps they will just kill each other with no real valiant host to fight against – but their elite might just lie to them in other ways, make them think they are still victims fighting against something, to keep them in line. Brave New World?

                Jews have actually THRIVED by being persecuted, because it gives them a purpose and it makes things serious, and so it gives them energy to do what they do.

                “i think the most stable system would be a large population base with satellites, really the european system.”

                But a more stable system would be a small population ruling over a good slave race, easier to control and maintain.

                “you could argue that their parasitism on OUR stable system makes it stable, but i don’t think so long term.”

                Well yeah parasitism is unstable but if guided properly it will still get you what you want and you can change over time to keep the unstable system still getting you what you want – and so the results will in effect be rather stable and predictable. Walking or riding a bike is inherently unstable, but our brains provide the micro-adjustments to keep it balanced. Riding a segway is inherently unstable but a computer provides the micro-adjustments to keep it balanced. Jews work together like the neurons in a brain or a computer system for a shared purpose. The hive mind works.

                “the thing is that from what i can tell the jews before the 20th century were getting shoved around all over the place. they would have needed to ‘refresh’ a lot which stunts your progress. they would be swinging between poverty and success i imagine, been uprooted all the time.
                this was a badly inefficient strategy in my opinion. they would have been better off consolidating territory and growing their population into a significant national group. i look at these people now and i think if they’d invested in nation building centuries ago they could have a massive population by now, surely.”

                You don’t have to refresh if all you care about is the long term plan and you are confident in it and you rely on a network of your fellows toward it. You can laugh about these slight setbacks because you will still persevere with your superior knowledge and morality and the massive delusions of the “Gentiles”. Whether a business fails or succeeds is no real problem because you made sure you wouldn’t suffer from the loss anyway. Being uprooted physically is not nearly as damaging as being uprooted psychologically as we have. It’s about perspective. If Jews had consolidated territory and done our strategy, it would’ve had consequences, as it has in Israel. If you are the victim being persecuted with no homeland, others will take pity. If instead you develop your own homeland and you have your TRUE leadership exposed, you are vulnerable, and can be judged. Even now their TRUE leadership is not Israel’s leadership, it is still hidden, and therefore safe. That’s the point, remain hidden, appear weak while really being strong, and it really IS a much more efficient strategy because you don’t have to deal with everyone else’s shit trying to fuck you over as much, and it’s easier to play the innocent and the victim.

                Why do they need vast numbers? Again that would be strength, out in the open, and it would make them seem more of a threat. And quantity doesn’t make quality. They don’t want more numbers but the right number, and the right kind of people. Why worry about numbers now? The network, the information, is key, and sufficient numbers yes, and the right people yes, but more numbers means more people to control and more room for risk, and there is no benefit now. Better to worry about more numbers, if they are even needed, in the future, once things are locked down under your control. Slow and steady, Mr. turtle. No need to overpopulate and run out of your scarce resources sooner, because of individualistic greed.

                A thought now – perhaps Christopher Jon Bjerknes is upset with the Jews because they plan to exterminate at least 2/3 of Jewry to fully consolidate their power. They will only keep the most loyal Jews around. And CJ probably wouldn’t be one of them. Hm. He also says crypto-Jews led the Nazis and judging by the appearances of the top Nazi crew including Hitler this does make sense. He says they did kill some Jews, the ones that didn’t follow the Jewish plan – I’ll have to look into it more later, but perhaps his family was among them? I’ll have to look into it further, the Holocaust still is clearly a hoax, but some people did die.

                “but you know even mid 20th century they came very close to being completely fucked. if the nazis had won a few decisive battles more, if things had gone a little different, who knows.”

                Perhaps CJB is right that then, as now, there is no true opposition, only controlled opposition, and there are many things that seem to indicate Hitler was part Jewish and received money from Jews to take over power. Combine that with the attempts these days at “Hitler worship” and some of the “inexplicable bumbles” made by Hitler and the Germans and also Hitler’s appearance and those of his close allies who must’ve been crypto-Jews, this really does make a lot of sense. See the following: http://jewishracism.blogspot.se/2006/11/world-war-iii-genocide-of-moslems.html

                It jives. The more I learn the more it seems to me the Nazi movement was not what it seemed.

                Perhaps it’s true that slight changes can have great effects on history. Perhaps that’s a good reason the Jews, who were certainly in their power at the time and had been orchestrating events toward WW2 since at least the French Revolution, would have been sure to take control of Germany before the war with National Socialism while taking over Russia with Communism (it was Jewish-controlled that is very certain) etc. Control both sides, all wars are bankers’ wars, controlled opposition, it fits very well, why risk it when you know it’s coming and you don’t have to risk it? Control it and control the result, no chance mishaps then. No nukes for the Nazis either.

                If you think this is “paranoid”, consider that with the help of others I’ve been able to understand these things in only 5 or so years. The Jews and their elite had a much longer period of time to consider alternatives and it makes no real sense that they would leave the world wars to chance; they must have controlled both sides! What kind of idiot would allow Germans free reign? They could’ve won then! They didn’t want a repeat of Rome vs. Germanic tribes with Jews playing the Roman role.

                Which also brings to mind this idea of the butterfly effect (heh) – little things can make great changes, look what Jesus did! But Jesus was perhaps part of the plan too? Even if not, it seems like a lot of what we are told is that sort of thing: most hero movies are about ONE man standing up by himself strong and openly against all the others and being victorious through overt willpower, but in reality the truly effective way is to join up with others of like mind in a group and covertly achieving the win. And they tell us that ONE little change can save the world! But when it’s one change from one person, working against the orchestrated plans of 6 million schemers, that doesn’t hold true either. So the Gentile way fails and the Jewish way wins, but we are still fed the Gentile lies, whether we like these stories partly because of our nature and partly because they are nurtured in us by Jewish lies. You won’t see movies or websites explaining how to create your own covert group strategy like the Jews did, or winning through such methods, you won’t see those blockbusters, even though they would be interesting and even very appealing stories, you won’t see them because those are the true risks and they don’t want us to think about them. They’d rather we clung to individualism and nationalism and not look deeper, cling to the morality they’ve made for us, or just cling to our nature and don’t think past it to the long-term consequences and what really works in this world – because if we start looking at their strategy and realizing there is a lot we can learn from it, and implementing it, suddenly we are a serious threat, we are true competitors to them, and that cannot be allowed.

                “all i’m saying is the jews are playing with fire and almost got destroyed. i think it’s hard to look at that situation and say the jews had it under control and it was part of a master plan.”

                One might hope. I’m not sure it jives so much anymore for me anymore. You may want to do further research in this area and play devil’s advocate, and see what makes sense. The history has been evaluated pretty extensively. I know there are even full books discussing Jewish money going to the Nazis.

                I suppose it could be a plan to make the Jews seem invulnerable, or to confuse the issues, for those who see a large portion of the truth and might want to fight it. Hard to say what’s true and false these days, even when you think you know so much. But I think that would require more paranoid delusion than believing that WW2 was planned and orchestrated and controlled by both sides by the Jews, like so many other conflicts they created then as now, controlled by both sides, with false prophets, heck even the Democrat-Republican shenanigans! I think Chris Jon Bjerknes’ site is worth investigating further.

                “you can’t keep dodging bullets, not with a population that small, completely outnumbered by hosts.”

                Shepherds are outnumbered by their cattle all da time.

                “and you could even see with the financial crisis, ‘semitic friendly’ pacifist leftists seemed to pretty quickly turn on jews in the occupy mobs from what i saw”

                And then the Jews and their puppets took control of the “tea party” movement and the “occupy” crap and rendered both completely ineffective and attacking the wrong people and each other and so it didn’t matter. And when the shit hits the fan because Jews throw the switch, these whites will be busy dealing with survival against the zombie mob (the hordes of criminals many of which will not be white), and the Jews will be laughing from afar.

                “as their power becomes more and more obvious, they will be more and more responsible from the masses point of view”

                Most people think it’s the “dumb white politicians” who are to blame. Only a few see the Jewish role and those who do will usually take paths that are ineffective for reasons we’ve discussed.

                “i think the jews arent behind the scenes in the way they used to be. they are more brash, more cocky. even small indication like the fact they don’t change their names the way they use to, not even getting nose jobs the way they used to i hear. they are out in the open, ”leading”.”

                They still actively hide their role in 9/11 and everything else because they know the risk. They still tend to hide their noses, facing the camera. They still change their names if they are really obvious or if it’s an arena where it matters. If they don’t, it is more because people AREN’T Jew-wise and so don’t think it matters because “they are just like us” OR “they are just more evil white men”. Sure there is the Israel terrorists, and they are brash and cocky – but they’re still not the real rulers, and they provide an easy out for people to say “It’s not THE JEWS! It’s ISRAEL!” I think overall it is more likely they are cocky because they have LESS to worry about than they did in the past because things were indeed riskier, because they indeed had less control. I think this battle has already been lost and that they are rather confident now because the real difficulties have been passed and they have been tried already, and they have come through it and succeeded and learned even better how to do what they do – and they have more technology and more control now than ever – so they can just do another WW2 and call it WW3, and then WW4, and whatever, and things will go to plan as they already have.

                Now we might say they are worried about the internet and free speech, and they are – but there are so many ways for them to shut down the people who really might actually threaten them, so much control, and the people are so stupid, that they can do what they did to Eric Eoin Marques and no one will say a fucking word: https://j3133.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/this-is-how-freedom-dies/

                “greedy people don’t typically plan long term, they’re about gratification and satisfaction.”

                That is something the movies and other liars would like you to believe, but smart greedy people always plan long term. Successful criminals are smart, not stupid senseless brutes as they are portrayed in Jewish media.

                “i believe jews are no where near as strategic as they seem. more ‘tactical’. weaseling on the fly, or for the short/mid term. and i think it’s shown in their history.”

                I don’t. Their Bible demonstrates they’ve been planning for 2,500 years.

                Most of them, sure, are not really thinking all the time about the long term plan, more about weaseling in their own little lives and supporting the Jewish hierarchy with the faith that they will continue to succeed, while the top tier elite focus on the long-term plan.

                “why haven’t they ever truly organised and acquired secure living space?”

                Safety leads to stagnation. As you said, and though you applied it to whites it does indeed also apply to Jews as well: “i don’t think it matters whether it’s christianity, paganism, secularism, whatever. in the end when we’ve taken care of ourselves and our bellies, when we’re not in imminent danger, we’re going to be too kind for our own good.”

                This is also supported by how they treat Jews who resist – they make examples of them and blame it on Yahweh’s justice.

                “even israel now is incredibly unstable. they’re surrounded by arabs who could be given nukes by pakis or even chinese in the coming century. the jewish population there is tiny and could be wiped out with a couple of strikes.”

                So? Maybe part of the plan is to let them die. Let the peons of the world think like they did with the Holohoax that a few Jewish deaths means the Jews are no longer a threat. Perhaps that’s why they put antagonistic Jews in apparent leadership roles in Israel? It might also help Jews to remember not to be so cocky because “you lesser Jews are always at risk if you don’t behave”.

                “why aren’t jews breeding like rabbits? the palestinians are completely outbreeding them for instance. numbers matter. the jews are letting their own liberalism weaken them.”

                I don’t know much about Jewish birth rates but I have a feeling the important Jews mate with other important people with like minds and they retain the Jewish soul. Jews who are dumb enough to be liberals will die off and Jews who are smart and conservative and do the right thing by marrying other Jews will survive, and those who resist actively or are in prominent positions and do stupid shit like marrying non-Jews are punished for it. I suspect that’s what happened with Anthony Weiner.

                Again we must resist the equality delusion which pervades all our lives and messes up our thinking so much. The delusion is that all Jews are the same, when in reality there are different rules for different Jews along the hierarchy, and the elite care mostly for themselves and see the lesser Jews as their tools, and the tools that go along with their plans they are sure to reward whereas those who do not or are susceptible to things like liberalism are struck down in the game of the ages, reproduction. They still hold vast control over the world and I don’t see any reason they won’t continue to retain it because the Jews who are in key positions have demonstrated loyalty and will surely continue to follow the Jewish rules and the Jewish plan because they benefit it from immensely, and they will teach their kids the same like they have through the ages.

                “they could have built a ‘sister’ nation or assimilated fully and thrived in a european empire”

                I’ll just quote from Christopher Jon Bjerknes: http://jewishracism.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-jews-are-most-brutal-to-those-who.html

                “It is important to note that the Jews did not come to hate the Greeks because the Greeks were especially cruel to the Jews, but rather because the Greeks were especially kind to the Jews, leading to Jewish assimilation. Greeks and Armenians suffer from all three of the jews’ favorite grounds for genocidal hatred. Greeks and Armenians, both ancient cultures with close contacts with the jews, have always treated the jews well, and have always been hated by the jews for it. The jews have always viewed the Greeks and Armenians as talented and successful competitors for the exploitation of not only of their own peoples, of all the Gentiles.
                Americans had better take heed of the fact that the jews always viciously punish those who love them and allow the Jews to assimilate into their peoples. The jews turned on Napoleon, who fought hard to give them Palestine and who emancipated them, and embraced the Russians, who were more jewwise. But when the Czar showed the jews some love and asked them to assimilate into Russian society, the jews executed him and waged full on war on Russia culminating in the “Russian” revolutions of 1905 and 1917, then the mass exterminations of the best of Russian society.
                As far back as their fabricated history of slavery in Egypt, the jews state that the Egyptians came to love the jews and loaned them their gold, silver and jewels, just before the jews and their genocidal god cursed the Egyptians and stole away with the wealth the Egyptians who were kind enough to loan it to the jews. The jews most hate and fear those who would absorb them with loving kindness, like Americans. The jews bring all the World against the empires into which they are offered the opportunity of unprejudiced assimilation, as the jews are doing to us today. They consider kindness an act of genocide, for their god demands absolute racial separation and views non-jews as unclean and subhuman.
                The jews fear that White Europeans are a threat to their ancient quest for World domination, and so they are genociding us and pitting us against one another.

                So beware, White America, for you have helped the jews and invited them to assimilate amongst you in the spirit of love, brotherhood and equality. The jews see this as if pigs were to seek to mate with their women”

                You said: “they want IT ALL haha. “

                True heh.

                “people like this always tend to go too far, to take this to excess”

                The greatest haters are the dreamers. I am hated wherever I go because I “always take it too far”, always push too deep, always act superior, assert my will, etc. These are not evil things, these are the will to power. Not harping on you here but just pointing out how even the little things we say like the idea of “excess”, like the idea that there is a certain amount we should stop at “just because” rather than “because we really ought to”, which is how that phrase is generally used. And assuming your arguments in this reply were debunked then also it is true that the Jews did not really “go too far” and that really there is no such as “excess” for them, really they just had to be wise about it and they reaped the whole world.

                “jews might be loyal to the tribe, but they look after themselves first. and i think this is another problem with their long term plans.”

                I think it is something their elite are planning for already but the first goal certainly is world domination.

                In reply to your last paragraph I’d say: That is why the elite Jews do not tell the lesser Jews everything, because the lesser Jews need to be blind in many ways just like the Gentiles need to. The lesser Jews will support the elite when it suits them, and when it does not they will turn on them – but the elite Jews already know this and while pretending as if they are helping the Jewish masses like they pretend they are helping the Gentiles, they are really planning to eliminate many of the lesser Jews as well, and they will punish the Jews who got too cocky and thought they could rule, like they may punish Israel, and the Jews who are left will remember the consequences. Long-term they will devise other forms of mind control and after a time it will seem rather foolish for the top Jews to even consider battling amongst each other when they already control the whole world and live in luxury, haha.

          • j3133 says:

            Thanks again for the reply. Many good points and I can agree with most. I think it is true much of this, even much of Xtianity, is in our nature.

            “however it is true christians did some helpful things. for one it allowed europe to be united far more than otherwise. we had christendom, the royal families intermarried and united many nations. this is much less likely to happen with different religious cults. it united language and learning etc. allowed for a streamlined structure, conformity making relations easier, communications and so on.”

            Yes, and it comes back to the question: are we inevitably heading toward a hive mind race rather than an individualistic one. Is individualism, freedom, really “good” or is it necessary for humanity – or what’s left of it – to be enslaved by an “elite”?

            “the thing is the roman empire was NEVER going to last in my opinion for one simple reason: they were ruling europeans who were their equals intellectually. if they’d been ruling africa only maybe it would still be going.”

            That seems to confirm, then, that a viable strategy for world domination would be to do what the Jews are doing with their slave race.

            I tend to think whites are too honest, too willing to share their works and ideas for glory, when they ought to be keeping them to themselves, building the information network, strengthening ties amongst themselves, and not being so open and honest with information, it makes them easy to exploit. Because if it is “right” and “good” to “hate” – as it avoids mixing with low-quality stock or with exploitative beings like the Jews – then “hate” is necessary for survival, and the Jews certainly hate. And perhaps Christianity helped whites, also, to hate. But they hate in the open, honestly, in a “fair fight”, something whites probably do naturally, and so again yes I can see the “equal opportunity” doctrine coming from the biology, and a little bit of the “equal outcomes” too, I know I hate cheaters and cheap players in videogames heh. Jews on the other hand hate in a hidden manner and they know how to keep information quiet and secret and communal. They are less individualistic and use more of a “group evolutionary strategy” like KMac says. Hierarchical, monotheistic, worshiping the long term goal for themselves rather than living in the present.

            Now some whites can see these things and say “yes, that should be done, we should do that.” But there’s a difference between coming to an intellectual conclusion about what one ought to do and actually wanting on a very core level to achieve it, to dedicate yourself to it, to not forget. It is probably why Jews might be compelled to do such evil things because these criminal activities are a test of whether you are truly committed, and those who were not up to it would be killed off and eliminated from the group, therefore over time the DNA would be such that even on an unconscious level they hate and reach toward the goal, which is far more reliable. “Good is evil and evil is good” is the sort of doctrine Christopher Jon Bjerknes mentions on his site, http://jewishracism.blogspot.com, and the reason this might be necessary is that it proves you are really committed, if you are willing to do what is considered true evil, then you give up all individualistic morality and give yourself up to pure evil and amorality, and this might be necessary because to achieve the goal at all costs you may have to do things that even your core being would never want to do. It relieves human beings of their humanity, of the natural love for beauty and mother nature and each other, and these Jews would then consider that humanity “beastly” because animals share it also, and so they could see themselves as “humans” and the rest of us as “cattle” who are too afraid to violate their own consciences to do what is necessary to get what they want, a far-reaching goal. If individualism just means the human race never achieves anything and just fights amongst itself like mother nature says to, competition, then we may never really achieve anything lasting. But if through war and cold-blooded purges, and all the crimes Jews commit against the rest of us, if through that they can rule the world, united, and without war amongst most of “humanity”, then perhaps that is best, perhaps the hive mind, the Borg collective, ruled from the top, lasting, united, with a shared purpose and long-term goal, perhaps that is what is needed. I can see how the Jews might scorn us and our war / games for short-sighted purpose. And so their derision for non-Jews, their hatred, is healthy for them, and it could be considered disingenuous to consider it “evil”, though it seems “evil” to us by nature.

            I’m not making as much of an effort to explain myself as I usually do, going a bit more stream of conscious and hopefully it’s still clear – if something is not, let me know.

            “i think germans are still as intellectually and physically capable over there, just mindfucked.”

            To some extent this is true and the nature is still there, but in the same way Jews purged their own to become more “evil”, and the best (most “good”) of the Chinese under Mao were purged, and the most “good” of the Germans after WW2 were purged (doesn’t matter if it’s psychological or through war, in the end the “evil” will reproduce more and the “good” will reproduce less and so the nature of the race changes just like the nature of the Jewish race became more “evil” over time due to selective breeding and elimination of those who did not submit to the Jewish “evil”). We must understand that the nature is changed through this genetic engineering, it just means there will be fewer of the “good” Germans than there would’ve been before, and it moves the median toward the side of “evil” so it has a large effect. The Germans of now are less capable BY NATURE than the Germans of 100 years ago because the NURTURE changed their nature. Nurture always becomes nature given enough time. It’s breeding.

            “also it [Christianity] stopped some really stupid pagan stuff like human sacrifice and animal sacrifice.”

            Well Christians like Jews mutilate their own kids with “circumcision” and if you’re willing to do that you’re willing to do anything for your “God”. It is also a form of self-mutilation and ties back to what I said about Jewish tests and “good is evil and evil is good” – because if you are willing to mutilate your child to bow down to Yahweh’s religion, it breeds some of the individualism out of your people over time.

            From http://jewishracism.blogspot.com/2013/02/ten-of-many-dangers-christianity-poses.html :

            “(6). Christianity generates a false sense of infallibility and security, rendering gross mistakes unimportant, failure meaningless, and the death of the race inconsequential.
            (7). Christianity glorifies the genocidal jewish god and destroys the dignity of man as master of his own fate and his own soul.
            (8). Christianity creates the fatal hubris and complacency of the illusion that supernatural forces punish evil and battle against it, and that they reward good and ensure its ultimate victory.
            (9). Christianity destroys the reality of White genetics as the source of our being and replaces it with the jewish metaphysics of creation mythos and reincarnation, thereby placing the spirit outside of the flesh and rendering the preservation of the spirit through obedience to jewish myth and law as a priority over the preservation of the purity of the flesh and of children. It is the ultimate suicidal false pride of egoism over tribe, mythical afterlife over life and children, the selfish worship of personal consciousness over the preservation of blood and tribe.”

            I wonder a bit about Christopher Jon Bjerknes who apparently is part Jewish. Particularly #7, I don’t see a Jew really thinking that 100% fully, it seems like something a “Gentile” would want, not something a part-Jew could ever really fully embrace and believe. But #6 and #8 are valid points about Christianity I think, perhaps points which Judaism does not suffer from as much on some level, and maybe other religions also suffer from them to a certain degree. I would assume pagan religions glorify the tribe/race/people naturally, whether they are all that race-conscious or not.

            “i don’t quite understand this portion” – I’m saying that it makes no sense to pick a number and say “if you came out of the womb more than X days ago it is legal for you to sex it up but if you came out of the womb less than or equal to X days ago it is not”. No arbitrary X works, every case is individual. And I say “came out of the womb” because it’s very silly using date of BIRTH is when date of CONCEPTION would at least be a better indicator of TRUE AGE.

            “sexually active earlier than ever”

            That kind of phrasing is manipulated to make it seem as if they are sexually active earlier because “they are being exploited”. Most girls want to have sex when the hormones say so. Though there is the hormone manipulation (soy, plastics, other chemicals) which cause early puberty. Despite Xtianity trying to keep women celibate against their nature, they still were sluts back in the day, they still wanted to get dick quick, they just had to go through more hoops and settle down with someone “respectable” instead of giving it up to the first guy that wet their knickers. [And then there’s the point that if individualism is “good” and the “dignity of man as master of his own fate and his own soul” is most important then girls ought to be able to express their nature, so anyone who argues for an age of consent is restricting this “freedom” and is “tyrannical” and doesn’t really “love freedom and individualism” and therefore is contradicting themselves if they say they do. This sort of thing is a common hypocrisy and it seems that there is always some sort of hypocrisy we have – but are the Jews really hypocritical themselves or are they (their “elite”?) actually more logically consistent in their beliefs whereas we cannot be, because even we believe at once in individualism AND its complete opposite as ideals?]

            “i mean let’s be honest too, there are some extremely dodgy arseholes around who do have the ability to dominate,manipulate impressionable/stupid girls.”

            What’s wrong with that? Again we get back to either nature is right or the Jewish way is right. I don’t see a middle ground without hypocrisy and delusion. And it’s a bit too universal a law: “Guy is bad if he uses girl.” Morality must be subjective. Moral codes are approximations that really don’t work. So then Jewish hypocrisy is understandable and even ought to be considered “good” for it benefits them and a single moral code doesn’t work, is foolish.

            “if 30 year olds in india are fucking 14yr olds than why can’t we and so on. that’s what sets us apart, the fact we have higher standards, we have a more dignified society and we don’t have men screwing children just because they’ve got some pubescent features.”

            I’m seeing some hypocrisy here. “higher standards” – why is it more “noble” to wait to have a woman start producing children later, so that she will have fewer children, and the children she does have will have more birth defects? Why is our society “dignified” if we harm our own reproduction, and why is it important that we be “dignified”? How does that benefit us? And is it accurate to say that “men” are “screwing” “children” “just because” they’ve got “some” “pubescent features”? That statement is loaded with delusion and inaccuracies. Men are by default evil. Women are by default innocent children. Boys who are not very mentally mature are “men”, girls who ARE more mentally mature than boys at that stage are “children” (see quote in next paragraph by Dr. Legato). These (implied evil) “men” are “screwing” (just doing it for the sex, which is what men do) “children” and the only reason they do it is because “they have pubescent features” oh wait I mean they have “some” pubescent features because they are only looking for an excuse to rape children I guess? No, boys AND men want to fuck pubescent female human beings because it is natural normal and healthy behavior and it’s an evolutionary strategy that worked, and they aren’t all pedophiles looking for “excuses” to rape kids or who “only want one thing”: pump n dump young girls, and those “pubescent features” well let’s say you CAN judge a book by its cover and it does indicate sexual readiness. But I can see very easily now why it’s so easy for the FBI to put away those who truly resist the “NWO” calling them “pedophiles” and calling pictures of women under some arbitrary number of days past being expelled from a vagina “child porn” and “pedophilia” when in fact those terms should be used for ACTUAL “children”, not just when it’s convenient to tell a lie they want to believe. When people reach so quickly for emotional words to lie and manipulate, it doesn’t surprise me that Jewish tactics work so well.

            Dr. Marianne Legato reference: ”The problem with the adolescent male navigating that difficult transition from puberty to young adulthood is a disconnect in the timing of an abrupt increase in gonadal hormones that occurs in both sexes at the time of puberty, but which for boys produces intense emotional lability, and high intensity feelings, while the part of the brain that develops risk assessment and emotional control and stability, lags well behind. Girls do not have a similar retardation of that center of the brain and therefore are much less likely to incur the kinds of disasters that face adolescent boys until they are 20.”

            “interestingly in tacitus he describes the german tribes as being more sexually controlled and ‘chaste’ than the romans. he says they were encouraged to put off marriage until at least 20 years because before then people weren’t considered mature enough to not fuck things up i suppose.”

            And the real reason people say “evil men” are “taking advantage of” “the poor women” or “the poor children” is that they only want CERTAIN men reproducing with THEIR women – it’s a sexual reproductive game and it’s portrayed as something else. And again I find this quote from a commenter on KMac’s Culture of Critique page on Amazon relevant:

            “It shows how seemingly pure intellectual disputes about the grand questions of life are sometimes only instruments of competition for the evolutionary success of ethnic groups, and have little to do with science or any correspondence to reality. They often involve charismatic leaders and group cohesion, involving banishment and punishments for dissenters–they function much like a cult.”

            Perhaps you can see how this “age of consent” nonsense is the same. And also why laws written to apply to everyone equally are very, very stupid. Same reason I personally should have a different set of laws while driving than your average moron – because I’m a good driver, not a retard. It would seem to make sense for the Jews to have one set of laws for themselves and the Noahide Laws or whatever for the rest, mmhm. The Law is just a way of trying to get people to do what you want – it is just a very rough, stupid way, and people who are deluded won’t understand that what they are really doing with the law is using proxy violence against those who don’t want to do what they want – and again this is the freedom hypocrisy. And again this is why it’s easy for Jews to kill us because when we are so full of stupidity and delusion and we contradict ourselves but claim to be righteous, we are vermin to them. I know this because I know the hate that comes with trying to deal with hypocrites who can never get past their hypocrisy and see the facts before them, who can never escape the trappings of their minds, who just can’t get past X delusion or Y delusion no matter how much else they can see. They don’t connect the dots in their own minds of why they do what they do, and they don’t want to. They rely on instinct and emotion and the subconscious, they don’t think, they don’t critique, they don’t analyze, they don’t judge, and they don’t even know themselves. It’s disgusting, and I can see why someone would hate them.

            Regarding the stuff you said about white ethnicity and how we really may not be that different (“i think it’s been overplayed how different the euro stocks are, by ethnonationalism and liberalism alike.”) and the Irish/German thing and “certainly now they’re protecting their herd more than euros. sort of anyway. aren’t jews still mixing with whites and even mixing with blacks now? have you noticed any taboo mixing with blacks over there for jewish liberals?”:

            Can’t disagree with much of what you said. And the Irish/German thing, maybe it’s just tied to the demographics mainly. And we’d also have to ask ourselves, if (smart) mixing (breeding) has been so successful for the Jews, it has created genetically superior stock for their purpose, it leaves whites at a disadvantage, and again it also hints that part of Jewish success is willingness to breed with non-Jews who have the traits they desire, and bring them into the mix – but always to keep a watchful eye. Indeed it would probably be considered WISE for Jews to breed with certain whites and Asians and whoever else has the traits they need because it suits them for their purpose, it is rational, rather than saying “don’t mix with non-whites” to whites, which again is a LAW that does not allow for any intelligent decision making, and of course most people would not make intelligent decisions anyway, and race mixing can be very, very risky, with unforeseen consequences if ignorant.

            “i’m very interested in hearing more on that. i’ve seen plenty of black behaviour through media and culture but never really been in their presence.”

            Some, not all, of them were very, very loud and rude. Kept us up all night every night, no real care or consideration for their guests trying to sleep. Left us stranded in the middle of nowhere for about an hour for a variety of reasons: 1) poor planning on the negro’s part and lack of the honor to follow through on obligations, 2) negro girl very likely intentionally left us there for a while because she was jealous that I was with a better looking black girl, 3) general vibe that came over time from some of those black folk that I and my girl were “prejudiced” because we weren’t loud, annoying, had other things to do that weekend besides hanging out with them and doing what they wanted to do, and basically stemming from jealousy because these people were “ratchet” ( http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ratchet&page=3 ) and my girl was a superior black folk and I am a superior white. So I got pretty fed up with it as things added up, and I was also (my own fault) dealing with being around retarded hipsters and black homeless on the streets hassling me because I was with a black bitch, so things added up and I was quite honest about being pissed and about how the bitch who was supposed to pick us up was a cunt – and oh boy “cunt” is a bad word! So the nigger came out in the one guy whose niece the “cunt” is, and he apparently still thinks “I” caused it – and so I learned that weekend a bit about true niggers and about some people in my family too who can’t think past their conditioning and really don’t know how to think critically and understand various points of view and what being rude and inconsiderate and judging people really mean. Don’t really want to be too specific though.

            “yeah it seems the urban centres are the first to go. i have the same feeling. thing is i don’t really like them even when they’re all white, i mean i don’t think i’d want to live there, only visit.”

            Yes, the culture that is created is rather disgusting. And I think it’s true that the technology allows for it and on some level is even a driving factor for what we are seeing today. One on hand crypto-Jew “new right”ers tend to say that liberalism was a natural consequence of technology and ignore the Jewish role, on the other hand KMac says Jewish influence was NECESSARY for liberalism to have succeeded. On some level what he says is true but still without the technology….

            I’ll get to replying to more, soon. Maybe today. Such discussion takes energy. :)

      • j3133 says:

        Just wanted to let you know, L, that I have discovered some more answers and will be creating a post regarding them shortly. Down the rabbit hole we go….

  8. Pingback: Slavery | J3133's Truth

  9. Pingback: The time nears for me to move on | J3133's Truth

  10. A says:

    You still around J?

  11. A says:

    Okay well, I have no way of verifying your identity so you’ll forgive me for doubting if you are really him. But I will say this anyway, in case he ever comes upon my words (disregard sentence if you are him):

    Thank you for all your work in the service of truth J. I think your blog might have been the central inspiration for me to find the courage I needed to also take up this most difficult, but ultimately rewarding, of pursuits, in action not just idle thought. Like you, I have also been given a host of qualities that would make me successful in “the system”, and to an extent I am, but my calling has always been toward higher truth, the values that “the system” has no use for, and I have paid dearly for it in so many ways.

    I think that as truth-seekers our path is inherently difficult and requires a kind of strength that most do not possess. It can very much be seen as an evolutionary test, because it forces you to acquire information you may not like, but may need, to leave the pleasant existence that’s headed for ruin, for a harsher but ultimately superior one.

    The Elders are driven by unfaltering commitment to their vision, and I can respect the tenacity of their conviction. I also believe that if the prophecy materializes, all those who have helped them will be destroyed, because those evil souls are weak, and there is no room for weakness in the master race. You might call it divine justice, though the connotation needn’t be religious. What happened to all the builders of the pyramids? Exactly. The lie is different at every level, and I can’t say for sure if the buck really stops with the Elders themselves, who have successfully transgressed all the laws of the natural world, or if there is something else above that has an understanding even they don’t (I have my own beliefs on the matter).

    So thanks again J, for bravely answering the call to truth at all costs, and inspiring others to do the same. In spite of, or perhaps because of, all your hardships, you have uncovered the truly valuable seeds and have sown well my friend. Thusly you shall also reap.

    • Jeremiah says:

      Thanks, though I hesitate to really accept that I have done anything of much value. I suppose I am happy with how the sidebar ended up, it does have some good links that hopefully are helpful to those seeking the truth.

      What are your thoughts on whether the Elders, as you call them, are really at the top or being controlled by beings above?

      Sometimes I think this really is all part of some divine plan, the intricacy of it, the connections, the apparent coincidences that may be something more, something spiritual even….

      Do you have a website?

      Here’s as much proof I am J3133 as I can muster: http://imgur.com/gqxzUh6

      These days I’m starting to think maybe the elite at the top do have humanity’s best interests in mind. Maybe a one world government is the way to go. It also seems like maybe Israel isn’t at the top because people are waking up to what they are doing, the atrocities they are committing, which would tend to indicate the true rulers are letting Israel be destroyed. Albert Pike did say the US and the Israel would be destroyed, their power at least. I wonder where the world government capital will be? Perhaps not in Jerusalem after all?


      • Jeremiah says:

        When I mention coincidences I refer to patterns. Finding the truth is really just pattern recognition, and at a certain point it seems like there are patterns within patterns, so much so that they could only be developed by a higher power. Maybe not though. Maybe it’s all part of some very human psy op. Or maybe I’m just crazy. :P

  12. A says:

    Au contraire, I find the comments on this page in particular to be among the most insightful I have discovered in my time on this planet. They actually forced me to think in new ways and have led to some amazing insights that you likely did not have in mind. (As a side point, I found you when I randomly landed at Koanic Soul’s site and immediately singled you out as the only commenter making sense on one of the articles, then I followed you here ’cause I was intrigued). No, I don’t have a site yet.

    Okay, now on to the feature presentation, there are a few topics I’m going to cover, somewhat briefly and haphazardly, little editing, but I want to get them out before they escape me, I hope at least some of them will generate some interest for future exploration on your part.

    Unlike you, my natural proclivity is right-brained rather than left (dreamy, random, absent-minded, artistic, empathic). I am very much of the “starseed” configuration if you will – no I don’t literally believe that, in fact I think the whole concept and the greater New Age paradigm is a psyop cooked up in some intelligence labs, I’m only using the term to give you a point of reference. But I was brought up in a rigorous left-brain environment, even being forced to learn writing with my right hand instead of my natural left, I’ve done programming and I’m fairly strong in logic, and I like to read and think a lot; the net result is that I can relate to a lot of people’s thinking because I can see “both sides of the coin” so to speak. Using another form of illustration, there are the four alchemical elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth which (supposedly) correspond to the various personalities and kinds of intelligences in individuals. I believe Empedocles noted that individuals which have near-equal proportions of all have a deeper and more accurate understanding of reality. I can humbly count myself among them and, judging by the thinking evidenced in your writings above, I believe you are as well. Now, why is all this important? I actually believe that, among the competing theories for how to manifest a better world, one of the more promising is this: the proliferation of this kind of individual. Let me try and now tackle some of the issues you engage in your writings and see if we can shed some light by looking at the same concepts from multiple angles. At the very least, we want to force new ways of thinking, or better said of “knowing”, which would also include the more gnostic-style intuitive types of knowledge.

    The matter of the spiritual/supernatural versus the natural is one of the core subjects of interest to me because it affects how I understand the course of history, the evolution of power, and how to shape my course of action to best respond to the information about the world I live in. So now let’s dive right in to the subject of the “Grand Conspiracy” and I’ll use that as the primary lens through which to introduce other ideas as well.

    Axiom one: history is progressing according to the intent of a group of schemers, whose existence and purpose are occluded from the vast majority of the “human” population (in quotes because I’m bundling all peoples under that umbrella term without regard to the potential differences in origin among the species). We can pretty much take this as a given, not only because all of the evidence points that way but also since without it the conversation is basically over.

    Now for the Elders. As you might have surmised, I borrowed the term from the infamous Protocols. I’m actually not interested in analyzing them here, but I will briefly say this about them: my thoughts on them, and I could be wrong, is that they are inauthentic, meaning that they are not literally documents from a cabal’s meetings, but that they do contain detailed prescriptions that could only have come from some sort of “insiders”, be they actual implementers or keen observers of a large-scale plan for subversion and domination. The fact that they were suppressed upon initial release, and that their validity is denied in the fake media including Wikipedia does not make them “real”, but there is definitely much to be learned from them if one approaches them with a calm mind and an open heart. So who are they, if they actually exist?

    When you have a few moments, I would highly recommend reading the following article if you’re not familiar with it. You can skip over it for now and come back to it later:
    I’m not sure if the article is supposed to be a hoax (it does say “the greatest hoax” at the top, but I’m not sure if it’s referring to the article itself or what) but there are some useful things to ponder in there, definitely worth reading.

    Basically, as I see them, if they exist (and I’m going to assume that they do from now on, so I don’t have to keep repeating it), the Elders are the “He-Kabbalot Yahudim” mentioned in that article. I also believe it was them you were describing when you wrote:

    “But if through war and cold-blooded purges, and all the crimes Jews commit against the rest of us, if through that they can rule the world, united, and without war amongst most of ‘humanity’, then perhaps that is best, perhaps the hive mind, the Borg collective, ruled from the top, lasting, united, with a shared purpose and long-term goal, perhaps that is what is needed.”

    Perhaps you were referring to the Jews as a whole, but I would find that improbable for two reasons:
    1. It’s pretty obvious that most Jews are not in on this kind of conspiracy, regardless of the existing animosity between a lot of them and “Gentiles”.
    2. It’s unknown if the Elders are, in fact, “Jewish” or not. Maybe they are a mix. I’m not trying to muddy the waters, just trying to be intellectually honest.

    Point 2 is important to meditate on because, as I believe you have been leaning towards in your more recent understanding, the Jew/Gentile dialectic as the exact delineation of the elite/masses paradigm is inadequate for the kind of insights we would find useful in approaching these kinds of topics. There is definitely a lot of truth there, but there is also oversimplification, misdirection, and sometimes harm in these black-and-white scenarios.

    Okay, so back to the Elders. How did they come to be, and what is their actual purpose? Of course, I don’t actually know the answer, but I want to present three possibilities to stimulate some further discussion:

    1. Whether intentionally or just by chance, a group of “evil” people got together and realized they could dominate the entire planet someday, and devised a scheme to manifest that. The drive here is power and control.
    2. Someone realized that civilizations come and go, and wanted to preserve his race through all the trials and tribulations of time. The logical conclusion would be world domination, with no immediate adversaries to threaten the continuity of the race. The drive here is preservation.
    3. A group of learned men realized that the natural law (read: God’s law), could eventually be overcome through the power of reason (read: Lucifer’s law) by taking an active role in history through a relentless implementation of the ends-justifies-the-means approach. The drive here is an ultimate expression of the “will to power” concept.

    Before I go on, I want to point out that these three points are actually more like archetypes than actual distinct literal scenarios. There can certainly be overlap between them and are intended more as different angles of approach to the same topic.

    The paradigms of points 1 and 2 have been pretty extensively used in discussions on the subject. Now, take a look at point 3. Ex-president Bush Sr. (who was just another pawn with no real power) made the following statement sometime in the early 90s:
    “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations”. The “rule of law” is basically the law of Zion, having overcome the “law of the jungle”, that is, natural law.

    Okay, now, let me see if I can address your question about whether the Elders are guided by some entities or forces above them. The short answer is, I don’t know. That’s not a fruitful conclusion, so let me attempt a longer answer.

    Most people, being locked into either a hardline naturalistic view (where everything is explained in terms of evolution, competition for resources, genetics/eugenics, etc.) or a supernatural/spiritual view (God, Satan, spirits, occultism, rituals, etc.) fail to realize the tight correlation between these two arch-paradigms if you will. In fact, I believe they are different modes of engaging the same reality, each yielding insights that the other does not, but each also having blind spots that the other does not.

    Let me try to apply this in the context of the Elders, whom I have to assume are well-versed in both paradigms to achieve their goal. You have actually done a pretty thorough job explaining the process by which these elites are bred to be the strongest, and how, through the generations, desirable traits (which in this context are those qualities that enable the achievement of “the plan”) are encoded in their genes and it becomes much more efficient and automatic. This will certainly lead to some very efficient diabolical killing machines with a hunger for power, but is that enough? I suppose someone can argue that it is, but from where I’m standing, the answer is clearly no. In order for these Elders to actually attain their goal, they have to have some kind of “intelligent” binding force that gives them their supernatural purpose throughout the entire process through the aeons. I argue that the mere “predatory” characteristic required to “get to the top”, in a hyper-capitalistic fashion, cannot, on its own, last for any meaningful amount of time before the constituents lose sight of the goal or the drive to continue pressing towards it. I think an elite that is just an “apex predator” and nothing else is just group of psychopaths with all political and economic power in the world. Sure, the structure can stay intact, with members coming and going, but will that hive mind at the top successfully navigate the torrents of time, steadily moving toward its target? Not a chance I say.

    This is why I do not consider the Elders, who are the REAL navigators, to be psychopaths. They may have transcended all morals, but they are unwavering executioners of a master plan. Surely some esoteric knowledge and unconventional forces are at work here (the Kabbalah has to be involved somehow). I don’t know if there are literal spirits or higher beings guiding them, but I’m convinced that knowledge of a transcendent nature is required to “stay afloat”. Do they see themselves as gods, having successfully overcome the moral law, and having proven their innate ability to govern as supreme sovereigns over the rest of the world? Do they believe in a higher god, as a way of binding them together, having a higher authority to serve? If that god doesn’t exist, do they purposefully brainwash themselves into believing in that god? Are they really free, or just the most powerful and efficient laborers of a cause that was not devised by them, but merely appointed to them? Questions, and more questions.

    Now, how will the REAL New World Order actually look? To be honest, I don’t really know, except that there will likely be two “classes”, the “master race” and the “slave race”. These might actually be misnomers (or they might not). A truly NEW Earth would be a complete reordering of everything including spiritual and intellectual matters. It’s possible that what is presented as the “slave race” would actually just mean the world population that is not tasked with governance. Sure, the master race would have knowledge and power that the rest of the world would not, but the relationship between the two classes might not be what we think of today. These are just some ideas, and could be completely erroneous, so take them with a grain of salt. Make that fifty grains rather.

    War would be abolished, as the writing on the Isaiah Wall says. (Interestingly, it is mentioned how “swords to plowshares” refers to turning human intelligence from building weapons to peaceful endeavors, but it might also be significant to note that plowshares and pruning hooks are used by laborers – an allusion to slavery of some kind). Now, I think I have seen you mention that in the absence of some kind of natural adversity, the structure would collapse. You mentioned somewhere that adversity to the Jews was what gave them their strength, and you are right. However, if we follow the chain of thought that the Elders will be successful in overriding the natural law, they might have a way to circumvent that “line of code”. It would be a complete reordering of things, not just social, political, and economical.

    In any case, if this comes about, I know that all the frauds and charlatans who have built it will be destroyed. The reason for this is actually simple: they would have no place in the new order. Right now they are serving a critical purpose: the destruction of the current order. But when the new order is established, they would have to join one of the two castes. They can’t join the “slave race” because they are useless at creating things. But neither can they join the “master race”, because they are not actually able to govern at that level either. They will be unemployed and angry, and will want to tear the system down. However, they will be wiped out preemptively, before they even reach that conclusion. When the wrath of Zion strikes, its faithful acolytes will be the first to receive it.

    Everything I’ve just said should be taken as food for thought. I don’t actually believe things have to happen this way. And now, in closing, if I may indulge you in some of the conclusions that I’ve reached, at this point in time, about where that leaves all of us who are truth seekers (these are just my beliefs, not pushing them on anyone):

    I believe in God. Not the impostors of the Bible who use titles like “Lord”, or who are obviously Sun-gods, but the real, living, creator God. I think we truth-seekers are his children, we are kindred spirits, and we can know him through a balance between mind and heart. I believe he does not want to be worshipped, but just remembered and cherished every now and then. And I believe that the real reason we care about the truth is because we “spirit warriors” are connected to each other somehow. That would explain why we share our knowledge with each other, at our own expense. It doesn’t make sense from the narrow, naturalistic, competitive, kill-or-be-killed perspective, but it makes sense if we realize that, just like the Elders, we are part of a larger organism (albeit a very different one). Again, this is just my belief, but I don’t think we need to organize or adopt the New World Order’s tactics to beat it. We have the knowledge we need to overcome it encoded in our minds and hearts, over thousands of years, guiding us unconsciously. Decentralization is our strength, not weakness. We may not survive individually, but we will survive.

    Any questions?

    • Jeremiah says:

      I read through a lot of your link, pretty interesting stuff. It jives well with what I know.

      Very insightful comments. I can’t disagree.

      “When the wrath of Zion strikes, its faithful acolytes will be the first to receive it.”

      Right now we have the true elite and we have their pawns like Bush or Putin and then we have the rest of us. Do I think the likes of Bush and Putin will be disposed of entirely eventually? I think it unlikely. The true elite would still need their pawns. But only the top faithful would need to be preserved, the lesser minions would be disposable. I do think that the elite at the top despise many of their pawns, the ones who do what they do out of personal greed, and will probably happily punish them, believing they’re getting what they deserve.

      On a side note, the article reminded me that I would like to have added a link to Nesta Helen Webster’s books on the French Revolution etc., https://archive.org/details/NestaWebster

    • Jeremiah says:

      Just wanted to add that yeah I’m mostly logic-oriented, communication is not my strong suit. One of the reasons I’m able to see the truth through the many lies, however, is that along with that cold rationality I have the ability to understand how people think, people make sense to me. I got that ability (and the ability to manipulate others) from my mother’s side while I got the logical reasoning from my father’s side, for the most part. Without both there’s no way I could give proper weight to the opinions of people, there’s no way I could read between the lines of what people say into what they really mean and why they’re saying it. For that I am thankful.

  13. A says:

    Some more thoughts:

    With regards to “keeping it simple” as a strategy for world domination and the delusion that has been the “history of thought”:

    Concerning mental growth, expanding our minds and uncovering new ways of thought is useful, but it’s problematic when you’re working towards a master plan. First, you can get sidetracked if you’re not careful. Second, you need to protect yourself from others who may undermine your plan with THEIR novel ideas. So you “keep it simple” as you’ve mentioned. You stay practical, and focus on the pieces that matter: the people themselves, from which these ideas stem. You identify geniuses and either divert them into avenues that serve your cause, send them chasing unicorns from Andromeda, or eliminate them. Clean, efficient, simple.

    Now, about the so-called “history of thought”: We know that most, if not all, of the important thinkers of history have been members of various secret societies, and a good deal of their work has double meaning, one for the “profane” intellectuals, another for the initiates. The public’s interpretations of their ideas, though often appearing sensible, are, I think, deluded. To illustrate, let’s look briefly at Plato. Most of his work, particularly his later stuff, is clearly encoded esoteric knowledge. This is no coincidence, since Plato was, of course, an initiate into the “Mystery Schools” and was cryptically relaying their knowledge in works like The Republic and allegories like Atlantis, which were evidently describing not cities, but the future New Jerusalem. The “Allegory of the Cave” is a classic example of this covert double speak. Given to their false delusions, men of “reason” speculate endlessly about the meaning of that allegory. They see themselves as the illumined ones who have transcended mundane existence and have “left the cave” and reached “higher truths”. Trapped by their own folly, they failed to realize that they never even broke the shackles, let alone walked out. The dancing shadows referred to their arrogant delusions as well, including those alive today who still fail to grasp the meaning. So what happens when you walk out of the cave? What is this “reality” that is alluded in the land, the lakes, the Sun? It’s this: while the cave dwellers are jerking off thinking they have left the cave, outside of it Zion is slowly building its global empire. The “history of thought” has, in my estimation, largely been the history of mental delusion. By the time of the “Enlightenment” we were already so far gone, it was time for the era of purges to begin, starting with the French Revolution. And we continue to chase ghosts like “Jacobinism” and “socialism”, not realizing that those are just more of the shadows on the wall of the cave.

    The Elders knew that we love lies. There’s several places even in the Bible where “The LORD” says that he will give “them” to their delusions, shut their eyes, close their ears. They knew we are arrogant and like to think we actually understand things, when we are blinded by our own folly. They have used that to their advantage, and continue to do so today.

    We’ve been basically doing complex crossword puzzles while a storm was brewing on the horizon, out there in the real world, and moving slowly towards us. They have given us to our false delusions indeed. I’ve read so many websites on how our reality is “engineered” to be false, but all of them seem to believe (or are paid to make us believe) that this comes from 20th century social engineering or, if they are a little broader, that it comes from the “Enlightenment” of the eighteenth century. Some of these guys are good at their craft, strong in analytical ability, well versed in philosophy and what have you. But an illumined mind and a loving heart can cut through their deception. Having this higher awareness, we might even call the falsity of their narrative self-evident.

    • Jeremiah says:

      Very interesting. I never read Plato but I looked up the Wikipedia entry on the allegory of the cave.

      I really appreciate your comments here. Very illuminating.

      I sometimes wish I were more eloquent. These days I think I’m even less eloquent than I used to be.

      I wonder about God. And about demons. At the end of last year I started to see patterns in everything, connections, I started to see how the truth is presented to us in very roundabout ways, Plato’s allegory would be one example, Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series would be another. Anyway I had a psychotic episode and I thought I was being attacked by demons for my truth-seeking and my hubris. And this was all because I was looking for hidden truths. Very odd timing, heh.

      • A says:

        I am working on that post which I will have finished in a few days, I have a few important personal matters to attend to so it will take a bit, but in the meantime I thought I would send out a few quick responses to your comments.

        I won’t go into a lot of detail right now, but first off, don’t worry about being eloquent, or dwell on having lost some of it. You’ll get it back and then some, and I’m not just saying this. I don’t have time to elaborate for now, but really briefly, I think I know what’s causing your distress, and it’s something that’s affecting a lot of us in the world at this time, particularly since this summer, and I’ve been through it as well. A lot of us are undergoing a kind of spiritual purge whereby a lot of toxic psychic energy is surfacing, and it’s not just from our lifetime but accumulated over the centuries. It’s very painful but you’re not going insane, and it will go away. Don’t get sucked into the New Age, they’re pushing it to stop those of us from truly healing and expanding by giving us ideas we can relate to, but steering us towards crap like the “photon belt”, “lightworker activation”, and the “Galactic Federation of Light”. No, no, no. All of us kindred spirits are experiencing this, and we must look out for each other and point out the traps and dead ends as we see them.

  14. A says:

    Alright I’m gonna throw out a bit more info at you. I have a window of time these few days so I can concentrate on these important matters, then I’m gonna go away or at least slow down a lot, need to do other things as well unfortunately.

    No matter how you look at it, I think any serious student of these topics has to take the Bible into account, from whatever perspective they approach. Now, I know Christianity as a moral system has come under a lot of attack as a subversive mechanism for weakening those who adopt it, and thus far I tend to agree. But it would be foolish to throw out the baby with the bathwater. There are lots of clues in there as to what’s planned, if you know how to look.

    One of the interesting things to note is that the phrase “new earth” appears four times in the canonized Bible:

    Now, granted, I always recommend being mindful of context, but we can probably extract a few nuggets of knowledge by looking at the verses in isolation as well. It’s highly likely that some secret ciphers are needed to decode all these different prophecies (assuming they are legitimate to begin with) but nonetheless we can make some observations and take it from there.

    The phrase “new earth” appears twice in the OT and twice in the NT. All four times it is preceded by “new heavens” or “heaven”. If we take the “heavens” to mean the spirit realm, what we’re being told is that this new order would change all aspects of existence, not just the physical (which we could probably infer anyway).

    Starting with Isaiah 65:17 we read, “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” For the former to not be remembered, all those who built it will have to be eliminated, as I’ve stated before. But wait, the Elders themselves will not go away:

    Isaiah 66:22 reads, “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.” I’m going to gaze over who “the LORD” might actually be, and just point out that the master race is here to stay. Allegedly.

    On to the NT, 2 Peter 3:13 says, “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” According to whose promise? Ah, “the LORD’s”. So we are told that this new order is a “righteous” one.

    Finally, Revelation 21:1 states, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” I’ve always had a problem with the Book of Revelation, and it’s difficult to say how legitimate it actually is. Nonetheless, the idea put forth is exactly the same: new heavens and a new earth. “Sea” has been interpreted to mean peoples or nations, so maybe we’re being told that the nations will be dismantled, which synchronizes nicely with what the “New World Order” is supposed to be. Let the pondering continue…

    • Jeremiah says:

      Yes, the new earth would be a transformed one, with one world government and the masses a slave race. The slave race will be ignorant of what has come before, or will merely see it as the new “dark ages”, for they will be truly “enlightened”. They will love their new world. And maybe it really will be better that way.

      When I went through my recent ordeal, I turned to religion, got involved with Mormons actually. I read much of (the New Living Translation of) the Bible, and wasn’t too impressed with Jesus thinking Gentiles are dogs or his babbling about the father and him for pages and pages. Christianity is a cult of personality.

      I don’t know if I believe in a God anymore. I don’t believe in the Mormon God or the Christian God, I don’t believe they are true. I wonder if perhaps the Jewish God is the one true God, because He is very successful. I wonder if the mental hell I’ve gone through was spiritual in nature or merely my brain going haywire due to the stress of seeking the truth. Part of me believes in one God and believes he is Good and is very thankful for all that I have. Another part of me thinks we are all alone and praying to God is pointless.

  15. A says:

    I had completely forgotten to address your question regarding Albert Pike. I’ll share my thoughts on the matter, reminding you to always use discernment since I’m another traveler like yourself, and the forest is dark indeed, and wrong turns abound.

    First, we are assuming that Morals and Dogma (which I’ve read cover to cover) is actually legitimate. Pike admits that “lower initiates” must be deceived, not by being kept in the dark, but in a false light, that is, they have to believe they are in possession of the truth. After the revelation of the method, the reader is then supposedly led to the “real” truth, not realizing he may very well be under the very deception he was explicitly introduced to. This is just something to think about, to highlight the point that an analysis of Pike’s statements must take his credibility as a given; that’s all.

    Secondly, if the Hebrew Prophecies are real, then it is indeed true that any nation called “Israel” would have to fall first. Pike was writing in the 1800s and I don’t know what kind of information he had regarding the future secular state established in 1948 that we now call “Israel”, but the underlying idea is the same. ALL nations would be abolished. The New Jerusalem would not have to come out of a particular state called Israel. As for its actual location, assuming it’s going to be a real place and it’s not just another cryptic concept requiring Kabbalistic “keys” to decode… I don’t know.

    Again, let’s take a step back and reiterate some of the tenets of my angle on the whole matter. Taking everything I’ve learned over the years into account, here are the axioms I’m going on, and you can weigh their validity for yourself:

    1. There is a hidden hand of history guiding the planet to a “New World Order” type scenario.
    2. This plan has continuity and has been in progress for over two thousand years, carried in secret by a group of individuals we can call the Elders.
    3. Given the scope of the project and the duration of its execution, the Elders have likely by now reached a level of genetic strength and esoteric knowledge that literally puts them beyond the sphere of just about everyone outside their ranks. They may quite literally be a super race in themselves. The ultimately ambiguous term “Jewish” nonwithstanding, there is, so far as I can see, no credible and verifiable information on the ethnic makeup of this group.

    The very existence of the Elders, let alone my assessment of them, has an almost mythical feel to it, I admit. However, if we believe points 1 and 2 (and that’s a big “if”, I agree), point 3 seems to follow to a large degree of probability. All I’ve really done is I’ve taken your excellent descriptions of the eugenics processes and added the very likely esoteric ingredient to the mix. Stretch this out over more than two millennia (and it could actually be a LOT more), and you will be left with some conclusions that go against basically everything you’ve been told. Think about it, if the plan really is that old, then the discrepancy between the real world and the fake “matrix” we live in is likely light-years. We’ve had thousands of years of training to not see these things. Remember, the breeding hasn’t just happened in an upward direction… Considering these things, from our vantage point, does involve our imagination to a degree, but it’s not just wild speculation. We’re not discussing reptoids from the Draco constellation here, we’re actually employing our critical faculties in the process.

    Given the scale of time that we’re dealing with, Albert Pike, and all of Freemasonry really, appeared on the scene basically yesterday. There’s a lot I don’t know, but I’m weighing the available evidence and choosing what I believe are the most likely scenarios. Remember the Trivium if you’re familiar with it? Grammar, logic, and rhetoric, which crudely translate to “what, how, and why”, or as I might say, “data, process, and purpose”. Well, the data that is currently available to me at this point in time makes it difficult for me to give primacy to Albert Pike over the Hebrew Prophecies. Processing the data is more difficult, and the resulting purpose is wanting, but again, this is just me, right now. There’s a lot of disinformation out there, and I’m very skeptical of everything that came after the Enlightenment especially, and particularly after World War II. You gotta look at everything that is being promoted in the conspiracy industry, and then ask some serious questions about it, that’s all I’m saying.

    I could be wrongheaded about all of this, which is why you should use your own mind and heart to assess EVERYTHING. Stated more spiritually if you can indulge me a bit, put your trust in God, not the words of men. You won’t falter that way.

    • Jeremiah says:

      “We’re not discussing reptoids from the Draco constellation here, we’re actually employing our critical faculties in the process.”

      In the height of my delusions I imagined there were reptilian beings from a higher dimension who exert control over those of us in the lower dimensions and this put new meaning to the phrase, “What’s up, man?”

      When I think about some of the other things I experienced, it’s hard to accept they were merely a product of my own brain. Especially some of the things that happened. Like when the keys to my handcuffs wouldn’t work for the cop who was trying to undo them, and I knew they wouldn’t. Very interesting indeed.

      These days I tend to think the Elders are just as you say. And I tend to think that they have a good goal in mind but there has to be some misery to get there. A character in Asimov’s Foundation series wondered why, if the Seldon Plan were so perfect, there had to be wars at all. Are you familiar with the Foundation series, the Second Foundation? The Mule? Heh.

      Can I ask where/how you’ve accumulated your knowledge? Are there any focal point sites that you went to? How did you gather your knowledge. You are also much better with words than I am; I’m impressed.

      • A says:

        I am familiar with the first Foundation book, and yes, Asimov was in on something. There’s double speak in there as well. And it’s interesting how Hardin and those other elites were discussing how scientism is false, but necessary to be adopted by the ignorant masses. They, of course, retained the occult knowledge for themselves.

        As for my knowledge, it has been accumulated through the combination of innate curiosity, a lot of reading, a lot of thinking, and a series of spiritual awakenings. There are a few websites I’ve visited, but not religiously, and honestly, I would not endorse them at this point. I’ve just always been “different”, though I don’t look odd or anything, but inside, I never understood why people behaved the way they do, they always struck me as funny and a bit idiotic. Now I know why, civilization has been under mind control for centuries, and I happened to be one of those starry-eyed children that sensed the veil of bullshit enveloping society. I also fell prey to a lot of their tricks and gimmicks but I have worked to improve my reasoning faculties and was able to finally translate a lot of these nebulous knowings into logical language structures, that others may benefit as well. I’ve spent a fair amount of time researching the “Jewish” question. Yes they are powerful, yes it’s usually a losing proposition to speak out against them, but there was something that bothered me about the whole subject. It was TOO convenient, too carefully arranged to explain everything, I knew there was more to the issue. I wanted to know the truth, not to be proven right. That meant a lot of rude awakenings, but I’ve made the difficult choices in letting go of falsities when the time was ripe, and thus have I accumulated what I now know. It’s a lifelong process, and I plan to distribute freely, so that my fellow seekers who are on this insanely dark road can hopefully find in me a flicker of light, however dim. It may be all they need in their darkest hour.

  16. A says:

    I have something good lined up that will attempt to address the question of long-term survival and where I think we are headed – and why our apparently futile quest for “the truth” is not only not futile, but necessary. It’s actually a hopeful vision. Stay tuned…

  17. A says:

    I’m not necessarily agreeing with everything this guy says, for example I’m not sold on the alien interpretation of events, but I’ve used some of his observations in my own research:

    Jesus is Satan (video 1 of 7)

    Most of his videos are worth watching, particularly on the NWO and anything referencing the Kabbalah (the REAL one that the adepts use, not the fake mainstream one that Madonna promotes and is taught in seminars and auditoriums).

  18. A says:

    You know, I’m approaching the completion of my 29th sun cycle on this planet, and for all the misery I’ve gone through, my future is bright from the system’s perspective. I have a promising career path here in Silicon Valley, a beautiful new home, I’m intelligent and charismatic enough to make a ton of money, but… my heart is elsewhere. All of the “successful” people I’ve seen are either miserable or well-adjusted psychopaths. On some level, I know that the picket fence is a lie. But at the same time, I do sometimes wonder if I’m throwing my life away for pursuits that will come to naught. Will I be strong enough to walk away from the comfortable lie for the harsh truth, long-term? I’d like to straddle the fence but I already know that sooner or later I’m going to have to choose. You can have the light, or you can have the yacht. I have to take that leap of faith, because this work is too important, too sacred, but the nagging doubt about its practicality persists. Difficult game, this life is.

    • Jeremiah says:

      I don’t really see effective resistance happening. These days I tend to think it’s best to live your life, spread the truth to benefit yourself and those close to you, and get on with life.

      • A says:

        J, I’m actually going to jettison the long post I was working on; I’m just not as convinced in its message at this time, and I don’t think you’re missing out on anything. I’m taking my leave now, I gotta get going with my own stuff. I’m definitely not abandoning the quest for truth, and in fact, I’m amping up my research efforts and am planning on writing a book as well, if not more. But I’m leaving my old life behind. The “truth” movement is fake and corrupt to the core. I’m leaving the matrix, I’m going my own way. Tranquility, suppressed books, the special girl… you know, the stuff that actually matters. May fortune be on your side always. I certainly will, in spirit.

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